Is it possible to copy just highlighted numbers from Tableau? - tableau-api

I have a Tableau workbook that connects to a database and then has several sheets that reorganize the data into different tables and graphs that I need.
If I make a sheet that has 2 rows and 1 field for example, I can't highlight the numbers and just copy them without also copying the row names for each item.
Is there a way I can copy just the numbers, nothing else?

It does not appear to be possible :(
As can be seen from the following Tableau threads:
Copy data from Text tables to clipboard
Copy single cell from view data
various incarnations of your request have already been asked of the development team that have yet to make it into Tableau. I also couldn't find anything in the user documents that describes a workaround.
There's a way to do this using Python and probably Autohotkey if that's of interest - both options are hackish.


PostgreSQL: Information about sources (for a View)

I have a VIEW which is huge. Lots of tables, other views and CASE WHENs feed this view.
I would like to make sense of it, so I figured I could write some statement in order to get a table-like output with sources for all columns within this VIEW. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how to do this (as for some columns there are multiple sources).
Also, would it be possible to have this also in a diagram-type drawing?
I know i can select multiple tables and then get a diagram with connections between them, but what about different sources for the columns within this VIEW?
I would even appreciate any other way to approach this.
I got this task to write down all sources for all columns and try figure out which ones (tables/or calculated fields) are no longer working for the VIEW. Unfortunately, very few tables have a "last_updated" column so there is no way for me to find out if/when they got last updated.
I figured out, I could make an inventory first, and then go through all departments tracking down who works on what.
I use Dbeaver for Postgres databases (if that matters)

How to copy Tableau Data Extract logic?

Someone in my org created a Data Extract. There is an issue in one of the worksheets that uses it, and we suspect it's due to a mistake in how the Union was built.
But since it's a Data Extract, I can't see the UI for the data merge. Is there anyway to take a current Data Extract and view the logic that creates it?
Download the extract from the server (I'm assuming you're using server), then open that extract using desktop. You should be able to see the details of it.
Before going too deep into extract details, note that extracts are not intended to be permanent systems of record for data - just an efficient way to work with query results for optimized reporting. So in general, you should always be able to throw away the extract and look at the original source - or recreate the extract on command. But life isn't always perfect so ...
If you use Tableau Desktop to look at your worksheet, and look at the data source icon at the top of the data pane in the left sidebar, do you see an icon for your data source that looks like two databases with one on top of (shadowing) the other? If so, you can at right click on the data source icon and view its properties to see the source database table or file path. You can then even try disabling the extract to view the original source data.
If instead you see a single database icon, you have a "naked" extract where you've discarded the reference to the original source, (unless it is stored in the catalog mentioned below.)
If your organization purchased the Data Management Add-on for Tableau Server (strongly recommended), then if your data source is published to Tableau Server you can trace its history and origin by exploring the Tableau Catalog. That is especially valuable if the extract was built by a Tableau Prep Flow.
If instead, someone built the extract another way, say by writing a custom app using the Tableau Data Extract API, then the answer is to find that program.
One last point, in recent versions of Tableau, extracts are stored in an efficient relational type database file called Hyper. Hyper extracts can either be a single table (say serializing the results of a query joining multiple tables) or a Hyper extract can contain multiple tables (say serializing caching individual tables and deferring the join for later).
That may not be relevant to your question, but could turn out to matter as you reverse engineer how the extract was created.

Tableau TDE or connect to files directly?

I have a personal license for Tableau. I am using it to connect to .csv and .xlsx files currently but am running into some issues.
1) The .csv files are massive (10+ gig)
2) The Excel files are starting to reach the 1mil row limit
3) I need to add certain columns to the .csv files sometimes (like unique ID and a few formulas) which means that I need to open sections of them in Excel, modify what I need to, then save a new file
Would it be better to create an extract for each of these files and then connect the Tableau Workbook to the extract instead of the file? Currently I am connected directly to files and then extract data from there and refresh everyday.
I don't know about others, but I'm using that exactly guideline. I'll have some Workbooks that will simply serve to extract data from some datasource (be it SQL, xlsx, csv, mdb, or any other), and all analysis will be performed in other Workbooks, that'll connect only to tdes
The advantages are:
1) Whenever you need to update a data source, you'll need to only update once (and replace the tde file) and all your workbooks will be up to date. If you connect to the same data source and extract to different tde files, you'll have to extract to all those different tde files (and worry about having updated the extract in that specific Workbook). And even if you extract to the same tde (which doesn't make much sense), it can be confusing (am I connected to the tde or to the file? Does the extract I made in the other workbook updated this one too? Well, yes it did, but it can be confusing)
2) You don't have to worry about replacing a datasource, especially when it's a csv, xlsx or mdb file. You can keep many different versions of those files, and choose which one is the best one. For instance, I'll have table_v1.mdb, table_v2.mdb, ..., and a single table_v1.tde, which will be the extract of one of those mdb files. And I still have the previous versions in case I need them.
3) When you have a SQL connection, or anything that is not a file (csv, xlsx, mdb), extracts are very handy for basically the same reasons above, with (at least) one upside. You don't need to connect to a server every time you want to perform an analysis. That means you can do everything offline, and the person using Tableau doesn't need to have access to the SQL table (or any other source).
One good practice is always keeping a back-up when updating a tde (because, well, shit happens)
10 gig csv, wow. Yes, you should absolutely use a data extract, that would be much quicker. For that much data you could look at other connections such as MS Access or a SQL instance.
If your data have that many rows, I would try to set up a small MySQL instance on your local machine and keep the data there instead. You would be able to connect Tableau directly to the MySQL instance and would be able to easily edit the source data.

Exporting into a single large CSV from MySQL Workbench into the client machine without viewing it on GUI?

After going through similar questions on Stackoverflow, I am unable to find a method where I could export a large CSV file from a query made in MySQL workbench (v 5.2).
The query is about 4 million rows, 8 columns (comes to about 300Mb when exported as a csv file).
Currently I load the entire rows (have see it in the GUI) and use the export option. This makes my machine crash most of the time)
My constraints are:
I am not looking for a solution via bash terminal.
I need to export it to the client machine and not the database server.
Is this drawback of MySQL Workbench?
How do I not see it in GUI but yet export all the rows into a single file?
There is a similar question I found, but the answers dont meet the constraints I have:
" Exporting query results in MySQL Workbench beyond 1000 records "
In order to export to CSV you first have to load all that data, which is a lot to have in a GUI. many controls are simply no made to carry that much data. So your best bet is to avoid GUI as much as possible.
One way could be to run your query outputting to a text window (see Query menu). This is not CSV but at least should work. You can then try to copy out the text into a spreadsheet and convert it to CSV.
If that is too much work try limiting your rows into ranges, say 1 million each, using the LIMIT clause on your query. Lower the size until you have one that can be handled by MySQL Workbench. You will get n CSV files you have to concatenate later. A small application or (depending on your OS) a system tool should be able to strip headers and concatenate the files into one.

Fields on tables linked to Access 2010 from Postgres not becoming Memo?

I have a repeating problem that just feels so basic yet I cannot solve it nor can I find a solution online. Really hoping someone has something simple.
I have multiple situations where I have relatively large tables stores in Postgres (v8.4) and I want to be able to easily display them for my testers to review. The tables always have character varying fields that go well beyond the 255 max that Access wants to display in a Text field; it should become a Memo field. The data also has every possible separator imaginable already in it (tab, carriage return, semi colon, pipe, etc) and extracting it to Excel or such will never work smoothly. The easiest thing WOULD be using ODBC to link the table into an Access DB and viewing it there ... except that when I link or import, Access translates the field to Text. I've tried settings on the ODBC, but nothing can get those Fields to be Memo.
I'll take a way to extract to Excel cleaner, to view it in Access better .. just anything that gets me the entire table in a low level user friendly way to consistently get a table like that to a place they can review it. Suggestions?
Better late than never..
I just ran into this problems with Access 2010 and Postgres 9.1. I found a setting in the Postgres ODBC driver settings that you have to change. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, select the datasource that you setup and click the 'Configure...' button.
Click the 'Datasources' button.
Uncheck the 'Text as LongVarChar' checkbox
In Access, you may have to delete the linked tables and re-add them. I tried relinking and one table updated properly and one did not. After deleting are re-adding, I had both working.
Try setting text datatype for all columns that you want to have Memo Data Type. I checked that with PostgreSQL 9.0 (64 bit), psqlodbc_09_00_0310 (32 bit, so I created User DSN under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe) and as I see all columns wit text type become Memo, as opposite to characted(6) column that has Text Data Type in Access.