Editing tables with MSHTML - mshtml

Is there a way to create/edit a table using MSHTML without resorting to editing the underlying HTML?

If you want to automate this you can manipulate the DOM by adding rows and cells and tables if need to the document.
One the tables and rows are there the user can edit them like any other part of the document.


Multiple table import from html page

I am a beginner in using databases, I decide upon Postgres as I have learnt it is usable with Python.
I have reports that I receive in the form of html files, each file has multiple (100+) tables when parsed with Pandas data frame function, there is no unique ID common among all tables, and each table has unique columns.
Is it possible to import all tables, and merge them as a single table with ALL the columns in it, and have each report be a single entry in this new table with a PostgreSQL built-in feature, or do I have to develop a data pipeline using python and add them in manually?
I hope my question is clear enough.
Thank you.

Creating tables in Gtk

I want to create tables like excel, that it have rows, have columns. But, when I search in internet, finding the Table as container.
How can i create tables in Gtk?
The Treeview container allows all excel like sheet functions like sorting, selecting, filtering etc.
Treeview Tutorial
In GTK4, there is Gtk::ColumnView https://docs.gtk.org/gtk4/class.ColumnView.html
I created a demo for using the column view here in rust, but the concepts may be portable to python https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk4-rs/pull/1111
Example screenshot

Is it possible to copy just highlighted numbers from Tableau?

I have a Tableau workbook that connects to a database and then has several sheets that reorganize the data into different tables and graphs that I need.
If I make a sheet that has 2 rows and 1 field for example, I can't highlight the numbers and just copy them without also copying the row names for each item.
Is there a way I can copy just the numbers, nothing else?
It does not appear to be possible :(
As can be seen from the following Tableau threads:
Copy data from Text tables to clipboard
Copy single cell from view data
various incarnations of your request have already been asked of the development team that have yet to make it into Tableau. I also couldn't find anything in the user documents that describes a workaround.
There's a way to do this using Python and probably Autohotkey if that's of interest - both options are hackish.

How to open a specific table on startup or connect?

In my current environment I have a HUGE list of tables to scroll down through and finding that specific table I need to double-click is tedious (almost like trying to find a needle in a haystack).
Is there a way to open a specific table upon connecting to a database?
Alternatively, is there a way to create "shortcuts" (something like "favorites") to certain tables, so that they are easily accessible/findable upon SQL Developer startup?
I don't believe it is possible to set up a set of "Favorite" tables. However, if you right-click on Tables in your connection, there is an Apply Filter option. That lets you specify criteria to filter the set of tables that are displayed based on the name of the table or on other attributes like the last DDL time, etc. That's generally the easiest way to reduce the list to a reasonable number of tables.

Export Core Data information to Excel Sheet

I want to have an iPhone app where the user can export the data held by the application to an Excel spreadsheet (as well as a host of other formats).
So the idea is that each entity would be a new row in the sheet, with the attributes being different columns.
Is this possible?
Excel and similar programs can import files that are in a delimited text format such as CSV.
It is definitely possible to manipulate Core Data attributes into strings and then combine them in such a format using the strategy that you describe: instances of an entity are rows and attributes are columns.
Note: you would need a different file for each entity that you wanted to export.
Do you need to do anything with the relationships between entities?
Did you have a specific concern?