How to use kubectl command for kubernetes implemented in rancher run with docker? - kubernetes

I built a rancher using docker on server 1.
I created and added a kubernetes cluster on server 2, and I wanted to access the kubernetes with the kubectl command on server 2 local, but localhost:8080 error is displayed.
How can I apply kubectl command to kubernetes configured with docker rancher locally?

I fixed that issue modifying the kube config file.
The kubeconfig file can be checked by entering the rancher
The file to be modified is ~/.kube/config


How to restore accidentally deleted a kube-proxy DaemonSet in a Kubernetes cluster?

I accidentally deleted kube-proxy daemonset by using command: kubectl delete -n kube-system daemonset kube-proxy which should run kube-proxy pods in my cluster, what the best way to restore it?
That's how it should look
Kubernetes allows you to reinstall kube-proxy by running the following command which install the kube-proxy addon components via the API server.
$ kubeadm init phase addon kube-proxy --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --apiserver-advertise-address string
This will generate the output as
[addons] Applied essential addon: kube-proxy
The IP address the API Server will advertise it's listening on. If not set the default network interface will be used.
Hence kube-proxy will be reinstalled in the cluster by creating a DaemonSet and launching the pods.
kube-proxy daemon got created at the time of cluster creation, so you need to write your own manifest for daemon-set unless you have a backup to restore it from there.

Unable to switch from Minikube to AWS EKS on windows for Deployment

I have minikube on my local machine for testing deployment and I ran commands like
kubectl apply -f testingfile.yaml
and it worked fine. Now I want to perform the same on aws eks. I have followed all steps given in Created a config file and added that to the path. Commands like eksctl get cluster are correctly listing the clusters from aws eks but now when I run
kubectl apply -f testingfile.yaml
I am getting the following statement
deployment.apps/testingfile unchanged which means it is still applying the command inside minikube and not on aws eks. I have also deleted path variables related to minikube from environment variables but I am still unable to switch to aws eks for applying. I would like to deploy this on aws eks. Let me know what I am missing here
Checking your existing cluster contexts
There will multiple contexts one for Minikube and One for EKS
kubectl config get-contexs
change context to EKS if your config is set it will be there
kubectl config use-context <Name of context>
this way you can get changed to another clusters.

reset the kubectl context to docker desktop

I have installed docker desktop on my windows 10 and have enabled Kubernetes. When I run the kubectl config current-context command I am getting this response gke_k8s-demo-263903_asia-south1-a_kubia. How do I set up the context to point to docker-desktop? I remember that I had worked with GKE earlier but not sure how to reset the context.
From your local machine run, you should see docker-desktop listed:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below:
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.

How to access local kubernete cluster

I have deployed 1 master and 3 nodes on VM's.
I can run successfully "kubectl" command on the server's SSH CLI. I can deploy pods, all fine.
But I couldn't find how can I run "kubectl" command from my local and manage the K8S cluster? How can I do that?
You might have a kubeconfig file somewhere on the VMs. You can copy this one to your local device under $HOME/.kube/config, so kubectl knows how to access the cluster.
For more information, see the kubernetes documentation.
From your local machine run:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below (replace cluster-name with the cluster name you want to communicate with):
kubectl config use-context cluster-name
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.

I have deployed kubernetes cluster. The issue i have is that the dashboard is not accessible from external desktop system

I have deployed kubernetes cluster. The issue i have is that the dashboard is not accessible from external desktop system.
Following is my setup.
Two vm's with cluster deployed, one master one node.
dashboard running without any issue the kube-dns is also working as expected.
kubernetes version is 1.7.
Issue: When trying to access dashboard externally through kubectl proxy. i get unauthorized response.
This is with rbac role and rolebindings enabled.
How to i configure the cluster for http browser access to dashboard from external system.
Any hint/suggestions are most welcome.
kubectl proxy not working > 1.7
try this:
copy ~/.kube/config file to your desktop
then run the kubect like this
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl --kubeconfig=config get pods -n kube-system -l "app=kubernetes-dashboard,release=kubernetes-dashboard" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --kubeconfig=config -n kube-system port-forward $POD_NAME 9090:9090
Then access the ui like this:
see this helps
If kubectl proxy gives the Unauthorized error, there can be 2 reasons:
Your user cert doesn't have the appropriate permissions. This is unlikely since you successfully deployed kube-dns and the dashboard.
kubelet authn/authz is enabled and it's not setup correctly. See the answer to my question.