CSS In GitHub Pages not linking properly - github

I'm working on a GitHub page, my first one, and I don't think my CSS is linking properly. The CSS won't show up on the page.
My repository: https://github.com/EnderCodesLol/endercodeslol.github.io/tree/main/rockpaperscissors
My page: https://endercodeslol.github.io/rockpaperscissors/
Any reasons?

Add font size property instead of text-size . The css file is linked already


Markdown: Reference to section from the same file

I'm writing a wiki in Git and I'd like to reference another section within the same page. I'm trying to reference a section that is within a drop down. It looks like this:
### Section I'd like referenced
[Link to ### Section I'd like referenced]
Any ideas? Is this even possible in Markdown? Note that this is within the wiki, and not a .md file in the repo
In other Wiki engines, and I presume with GitHub as well, this doesn't work because the disclosure element's contents, and therefore the link, are hidden and the browser can't navigate to them. The best I could do is to link to something just above my disclosure element, might even add a hidden one myself, e.g. <span id="link-here"/>

How do I add an image to the default layout in Typo3?

I want to add the company logo to the default layout page in Typo3 (located in myextension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/Default.html).
However, using the relative path as a source in an img-tag does not seem to work (I used ../../../Public/Images/imagename.jpg). The console shows that Typo3 seems to be looking in the following location: http://localhost/Public/Images/addressicon.jpg.
How do I insert the image located at myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg?
How about /typo3conf/ext/myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg
I think EXT:myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg should work too.

Github page: readme before file list, not after?

Is there a way to make a repository's page on Github show its README.md above its list of top-level files? Scrolling past that list is tedious when it's long (for one's own repos), and when browsing others' repos (when the readme means more than the filenames).
Use this custom user stylesheet:
DIV.repository-content {
display: table
DIV.js-repo-meta-container {
display: table-caption
DIV.readme {
display: table-header-group
This turns the DIV that groups most of the page's elements into a table, and then makes the README element a table header. This moves it top of the "table." I also turned the "meta" element into a caption for the table so it appears above the README, because that's informative when browsing repositories.
Obviously this styleseet is fragile and will break when GitHub decides to redo how they style their pages.
For this custom stylesheet to work it needs to be set as a custom CSS in your browser. This may be easy (Internet Explorer), difficult (Firefox), needing an extension (Chrome), or impossible (Edge?).
Nope, I think github is just setup to always show files first. sorry :'(

Replace Bootstrap default css

I am trying out divshot for to evaluate if we can use it for our company, but have one question. Our company uses a custom version of bootstrap, is there a way to specify a "theme" for bootsrap or to replace the bootstrap default css? I've basically ripped all drop shadows and border radius from everything and made the styles more flat. Just wanted to know if we could over ride that default bootstrap stylesheet.
Yes, you can upload a custom bootstrap.css file into your project and then simply replace the <link> tag in any Divshot HTML page with a relative link. So if I uploaded my custom theme to css/my-bootstrap.css in the project, I could then link it like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/my-bootstrap.css">

Plone/XDV Related Item Overlay is Empty

I have a Plone 4 site using collective.xdv for the theme. Overlays for the login and contact form work fine.
But if I go to edit > categorization tab and try to add a related item, the overlay is blank. Looking at it in Firebug, the tags are correct down to div.overlaycontent. But inside of that div is my static HTML from the XDV theme's index.html.
Is there a special rule that I need for the overlays?
I cannot use plone.app.theming because this site is using more than just Plone.
In the xdv configuration(or append "##xdv-settings" onto site url), you can add unstyled paths.
I think what you'll need is:
If neither of those work, figure out the url that's being requested and add it as an unstyled path.