Is there a way to specific the google cloud platform project for kubectl in the command? - kubernetes

Is there something like:
kubectl get pods --project=PROJECT_ID
I would like not to modify my default gcloud configuration to switch between my staging and production environment.

kubectl saves clusters/contexts in its configuration. If you use the default scripts to bring up the cluster, these entries should've been set for your clutser.
A brief overview of kubectl config:
kubectl config view let you to view the cluster/contexts in
your configuration.
kubectl config set-cluster and kubectl config set-context modifies/adds new entries.
You can use kubectl config use-context to change the default context, and kubectl --context=CONTEXT get pods to switch to a different context for the current command.

You can download credentials for each of your clusters using gcloud container clusters get-credentials which takes the --project flag. Once the credentials are cached locally, you can use the --context flag (as Yu-Ju explains in her answer) to switch between clusters for each command.


What does it mean "kubectl config set-cluster" what does it actually does?

While using this command for RBAC "kubectl config set-cluster test --server=" the IP here is from the kind-cluster that I am running after which I use "kubectl config set-context test --cluster=test" followed by required credentials & switch to the context by "kubectl config use-context test" and I am in the test context but with the first command I am configuring the config file I got that but m I making a cluster within a cluster what you guys understand please help me clear my doubt what is it actually doing?
kubectl config set-cluster sets a cluster entry in your kubeconfig file (usually found in $HOME/.kube/config). The kubeconfig file defines how your kubectl is configured.
The cluster entry defines where kubectl can find the kubernetes cluster to talk to. You can have multiple clusters defined in your kubeconfig file.
kubectl config set-context sets a context element, which is used to combine a cluster, namespace and user into a single element so that kubectl has everything it needs to communicate with the cluster. You can have multiple contexts, for example one per kubernetes cluster that you're managing.
kubectl config use-context sets your current context to be used in kubectl.
So to walk through your commands:
kubectl config set-cluster test --server= creates a new entry in kubeconfig under the clusters section with a cluster called test pointing towards
kubectl config set-context test --cluster=test creates a new context in kubeconfig called test and tells that context to point to a cluster called test
kubectl config use-context test changes the the current context in kubeconfig to a context called test (which you just created).
More docs on kubectl config and kubeconfig:

Unable to switch from Minikube to AWS EKS on windows for Deployment

I have minikube on my local machine for testing deployment and I ran commands like
kubectl apply -f testingfile.yaml
and it worked fine. Now I want to perform the same on aws eks. I have followed all steps given in Created a config file and added that to the path. Commands like eksctl get cluster are correctly listing the clusters from aws eks but now when I run
kubectl apply -f testingfile.yaml
I am getting the following statement
deployment.apps/testingfile unchanged which means it is still applying the command inside minikube and not on aws eks. I have also deleted path variables related to minikube from environment variables but I am still unable to switch to aws eks for applying. I would like to deploy this on aws eks. Let me know what I am missing here
Checking your existing cluster contexts
There will multiple contexts one for Minikube and One for EKS
kubectl config get-contexs
change context to EKS if your config is set it will be there
kubectl config use-context <Name of context>
this way you can get changed to another clusters.

reset the kubectl context to docker desktop

I have installed docker desktop on my windows 10 and have enabled Kubernetes. When I run the kubectl config current-context command I am getting this response gke_k8s-demo-263903_asia-south1-a_kubia. How do I set up the context to point to docker-desktop? I remember that I had worked with GKE earlier but not sure how to reset the context.
From your local machine run, you should see docker-desktop listed:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below:
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.

How to configure kubectl in kubernetes cluster

I have provisioned a kuberenetes cluster using this saltstack repo:
Now, I am not able to configure my kubectl CLI to access the cluster.
Is there a way to reset the credentials?
Is there a way to get configure properly the .kube/config with the right context, user, credentials and cluster name retrieving the info from the servers?
I am new to kubernetes, so maybe I am missing something here.
To be able to set your cluster you can do as follow:
kubectl config set-cluster k8s-cluster --server=${CLUSTER} [--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true]
--server=${CLUSTER} where ${CLUSTER} is your cluster adress
--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true is used if you are using http over https
Then you need to set your context ( depending on your kubernetes configuration
kubectl config set-context k8s-context --cluster=k8s-cluster --namespace=${NS}
--namespace=${NS} to specify the default namespace ( which skips the -n while typing kubectl commands for that namespace )
If you are using a RBAC, you might need to specify your user and pass your connection token or your login password:
For this advanced usage you can see the docs
Now and finally to use your context you only have to:
kubectl config use-context ${USER}

Kubernetes: How do I delete clusters and contexts from kubectl config?

kubectl config view shows contexts and clusters corresponding to clusters that I have deleted.
How can I remove those entries?
The command
kubectl config unset clusters
appears to delete all clusters. Is there a way to selectively delete cluster entries? What about contexts?
kubectl config unset takes a dot-delimited path. You can delete cluster/context/user entries by name. E.g.
kubectl config unset users.gke_project_zone_name
kubectl config unset contexts.aws_cluster1-kubernetes
kubectl config unset clusters.foobar-baz
Side note, if you teardown your cluster using cluster/ (or gcloud if you use Container Engine), it will delete the associated kubeconfig entries. There is also a planned kubectl config rework for a future release to make the commands more intuitive/usable/consistent.
For clusters and contexts you can also do
kubectl config delete-cluster my-cluster
kubectl config delete-context my-cluster-context
There's nothing specific for users though, so you still have to do
kubectl config unset
Run command below to get all contexts you have:
$ kubectl config get-contexts
* Cluster_Name_1 Cluster_1 clusterUser_resource-group_Cluster_1
Delete context:
$ kubectl config delete-context Cluster_Name_1
Unrelated to question, but maybe a useful resource.
Have a look at kubectx + kubens: Power tools for kubectl.
They make it easy to switch contexts and namespace + have the option to delete
Change context:
kubectx dev-cluster-01
Change namespace:
kubens dev-ns-01
Delete context:
kubectx -d my-context