Enterprise Architect not a valid name - enterprise-architect

I'm now using Enterprise Architect version 15. Recently, whenever I try to create a new project I got the error show that "Not a valid file name":
Although, my file name is not wrong, I've tried many difference names but it's useless. Now, I just able to open the projects which I've create before.
Can anyone help me how to fix this error.

I've just found the answer. That could be the program's fault.
The issue here isn't the way I named the project. It's because the folder where I decided the project located. The folder is named in Vietnamese (which is allowed in Windows) but I guess EA can't read these character when they get the project located link.
In conclusion, It's better for everyone to name not only the project but also the folder the project located in English to prevent this error

I had the same problem with trying to save the file image. I found that when I originally created the Diagram name I unknowingly pasted in as 2 lines.
Once I fixed it as one line it saved fine.


Eclipse showing garbage file names

All of a sudden, my eclipse has started showing the garbage names as the title of different file panels. It was working fine previously the other day, the only thing that I did after that was changing the workspace folder once to open a certain project. I had changed that to default value again.
The file names are getting shown correctly in the project explorer.
I tried to fnd the solution online but was unable to find the related issue. I apologize if it's not the appropriate way or question to be asked here.

An Error in swift when I tried to run a code

I'm trying to learn swift language. I have downloaded it for windows 10. Unfortunately, when I tried to run the hello world code (test code), the compiler could not find the file in the workspace even it could not find the workspace folder it self!!!. I tried to change the name of the work-space since it contains a space "My Programs". But, the compiler rejected this change. I have posted with this question some pictures which describe my problem. Any help with this is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
I think that it's not happy with space in between "My" and "Programs". To fix this rename the folder to "My-Programs" and then select the file and again and retry with the new path.

How to modify Xcode 4 Project to be Machine independent like Visual Studio or Eclipse behave

I'm very surprised not to be able to open my Xcode project on another mac, I have never that kind of problem with Visual Studio or Eclipse. I have tried this Info.plist file "no such file" error but it's not enough.
I have other errors like MyAppViewController files not found in some folder whereas I checked that the files are actually there.
So how do I modify XCode 4 project so that it can be opened on any mac ?
Update: contrary to what is claimed here Duplicating / importing Xcode projects from one Mac to another copying isn't enough
Update 2: should I be obliged to buy that kind of tools to do so ? http://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/project-duplicator-for-xcode/id467950482?mt=12
Copying the files over is enough, as long as you copy all files over and no files are referenced from your project file using absolute paths.
Note that you don't have to choose to have absolute paths. I'm unsure of the exact details, but I've ended up with absolute paths in projects without doing so explicitly.
For example, here's a project with a missing file:
When I select the missing file, I can see that it's using an absolute path:
At this point, you have two options:
You can click the button in the bottom right of that red box I've drawn to find the file. Make sure you pick the right file; if you pick one with a different name, Xcode will happily replace DetailViewController.m with SomeUnrelatedFile.m and you'll have lost the hint about the original file. After finding it, make sure to pick Location: Relative To Group (usually, that'll be the right choice anyway) to avoid this happening again.
Possibly safer, go back to the original computer. For any file that you know is missing on the destination computer, pick Location: Relative To Group. Then copy everything over again.
I'm not sure if this is what you're after but it might help; I use git on to keep my two laptops in sync with a single project. I don't have any file missing errors and it comes with all those other repository benefits.
You shouldn't need any tools to do this, Xcode projects can be moved, shared between other members of your team and opened on any supported machine.
There must be another problem you have, so you need to post the error.
And when you get it resolved.... using a free remote source control service such as bitbucket, would be good for you to know and get into the practice of using.

Strange situation give error: "The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier."

Today I experienced a very strange behavior with my XCode (using Version 4.2, iOS 5.0).
I read some another questions, but my problem is diferent and I never before had this issue.
So, XCode gives me the error "The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier." when I'm trying to run my app on a device (in the simulator just simply does nothing).
I'm sure that the project is correctly set, the bundle ID is correct, my certified is also correct..
I already try a lot of different approaches to solution the problem. Then I realized that it just gives the error when I add a folder to the project with the options "Create folder References for any folder added" selected (like the picture).
I have another apps with folders with folder references, and don't get any error..
Resuming: If I add the folder I get the error, If I don't add a folder, the app runs without any problem..
Could someone help me here trying to figure out whats happens (it's driving me mad).
I managed to mend the problem. I was adding a folder called "Resources", changing the folder name stops giving me the error.
But I would like to know/understand why was I getting the error..
I managed to mend the problem. I was adding a folder called "Resources", changing the folder name stops giving me the error. But I would like to know/understand why was I getting the error..
Anyway, not a problem anymore..
I'm missing the target name after the icon at the Add to targets. Got lost somewhere?

iOS code signing fails: "A sealed resource is missing or invalid."

I have been with this problem already 8 hours unable to solve it.
Whats Cool JLD$ codesign -vvvv build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats\ cool\?.app
build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats cool?.app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid
/Users/JLD/Desktop/iOS Development/Whats Cool/build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats
cool?.app/Whats cool?: resource modified
I have tried the solutions posted on all these threads to no avail:
How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?
I even tried recreating the whole project again redoing all the IB connections and nothing works! It builds everything, but it is unable to code sign it! So I'm unable to upload it through the AppLoader.
I am doing all these following the instructions found at the provisioning profile on the Distribute application page.
I even tried building from another Mac. I have my distribution profile and my distribution certificate both set to WildCard. But it still doesn't work. I made a new app under a different name with another Bundle ID to no avail. I don't know what to try anymore!
Thank you future problem solver! I know you are there so come to my aid, I'll thank you forever!
UPDATE: I tried to make the new project from scratch. Copying the source code and remaking all the connections on IB to no avail. I even followed this link with instructions:
Unsuccessful. I don't know what else to do. I'm even considering using one technical incident to solve this problem once and for all.
I just experienced this error trying to sign an archive with Xcode 4 on Lion. The problem turned out to be related to the fact that the archive had been zipped on one machine and transported to another --- the zip utility did not support symbolic links, and the app code signature uses a symlink inside the bundle, so the unzipped archive was invalid.
Possible solutions are:
Use the Finder's contextual (ctrl-click/right-click) menu and choose "Compress" to create the zip file, or:
Use the command line version of zip and provide it with the -y argument to preserve symbolic links.
This isn't a specific answer I'm afraid, but something you may not have thought about.
From your command line snippet, it looks like you're code signing your app bundle after it's been built. Are you moving the bundle (.app folder or maybe an IPA or ZIP file) from another machine, or from another drive? I've had problems with moving app bundles between file systems that don't support symbolic links properly. Are you using a network drive, or have a local drive that's not formatted for Mac OS.
Solved. The problem was a '?' character on the product name. Shouldn't be like that but that's how it is. Nowhere apple says that that makes a codesign verification issue.
Apple's new APFS file system has some bugs to process unicode characters and it is causing the issue.
Moving the whole project to the legacy MacOS Extended volume and archiving again solved the issue.
Another problem could be your app contains image file name with none English characters in your app. Such as 'ş ç ğ'. If you remove those images or change the file name it will proceed.
I passed days on this problem, for me it's because the name of the application contains arabic caracters :(, So apple on xcode 12 doesn't accept arabic caracters ? on xcode 10 i publish without any problem
it's very complicated to be a developper on ios
In my case, I got that error because the disk image I created to distribute my app ran out of space and ditto did not copy all files from the build folder to the disk image. As the script I used generates so much noise, I missed the warning of ditto that it ran out of space in the target disk image. Unfortunately, ditto should have aborted the whole procedure, instead of burying the warning into a myriad of other paths of smaller files that it managed to copy.