Markdown: Reference to section from the same file - github

I'm writing a wiki in Git and I'd like to reference another section within the same page. I'm trying to reference a section that is within a drop down. It looks like this:
### Section I'd like referenced
[Link to ### Section I'd like referenced]
Any ideas? Is this even possible in Markdown? Note that this is within the wiki, and not a .md file in the repo

In other Wiki engines, and I presume with GitHub as well, this doesn't work because the disclosure element's contents, and therefore the link, are hidden and the browser can't navigate to them. The best I could do is to link to something just above my disclosure element, might even add a hidden one myself, e.g. <span id="link-here"/>


How do I move or include compressed and concatenated CSS to footer in TYPO3?

Seems like a simple question, since you can do it with JS files, but I can't seem to find an answer.
I know for javascript things like moveJsFromHeaderToFooter and includeJSFooter exist in typoscript config, but no such setting for stylesheets.
I compress and concatenate my stylesheets as well, so the result isn't a static file either.
I am not discussing its right or not but if you want to move whole CSS to footer here is the solution:
Copy file public/typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html to some location in your basic extension like myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html
In Template Typoscript put:
config.pageRendererTemplateFile = EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html
In myext/Resources/Private/Templates/PageRenderer.html you see markers. Just move CSS markers you want to bottom.
The style tag is only valid in the head section. Thats why TYPO3 does not provide a move to footer option.
So please create valid html

Github page: readme before file list, not after?

Is there a way to make a repository's page on Github show its above its list of top-level files? Scrolling past that list is tedious when it's long (for one's own repos), and when browsing others' repos (when the readme means more than the filenames).
Use this custom user stylesheet:
DIV.repository-content {
display: table
DIV.js-repo-meta-container {
display: table-caption
DIV.readme {
display: table-header-group
This turns the DIV that groups most of the page's elements into a table, and then makes the README element a table header. This moves it top of the "table." I also turned the "meta" element into a caption for the table so it appears above the README, because that's informative when browsing repositories.
Obviously this styleseet is fragile and will break when GitHub decides to redo how they style their pages.
For this custom stylesheet to work it needs to be set as a custom CSS in your browser. This may be easy (Internet Explorer), difficult (Firefox), needing an extension (Chrome), or impossible (Edge?).
Nope, I think github is just setup to always show files first. sorry :'(

GitHub Gist CSS

I've embedded a GitHub Gist in a website for the first time, and am having some issues with how it appears. It seems like something in my Hugo theme's CSS is adding space above line 1 and below line 13.
The problematic display can be seen here.
Anyone have thoughts on how I could remove that space? I've never see a Gist render like this before for, nor can I find any questions on here that get at what I am seeing.
Thanks for your help!
gist-embed adds a class of data to the table container. It is used to customize the look of the embedded gist. Adjust your CSS selectors to fix the problem. I am sure you are inadvertently styling the data class directly, when in actuality you want to style a compound selector
Revisit your CSS code and adjust your selectors to reflect what you desire.

Hidden markdown text on GitHub

Is there anything in markdown syntax specifically on GitHub to support hidden text?
I just want to put some to-do notes in for myself, not to be visible.
As a tribute to the great answer by Tamas, and what's also asked a lot of times, below is an example of how to write foldable sections within MD files:
<summary><b>My section header in bold</b></summary>
Any folded content here. It requires an empty line just above it.
Just use standard HTML comments:
<!-- This is commented out. -->
(This DOESN'T work on GitHub, which strips out CSS. But it can work in other Markdown viewers/editors. The reason I am adding it is because this question came up first when Googling hidden field markdown).
You can hide the field using CSS, if the rendering process respects it and doesn't strip it out:
Is this worth the hassle, as opposed to using an HTML comment? Probably not in most cases, though it does allow toggling visibility on and off.
#### hidden field with metadata 👇
<div class="meta_for_parser tablespecs" style="visibility:hidden">{"dataname":"environment","colvar":"varname","colval":"value"}</div>
#### hidden field with metadata 👆
glow a Rust-based terminal viewer
Typora, on macos
Macdown, on macos
But not GitHub

Is it possible to create your own drag and drop Mailchimp template?

I'd like to create a custom drag and drop template so I can increase the design possibilities without losing the functionality. I can't find anything in their documentation.
I was hoping to create something like this, not sure if I'm missing something obvious but I can't find a drag and drop that allows for the different coloured background with columns too.
I could use a block of code but I can't edit the css styles so it wouldn't be responsive for mobile and also not very friendly for those who don't know html.
Rather old question, but to who it might be helpfull:
If you code your own template and upload it to Mailchimp you lose the 'drag & drop' system/UX interface with the different blocks. You are able to create repeatable blocks but then it works with a dropdown list. This is (in my humble opinion) not that user friendly and takes a while before you fully understand how to use the dropdown. I had to explain it to a client earlier today and took a while before they understood it, so I decided to write them a manual for it.
But the design you want to create should be possible to make with a standard MC template. In the 'design' tab you will find settings to control background colors etc.
Still not possible, answer from the Mailchimp support: "At the moment, it's not currently possible to code a drag and drop template completely--one of our drag and drop template layouts will need to be selected, but you can drop in Code blocks to get a little more control over the styling of certain sections."
Though, if it's any help, it is possible to fully custom code your own template, and then add in mailchimps special Template language to the template to open up sections as editable within the campaign builder--or even duplicate certain sections of content. It's not quite the same as the drag drop templates, but adds similar functionality. More info on working with template language can be found here:
I know this is an old question, but while searching for this myself I stumbled upon a solution posted here.
Basically it is possible to code your own drag n' drop template, but the solution has not been documented.
Find one of the Mailchimp templates (either one of the basic templates or a custom template from the 'Themes' menu.
Use 'Inspect element' and copy the source code of the iFramed html-email.
Paste in your preferred HTML-editor and modify as intended
Create your own template from the 'Paste in code' mode
If you want custom modules to be added by default, edit using the menu 'Edit design' in the bottom of the screen.
Save and exit :)
I found part of the answer on another topic: [Is it possible to code drag&drop templates for mailchimp?
If you add the following code into your main content div or td it will enable the drag and drop block editor:
mc:container="body_container" mccontainer="body_container"
<div mc:container="body_container" mccontainer="body_container"></div>
This code will add a block editor region to the preheader section:
mc:container="preheader_container" mccontainer="preheader_container"
For the header:
mc:container="header_container" mccontainer="header_container"
For the footer:
mc:container="footer_container" mccontainer="footer_container"
Note: It doesn't seem to matter what you call the mc:container. Creating a new container with a different name worked. Although using just mc:container tag seems to work at first by itself, the mccontainer (no colon) tag is required for it to save properly.
You can create your own drag and drop template you need to add the following into your html coded template where you want the 'drag and drop' feature to exist.
<div id="templateBody" mc:container="container_name" mccontainer="container_name" class="tpl-container">
<div mc:block="3502204" mc:blocktype="text" mcblock="3502204" mcblocktype="text" class="tpl-block"></div>
This can be repeated in your code multiple times for multiple insertions. I could not find documentation to indicate if the container name or block number needs to be unique, I did make it unique in my template.