reset the kubectl context to docker desktop - kubernetes

I have installed docker desktop on my windows 10 and have enabled Kubernetes. When I run the kubectl config current-context command I am getting this response gke_k8s-demo-263903_asia-south1-a_kubia. How do I set up the context to point to docker-desktop? I remember that I had worked with GKE earlier but not sure how to reset the context.

From your local machine run, you should see docker-desktop listed:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below:
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.


kubectl with Docker Desktop - how to connect

I was using kubectl with Docker Desktop - everything was fine
I think logged into Openshift via the Command line and kubectl seemed to point to OC cluster
I then logged out of Openshift and now kubectl doesn't seem to point at anything? How do I get to point it at docker desktop again?
sorted - kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

How to use kubectl command for kubernetes implemented in rancher run with docker?

I built a rancher using docker on server 1.
I created and added a kubernetes cluster on server 2, and I wanted to access the kubernetes with the kubectl command on server 2 local, but localhost:8080 error is displayed.
How can I apply kubectl command to kubernetes configured with docker rancher locally?
I fixed that issue modifying the kube config file.
The kubeconfig file can be checked by entering the rancher
The file to be modified is ~/.kube/config

How to access local kubernete cluster

I have deployed 1 master and 3 nodes on VM's.
I can run successfully "kubectl" command on the server's SSH CLI. I can deploy pods, all fine.
But I couldn't find how can I run "kubectl" command from my local and manage the K8S cluster? How can I do that?
You might have a kubeconfig file somewhere on the VMs. You can copy this one to your local device under $HOME/.kube/config, so kubectl knows how to access the cluster.
For more information, see the kubernetes documentation.
From your local machine run:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below (replace cluster-name with the cluster name you want to communicate with):
kubectl config use-context cluster-name
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.

Change flags to kubernetes api-server running inside Docker for Mac

I am running kubernetes inside 'Docker Desktop' on Mac OS High Sierra.
Is it possible to change the flags given to the kubernetes api-server with this setup?
I can see that the api-server is running.
I am able to exec into the api-server container. When I kill the api-server so I could run it with my desired flags, the container is immediately killed.
Try this to find the name of apiserver deployment:
kubectl -n kube-system get deploy | grep apiserver
Grab the name of deployment and edit its configuration:
kubectl -n kube-system edit deploy APISERVER_DEPLOY_NAME
When you do that the editor will open and from there you can change apiserver command line flags. After editing you should save and close editor, then your changes will be applied.
I there is no a deployment for kube-apiserver since those pods are static so they are created and managed by kubelet.
The way to change kube-api's parameters is like #hanx mentioned:
ssh into the master node (not a container);
update the file under - /etc/kubernetes/manifests/;
restart kubelet - systemctl restart kubelet;

Is there a way to specific the google cloud platform project for kubectl in the command?

Is there something like:
kubectl get pods --project=PROJECT_ID
I would like not to modify my default gcloud configuration to switch between my staging and production environment.
kubectl saves clusters/contexts in its configuration. If you use the default scripts to bring up the cluster, these entries should've been set for your clutser.
A brief overview of kubectl config:
kubectl config view let you to view the cluster/contexts in
your configuration.
kubectl config set-cluster and kubectl config set-context modifies/adds new entries.
You can use kubectl config use-context to change the default context, and kubectl --context=CONTEXT get pods to switch to a different context for the current command.
You can download credentials for each of your clusters using gcloud container clusters get-credentials which takes the --project flag. Once the credentials are cached locally, you can use the --context flag (as Yu-Ju explains in her answer) to switch between clusters for each command.