kubectl with Docker Desktop - how to connect - kubernetes

I was using kubectl with Docker Desktop - everything was fine
I think logged into Openshift via the Command line and kubectl seemed to point to OC cluster
I then logged out of Openshift and now kubectl doesn't seem to point at anything? How do I get to point it at docker desktop again?

sorted - kubectl config use-context docker-desktop


How to use kubectl command for kubernetes implemented in rancher run with docker?

I built a rancher using docker on server 1.
I created and added a kubernetes cluster on server 2, and I wanted to access the kubernetes with the kubectl command on server 2 local, but localhost:8080 error is displayed.
How can I apply kubectl command to kubernetes configured with docker rancher locally?
I fixed that issue modifying the kube config file.
The kubeconfig file can be checked by entering the rancher
The file to be modified is ~/.kube/config

Unknown image flag when creating deployment using Minikube kubectl

I am getting unknown image flag when creating a deployment using minikube on windows 10 cmd. Why?
C:\WINDOWS\system32>minikube kubectl create deployment nginxdepl --image=nginx
Error: unknown flag: --image
See 'minikube kubectl --help' for usage.
When using kubectl bundled with minikube the command is little different.
From the documentation, your command should be:
minikube kubectl -- create deployment nginxdepl --image=nginx
The difference is the -- right after kubectl
there problem is your command. you are mixing kubectl and minikube.
minikube is for managing your one-node local dev cluster.
kubectl is used for interacting with your cluster.
you should be using the following command:
kubectl create deployment nginxdepl --image nginx

reset the kubectl context to docker desktop

I have installed docker desktop on my windows 10 and have enabled Kubernetes. When I run the kubectl config current-context command I am getting this response gke_k8s-demo-263903_asia-south1-a_kubia. How do I set up the context to point to docker-desktop? I remember that I had worked with GKE earlier but not sure how to reset the context.
From your local machine run, you should see docker-desktop listed:
kubectl config get-contexts
Then run the below:
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
If the cluster name you want to communicate with is not listed, it means you haven't got to context file to the cluster.

Minikube - /var/log/kubeproxy.log: No such file or directory

I am trying to find the kubeproxy logs on minikube, It doesn't seem they are located.
sudo cat: /var/log/kubeproxy.log: No such file or directory
A more generic way (besides what hoque described) that you can use on any kubernetes cluster is to check the logs using kubectl.
kubectl logs kube-proxy-s8lcb -n kube-system
Using this solution allow you to check logs for any K8s cluster even if you don't have access to your nodes.
Pod logs are located in /var/log/pods/.
$ minikube ssh
$ ls /var/log/pods/

Error while running kubectl commands

I have recently installed minikube and kubectl. However when I run kubectl get pods or any other command related to kubectl I get the error
Unable to connect to the server: unexpected EOF
Does anyone know how to fix this?I am using Ubuntu server 16.04.Thanks in advance.
The following steps can be used for further debugging.
Check the minikube local cluster status using minikube status command.
$: minikube status
minikube: Running
cluster: Running
kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at 172.0.x.y
If problem with kubectl configuratuion,then configure it using, kubectl config use-context minikube command.
$: kubectl config use-context minikube
Switched to context "minikube".
Check the cluster status, using kubectl cluster-info command.
$: kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at ...
Heapster is running at ...
KubeDNS is running at ...
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Note: It can even be due to very simple reason: internet speed (it happend to me just now).
I have same problem too. I solved after change the server addr to localhost
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority: /var/lib/minikube/certs/ca.crt
server: https://localhost:8443 # check it
name: m01
- name: m01
client-certificate: /var/lib/minikube/certs/apiserver.crt
client-key: /var/lib/minikube/certs/apiserver.key
I think your kubernetes master is not setup properly. You can check that by checking the following services in master node are in active state and running.
kube-apiserver.service Kubernetes API Server
kube-controller-manager.service Kubernetes Controller Manager
kube-scheduler.service Kubernetes Scheduler