Mapbox SDK for new versions of Unity - unity3d

Happy new year!
What is the procedure to import Mapbox SDK successful in latest versions of Unity (2020+). Are there extra components that need to be installed? Thanks.

I'm using Unity 2020.3 LTS and when importing the Mapbox package, if you don't need AR tools, you can remove the GoogleARCore, MapboxAR, and UnityARInterface folders and it works fine.

Download Package From here and import.
In unity, go Mapbox menu item, and past your map box key/token.
Open an example see from Mapbox > Examples and play
Congrats! MapBox installation has completed. For more details info visit offical docs.

New versions of Unity (2019.4 and 2020) are NOT supported.
If you download the package you get all kinds of errors.

Yes. This is true. There are severe issues with Mapbox Unity SDK with Unity 2020. It works fine with Unity 2018.4 LTS version and 2017 LTS version. I think Mapbox SDK is not compatible with ARFoundation that's why whenever your import this SDK in Unity 2020, you get errors in hundreds and thousands of warnings. SO stick with Unity 2018.


Mapbox Setup window does not open after importing SDK in Unity

After importing Mapbox SDK 2.1.1 into Unity 2021.3.18f1 the Mapbox Setup window does not open and I can not open it manually. It works in 2018 version of Unity however. Any solutions?
I tried reinstalling everything, no change.

ArcGIS plugin for Unity3d on Mac m1

I've downloaded the ArcGIS plugin (.tgz) and, using Unity's plugin manager, imported the .tgz file. Instructions here
However, I have errors in my console:
Despite the errors, I get the ArcGIS Maps SDK menu item but clicking on "Map Creator" does not do anything...
Any idea what is going on? Does ArcGIS even work with Unity and/or Mac M1s?
ESRI at this time doesn't support M1. So you can run tutorials with that plugin only with Unity Intel version. Hope in the future will provide also a plugin for Silicon versions of Unity!

What is the best way to update the Admob plugin in Unity?

error code pictureI have an old project on an old version of Unity (2018.4.36f LTS) with an even older Google Admob plugin in it. I would like to update the Google Admob SDK to have all the latest features, like the App Open Ad. But I don't know how to do it (PC running Windows 11) Thank you for your help!
You can download the latest sdk from here
It makes no difference what version of Windows you have. After downloading the sdk, open the Unity editor in the project you want and then drag or double click the downloaded file into Unity.

Unity asking NDK version that is no longer available

The version of NDK Unity asking me to install is not on google site NDK Versions. The only one available is r19 version 19.2.5345600 but unity app is asking for r19 version 19.0.52321"
Image of the problem
Yeah, I know the problem can be solved by using Unity Hub but the reason I am not using that is because Unity Hub takes forever to download anything and my connection is slow. Unity Hub times out a lot and I have to install the entire unity 3D software and all of the external tools using it in order to download the NDK using Unity Hub. Currently, Unity doesn't allow you to add modules if Unity 3D is not downloaded using Unity Hub.
I have tried installing NDK r18 and r20 but that doesn't work, same problem.
So can anyone please help me?
You could try spoofing your NDK version, though this may cause unexpected behaviour. In Android ndk-r19c, modify such that:
Pkg.Desc = Android NDK
Pkg.Revision = 19.0.5232133
If you have Android Studio installed, (or can access via sdk manager, I guess )You can download the ndk version requested by Unity (r19 - 19.0.5232133) using the SDK manager.
Note: you have to uncheck the hide obsolete packages option

Hololens AND Unity3d, UnityEngine.VR.WSA not found

Went to build Holoworld.
Unity3D Compiler not finding UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input
Running Unity 5.2, now upgrading to 5.3.3f1. (Personal edition)
Installed: Windows 10 SDK, Visual Studio 2015 Update 1
Any ideas?
So this is just a tease?
I think UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input will be part of the HoloLens SDK, which is not available yet.
You need a special version of Unity for Hololens. It is already public, and it is based on the 5.4.0b10 beta version but it is not the same, so go to the proper page to download it: