Sencha touch multiple data views in a container, scrolls horizontally and vertically - touch

I have a navigation view and multiple data views inside it.
Everything works fine, but when i try to scroll any of the data views horizontally, the component also scrolls vertically( Please watch the video here: )
I want it to be such that when the dataview is scrolling, the vertical scroll should be stopped. But vertical scroll should happen when we scroll vertically out side the dataview.
Any ideas how we can achieve it?

You can use the directionLock configuration. Example:
scrollable: {
direction: 'horizontal',
directionLock: true


Disable vertical scroll in WKWebview when scrolling down in top of View

How to disable vertical scroll view when user swiping down finger from top of view like on the screen below?
Don't need that code,
self.webView.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false
because it blocs all scrolling.
We also need to use vertical scroll view,
but without the gray box that appears when the user has gone up the page. How to block this moment?
Thanks in advance!
You need to disable bouncing
self.webView.scrollView.bounces = false

Smooth Scrolling between Table/Collection View and the Scroll View

I am implementing a scroll view which consists of an image underneath it is a collection view.
What I want to do is a smooth scrolling between the page as if the collection view is just elements in the scroll view.
But what happens is the when I scroll, the collection view needs to be dragged twice to exit it or to enter it.
What I mean is that when the scroll view first appears there is an image and under it is collection view. when I scroll down if I touch the image, the scroll is done correctly, however, if I touch the view the image is still here and a small scroll is done then when I scroll again the scroll is done right and the collection view takes the whole screen
After that when I scroll upwards, the same happens a small scroll happens then I have to touch again to do the scroll right and show the image.
EDIT: This GIF shows would clarify what I mean :
Edit: The best solution was to create a TableView/CollectionView header and and my header in it and scroll normally for the table/collection view.
Old solution
The solution as provided in a comment by #MayurKarmur was to disable the scrolling in the collection view and adding height to collection view according to its content.

Horizontal Scrolling when Scrollview inside Scrollview

I have two horizontal paging scroll views where a one is smaller and a subview of the the other. Is there a setup that consistently allows a horizontal drag to move the outer scroll view when there is no more paging to do in the inner scroll view?
Apparently you have to turn off the rubberbanding in the inner scroll view for this to work properly.

Two UIScrollView's on top of each other?

I'm working on a iphone game, and part of it includes a section where you scroll horizontally through a list of images (which have transparent backgrounds).
but I also want to be able to vertically scroll and change the background image, without the image in the horizontal scroll view changing.
I have the horizontal scrollview working now, and I've placed a second scrollview behind it for the vertical scrollview, but obviously the vertical scrollview doesn't catch the up/down swipes.
Is there some way to push vertical swipes through to the second scrollview, but catch the horizontal swipes on the first?
IF you implement the scrollViewDidScroll Delegate for the first scroll view and catch the scroll offset, you can pass the same to the second scroll and control how the offset moves on the second scroll.

Is there a way to achieve parallel scrolling of two tableview?

Let's say, i have two tableview inside a scrollview. After i scrolled up & down tableview1, and then touch and swipe to scroll the scrollview horizontally to tableview2, i want tableview2 to have the same vertical (up & down) position as tableview1. is there any way to achieve that?
You can put code in the UITableViews' viewWillDisplay: methods that grabs the other table view's scroll position (called a "content offset" in scroll view parlance) and calls setContentOffset:animated:. This way, whenever either scroll view will appear on the screen, it will automatically scroll to the other view's position.