Anylogic - unable to open model - anylogic

Yesterday I was working on a file model in Anylogic.
Today I tried to open it and I get the error "Unable to open the model. Invalid project file format".
I'm able to open any other models. I tried to delete the .metadata folder but didn't solve the problem.
If anyone knows how to solve it, it will save me!
Thank you very much.

I encountered this problem recently.
In my case, the problem was caused because I copied and pasted Parameter descriptions into the Parameter Description text box from Adobe. Once I typed them in instead, no more problem.
The solution, as always, is to "Save As" frequently during model development.


I can't log in to a project in Unity

What to do I'm doing a project with a friend and I'm throwing him the project files, he opens the project and shows this error in Unity Hub, this did not happen before, and after one moment it began to appear, I don't have such an error, the Internet is almost empty about it. What to do?
nice error
I solved the problem, I just needed to create a new folder for projects
I solved the problem, I just needed to create a new folder for projects
There are some solutions online eg. here
It seems like one possible solution is related to the Crash Handler or related to git VC.
One simple common solution is
One interim test solution is to try copying the Assets/ and ProjectSettings/ and Packages/ file to a brand new directory somewhere, then try opening that.

Enterprise Architect not a valid name

I'm now using Enterprise Architect version 15. Recently, whenever I try to create a new project I got the error show that "Not a valid file name":
Although, my file name is not wrong, I've tried many difference names but it's useless. Now, I just able to open the projects which I've create before.
Can anyone help me how to fix this error.
I've just found the answer. That could be the program's fault.
The issue here isn't the way I named the project. It's because the folder where I decided the project located. The folder is named in Vietnamese (which is allowed in Windows) but I guess EA can't read these character when they get the project located link.
In conclusion, It's better for everyone to name not only the project but also the folder the project located in English to prevent this error
I had the same problem with trying to save the file image. I found that when I originally created the Diagram name I unknowingly pasted in as 2 lines.
Once I fixed it as one line it saved fine.

File Search has encountered a problem in Eclipse

I deleted some lib files from my existing project, and now everytime I want to do a file search, this error pops up at then end of the search :-
It's not really interfering with the search results I think, but it is kinda annoying since every search brings this error out. Any suggestions on how to stop this?
I know this question is old and probably duplicate, but I happen to encounter the same issue today, and found this solution:
On Package Explorer, select the your project then press F5 (Refresh). Do this to all opened projects."File search has encountered a problem" error happens when your workspace is not sync with your file system (e.g. when you deleted a file that is currently opened in eclipse, etc.)

DCA files cause build errors

I am working on a VB6 application and I have requested to change the platinum gray style forms' to our new format.
In order to do that, I have first modified the Backcolorattribute as H8000000E (it was H8000000F previously) for labels, frames and forms.
Those forms were saved with .Dsr extension.
Each form is having three fils with .Dsr, .DCA and .dsx extensions.
After I modified the Backcolor, I compiled the code and it ran successfully. Then I close the project, reopen it and run again.
Then I got the Error in Loading DLL error.
We didn't commit the .DCA files to git. But once I committed one .DCA file and it caused a build failure. But this is occurring without even commit any changes.
I am still unable to find a reason why this occurred.
Could anybody please help me with this?
Thank you.
I removed the .DCA files set and it resolve the problem.
DCA is a temporary type information cache file created by Visual Basic. It is used by VB to speed up compilation.

servlet on eclipse asks me "do you want to save this file or find a program online to open it" when run on server

When I try to run a Servlet by using "Run on Server" eclipse asks me "do you want to save this file or find a program online to open it
there is no problem with the code. please help me, am unable to figure out...
same problem was faced by another guy...
still problem is unanswered...
You misspelled your content type.
Since the browser doesn't know how to display test/html, it offers to save it instead.
will be
Note that "test" was changed to "text".