How do I add an image to the default layout in Typo3? - typo3

I want to add the company logo to the default layout page in Typo3 (located in myextension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/Default.html).
However, using the relative path as a source in an img-tag does not seem to work (I used ../../../Public/Images/imagename.jpg). The console shows that Typo3 seems to be looking in the following location: http://localhost/Public/Images/addressicon.jpg.
How do I insert the image located at myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg?

How about /typo3conf/ext/myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg
I think EXT:myextension/Resources/Public/Images/imagename.jpg should work too.


Using Flexform-FAL Image in Typo3 10.x WITH editor

I wonder how to get the editor (image manipulation / crop) in Typo3 Flexform FAL image working. How to run up the FAL inside Flexform is not a big deal, but... how to get the editor? I din't found any solution, so it would be great getting some help.
the reason why I try it in flexform, is that I want ot stay on core functions without using flux and all that horrible stuff just to prevent version chaos....
here is a similar example of how I realsied it in Flexform.
How to create a file upload field in flexform of a custom extbase extension in TYPO3 10?
anyone got a solution get the editor running?
Found a solution
BUT: how can I use the cropped image in FE?

How to set up a TypoScript Playground in Typo 3?

How can one play around with TypoScript code shown in documentations about TypoScript?
Tested with a local Typo3 test instance, Typo3 version 9.5.5, Official Introduction Package installed.
In the backend, create a new page in the tree. Rightclick -> enable it (the red overlay should disappear). Make sure it is selected in the tree.
Click on the blue Template button on the left. Usually it will show you the blue No Template message.
Make sure on the top Info/Modify is selected from the drop down.
Click the gray + (New record) button under the drop down.
On the bottom, click Edit the whole template record.
Optionally give it a speaking template and website title, like 'Playaround' and 'Play Around'.
Optionally, under tab Options -> Clear, select Constants and Setup - this will clear everything this Template has inherited from parent templates, but will also disable the debug infos at the bottom of the frontend for this page (if you have installed the Official Introduction Package).
Under the tab General -> text entry Setup, enter the following TypoScript:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World
press the Save and then the View button.
A new tab opens, showing you the frontend for your page, printing the text 'Hello World'.
Now you can play around with the code examples given in eg. the TypoScript Reference.
Funnily enough, I just found out that Typoscript is by definition not a programming language, but a configuration description. That's why Typo3 is needed as a substructure for this, I think. There seem to be online demos of Typo3 on the net, but I don't know whether they are up to date and whether you can test TypoScript there. Therefore access local containers / installations as suggested. Or if the possibility exists a dev subdomain.

Adding own CSS to TYPO3 backend [v9]

I am trying to add some CSS styles to the TYPO3 backend (v9). I've added the stylesheet and the following line to the ext_tables.php of my own extension (as described in the file typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Template/DocumentTemplate.php).
$GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skins'][$_EXTKEY]['stylesheetDirectories'] = ['EXT:my_extension/styles.css'];
When I check the configuration, the new entry show up, so that looks fine. But I don't see any style changes to the backend.
Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
As the key value (stylesheetDirectories) indicates, this should point to a directory. It will add all .css files in that directory.
Also, don't set $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skins'][$_EXTKEY]['stylesheetDirectories'] as a new array, but use $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skins'][$_EXTKEY]['stylesheetDirectories'][] = 'EXT:my_extension/styles/';. That way other extensions can also add stylesheets without it being overwritten by your extension.

How to set dimensions of TYPO3 RTE wizard?

When adding a certain tyle of link in TYPO3 RTE. We always have to resize the wizard window because we can't see all the options on the right.
Is there a way to set the height and width of the RTE wizard in TYPO3 when adding a link ?
Current setup:
- TYPO3 7.6.23
The following code has to be inserted in the field "Page TSConfig" in the page-properties of the root-page, then the configuration is available for all pages.
After saving the windows to create / modify links have the defined size.
The numbers can be adjusted to the own needs but is then configured for all users.
RTE.default { = 800 = 800
To adjust the windows related to further buttons the lines can be copied and then link has to be replaced by the name of the button.
A full list can be found here:
An explanation of all options related to buttons.[ button-name ].dialogueWindow can be found here. Scroll down to see all the options, they're listed and explained one by one.

Plone/XDV Related Item Overlay is Empty

I have a Plone 4 site using collective.xdv for the theme. Overlays for the login and contact form work fine.
But if I go to edit > categorization tab and try to add a related item, the overlay is blank. Looking at it in Firebug, the tags are correct down to div.overlaycontent. But inside of that div is my static HTML from the XDV theme's index.html.
Is there a special rule that I need for the overlays?
I cannot use because this site is using more than just Plone.
In the xdv configuration(or append "##xdv-settings" onto site url), you can add unstyled paths.
I think what you'll need is:
If neither of those work, figure out the url that's being requested and add it as an unstyled path.