a custom silverAppBar with scrollUp animation - flutter - flutter

I want to create a SliverAppBar with up scroll animation.
the children of sliverAppBar are resized depending on the height of silverAppBar and the text should be invisible in the small size like below (with animation)
Qst: what is the best way to implement it
I used the SliverAppBar before but wasn't that complicated like the current example.
its my first time working on something like this.
so any suggestion would be helpful


How do i build an AppBar that has a background image and overlay text on it and a TabBar on the bottom which gets pinned on scroll?

I want to build something that is similar to the Masterclass app which has a background image and a tab bar which gets pinned to the top while scrolling down and the background image has overlay text which scrolls without affecting the background image. I want to replicate this in Flutter and need some help. Anyone who has an idea to replicate this UI would be of significant help.
To set up the static background image, we need to use the Stack widget which allows to layer its children. And the NestedScrollView widget for nested scroll views. You can find explanation and code here

How do I add a blur effect at the top and bottom edge of vertical scrollView in flutter

I'm Trying to implement a vertical Scroll view with multiple items inside. Currently the scroll view works just fine but the edges seems to be very sharp and its cropping like this while scrolling,
instead I need to blur the top and bottom edge.
I'm looking for something similar to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/61151054/12890791, but this answer is for horizontal scroll.
Make the appBar transparent, set elevation to zero. In the scaffold, set extendBody and extend bodyBehind appBar to true

how to Make Container() shrink when user scroll down the screen

i wanna shrink [ Description section ] when user scroll down.
like sliver appbar but reversed.
i expected to find flutter widget like sliver bottombar and i disappointed.
I want to Make Container() shrink when user scroll down the screen
and scroll up starting position make Container() expanded as first time.
How can i do this??
You could use AnimatedContainer https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/animation/animated-container (doc)
Also, you must use ScrollController https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/ScrollController-class.html (doc).
To listen for the scroll event, and each time when a user scrolls down/up maybe in some cases left/right, you will recalculate the height of your AnimatedContainer, and set a new state.

Vertical Scrolling + effects on top and bottom

I am trying to make a design similar to this Scroll Effect
Any ideas on how to do this?
What I tried (failed): Vertical scrolling pageview where the middle child is a SingleChildScrollview. But the SingleChildScrollview stops the vertical pageview from working.
I tried adding a scroll controller to the Scrollview in the PageView, and animatedJumpToPage when I reached the bottom of the scrollview, but this has an ugly effect and theres gotta be a better way to do this
Try using a ListView widget. It easily allows you to have a vertical scroll mechanism without adding any controllers or anything complicated.

Flutter: Number picker Horizontal Scroll and selected item always in middle

I am working on the number picker with horizontal scroll and the view looks like in the below image.
I have tried to customize this library as per my requirement. But after customize, it looks like this
There is listwheelscrollview for the vertical scroll and for horizontal its added for the new feature https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/25074
Any alternative solution for now to make the same view?