Replace Bootstrap default css - divshot

I am trying out divshot for to evaluate if we can use it for our company, but have one question. Our company uses a custom version of bootstrap, is there a way to specify a "theme" for bootsrap or to replace the bootstrap default css? I've basically ripped all drop shadows and border radius from everything and made the styles more flat. Just wanted to know if we could over ride that default bootstrap stylesheet.

Yes, you can upload a custom bootstrap.css file into your project and then simply replace the <link> tag in any Divshot HTML page with a relative link. So if I uploaded my custom theme to css/my-bootstrap.css in the project, I could then link it like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/my-bootstrap.css">


How do you insert a python string into a link tag html

I’m trying to make a scraper project that takes links and displays on a html page but you can’t use html tags in pyscript tag.
Is there any way to do it
What I find with printing the link is that it gives the literal string of the link and not a clickable link
This isn’t the actual code but acts as an an example of the problem
Var= ‘Link’
<a href=link>Link</a>
You have created a clickable anchor tag. Move your mouse over the text and click it.
The problem is that the pyscript.css file is overwriting the attributes of some HTML tags changing how they appear. Remove pyscript.css from your program and notice the difference.
You could add your own CSS and make the Anchor Element appear how you want. To write serious PyScript programs you will need to learn about the browser DOM, CSS, etc.

How do I move or include compressed and concatenated CSS to footer in TYPO3?

Seems like a simple question, since you can do it with JS files, but I can't seem to find an answer.
I know for javascript things like moveJsFromHeaderToFooter and includeJSFooter exist in typoscript config, but no such setting for stylesheets.
I compress and concatenate my stylesheets as well, so the result isn't a static file either.
I am not discussing its right or not but if you want to move whole CSS to footer here is the solution:
Copy file public/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html to some location in your basic extension like myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html
In Template Typoscript put:
config.pageRendererTemplateFile = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html
In myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html you see markers. Just move CSS markers you want to bottom.
The style tag is only valid in the head section. Thats why TYPO3 does not provide a move to footer option.
So please create valid html

gwtbootstrap always applies to all elements

I want to use GWT bootstrap for my application, so I added the jar to the classpath and inherited it in app.gwt.xml and it is working so far (I am new to Bootstrap).
So far I haven't used UIBinders for the layout and if in any way possible would like to leave it that way as I have a very dynamic UI which is generated programmatically and I have little experience with UIBinders. However for the elements that I want to use from gwtbootstrap I have created UIBinders (such as headings and buttons).
The problem is that not only the elements I create with UIBinders using the gwtbootstrap elements look like gwtbootstrap elements, but all elements on the page.
A simple example: it makes no difference whatsoever if I create a Heading like this using a bootstrap element
<b:Heading size="2">Hello GWT Bootstrap</b:Heading>
or like this using standard HTML
<h1>Hello GWT Bootstrap</h1>
both look like a GWT Bootstrap heading. The same applies for all other elements, so any element on the page is styled by gwtbootstrap, even if I don't want it to and I can't find a way to control this.
That's because gwt-bootstrap injects the bootstrap.css into your GWT app and bootstrap.css defines default styles for standard HTML elements like <h1>, etc.
If you don't want bootstrap to override the default styles there are several solutions:
Modify the bootstrap.css in the gwt-bootstrap library file and remove the styles that you don't want
Create a separate css file that sets the styles for the specific HTML elements back (using !important)
Extends gwt-bootstraps CssResources and pass a custom css file.
Solution 3 is probably the cleanest one.

How to use CSS inside serverfbml tag?

I am trying to develop a iframe based facebook application using ROR
here is my code for view
%script{:type => "text/fbml"}
= stylesheet_link_tag "http://serveraddress/stylesheets/main.css"
.title Check the Deck
the css simply doesn;t apply
i have accessed the css using absolute address and it has all the css for my application.
You can't link to a css in serverfbml, however you can embed the actual css directly into the serverfbml block. They will be processed and recognized - but they need to be inside the block.

TinyMCE Stylesheets in a layout

I am using the fullpage plugin:
I am trying to create a way for my users to select multiple layouts(I have about 6 layouts), in the layouts I have different
CSS rules that I would like to for example the background color
so in my layout (and this is just an example for brevity) I have
and then my layout.....
and then my layout.....
You get the idea ;), (I would like to use stylesheets but this did not seem to work either).
If I go into the editor and select the layout it looks great, until I hit save.
It is removed from the editors returned value (I am saving to a DB).
I have tried multiple things:
If in the layout I do this:
<style><!--Start Style-->
<!--End Style--></style>
and then my layout.....
when the user selects the layout the background color is not displayed but this is:
body{background-color:red} body{background-color:red}
but when I save it saves correctly???.
I have this as my setup
valid_elements : "*[*]",
extended_valid_elements: "style[type]",
I have tried multiple ways, looking for quite a while through tinyMCE's documentation and Googling and no luck.
Can anyone solve or suggest a better approach(The idea is to only have them select one layout which will do everything background color and layout)?
Thanks in Advance!
You should create your own css file for your content (configuration seting content_css) and add the desired class(es) to the formats configuration parameter. If you use the style plugin users are able to select the class from the style-drop-down and everything should be fine.