Creating tables in Gtk - gtk

I want to create tables like excel, that it have rows, have columns. But, when I search in internet, finding the Table as container.
How can i create tables in Gtk?

The Treeview container allows all excel like sheet functions like sorting, selecting, filtering etc.
Treeview Tutorial

In GTK4, there is Gtk::ColumnView
I created a demo for using the column view here in rust, but the concepts may be portable to python
Example screenshot


PostgreSQL: Information about sources (for a View)

I have a VIEW which is huge. Lots of tables, other views and CASE WHENs feed this view.
I would like to make sense of it, so I figured I could write some statement in order to get a table-like output with sources for all columns within this VIEW. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how to do this (as for some columns there are multiple sources).
Also, would it be possible to have this also in a diagram-type drawing?
I know i can select multiple tables and then get a diagram with connections between them, but what about different sources for the columns within this VIEW?
I would even appreciate any other way to approach this.
I got this task to write down all sources for all columns and try figure out which ones (tables/or calculated fields) are no longer working for the VIEW. Unfortunately, very few tables have a "last_updated" column so there is no way for me to find out if/when they got last updated.
I figured out, I could make an inventory first, and then go through all departments tracking down who works on what.
I use Dbeaver for Postgres databases (if that matters)

Multiple table import from html page

I am a beginner in using databases, I decide upon Postgres as I have learnt it is usable with Python.
I have reports that I receive in the form of html files, each file has multiple (100+) tables when parsed with Pandas data frame function, there is no unique ID common among all tables, and each table has unique columns.
Is it possible to import all tables, and merge them as a single table with ALL the columns in it, and have each report be a single entry in this new table with a PostgreSQL built-in feature, or do I have to develop a data pipeline using python and add them in manually?
I hope my question is clear enough.
Thank you.

Is it possible to copy just highlighted numbers from Tableau?

I have a Tableau workbook that connects to a database and then has several sheets that reorganize the data into different tables and graphs that I need.
If I make a sheet that has 2 rows and 1 field for example, I can't highlight the numbers and just copy them without also copying the row names for each item.
Is there a way I can copy just the numbers, nothing else?
It does not appear to be possible :(
As can be seen from the following Tableau threads:
Copy data from Text tables to clipboard
Copy single cell from view data
various incarnations of your request have already been asked of the development team that have yet to make it into Tableau. I also couldn't find anything in the user documents that describes a workaround.
There's a way to do this using Python and probably Autohotkey if that's of interest - both options are hackish.

Filemaker Pro Advanced - Scripting import from ODBC with variable target table

I have several tables I'm importing from ODBC using the import script step. Currently, I have an import script for each and every table. This is becoming unwieldy as I now have nearly 200 different tables.
I know I can calculate the SQL statement to say something like "Select * from " & $TableName. However, I can't figure out how to set the target table without specifying it in the script. Please, tell me I'm being dense and there is a good way to do this!
Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Nicole Willson
Integrated Research
Unfortunately, the target table of an import has to be hard coded in FileMaker up through version 12 if you're using the Import Records script step. I can think of a workaround to this, but it's rather convoluted and if you're importing a large number of records, would probably significantly increase the time to import them.
The workaround would be to not use the Import Records script step, but to script the creation of records and the population of data into fields yourself.
First of all, the success of this would depend on how you're using ODBC. As far as I can think, it would only work if you're using ODBC to create shadow tables within FileMaker so that FileMaker can access the ODBC database via other script steps. I'm not an expert with the other ODBC facilities of FileMaker, so I don't know if this workaround would be helpful in other cases.
So, if you have a shadow table into the remote ODBC database, then you can use a script something like the following. The basic idea is to have two sets of layouts, one for the shadow tables that information is coming from and another for the FileMaker tables that the information needs to go to. Loop through this list, pulling information from the shadow table into variables (or something like the dictionary library I wrote which you can find at Then go to the layout linked to the target table, create a record and populate the fields.
This isn't a novice technique, however. In addition to using variables and loops, you're also going to have to use FileMaker's design functions to determine the source and destination of each field and Set Field By Name to put the data in the right place. But as far as I can tell, it's the only way to dynamically target tables for importing data.

Editing tables with MSHTML

Is there a way to create/edit a table using MSHTML without resorting to editing the underlying HTML?
If you want to automate this you can manipulate the DOM by adding rows and cells and tables if need to the document.
One the tables and rows are there the user can edit them like any other part of the document.