How to stop janus-gateway background mode? - daemon

I ran command "janus -b" after installing janus-gateway on centos7.
but I can't found stop background mode command.
How can I stop this?


Ctrl+c is not working in GUI mode of Installer

Hi we are working on GUI+CLI based installer for CentOS 7 platform.
If we hit ctrl+c on terminal while execution of installer in CLI mode the cancelled event is fired and we have called custom rollback script which gets executed properly.
If we hit ctrl+c on terminal while execution of installer in GUI mode the cancelled event is not fired and it fails to execute the rollback script.
Why there is difference in behavior for GUI and CLI mode?
Is there is any way where we can disable ctrl+z ctrl+c ctrl+d while execution?
As of install4j 9.0.1, the CTRL-C is indeed not caught and processed by the GUI installer. I have added this feature request to the issue tracker.

Uninstall Postgresql in silent mode

I lookup a lot to find a solution to uninstall postgresql in silent mode without using GUI. Something like unattended mode in installation.
Even when I try to uninstall from uninstall.exe it run GUI.
So, is it possible to uninstall postgresql in silent mode or even without uninstall GUI.
Yes, you can uninstall postgresql in silent mode using "--mode unattended".
uninstall-postgresql.exe --mode unattended

How to continue using GitBash after calling gitk?

After using some commands e.g. gitk I can't keep using the terminal. I need to terminate gitk and then I can keep typing commands. Is there a way to open a program and keep using the terminal? I'm using GitBash on Windows.
gitk &
The & causes the command to run in the background.
As an alternative, you can interrupt a program by pressing Control-Z in the terminal. This gives you back control of the command-line, but pauses the program. You can continue it in the background by typing

Is it possible to resume operation after pausing in jupyter

Is it possible to pause the operation of jupyter while performing a computational intense task freeing the cpu and resume it later.
I realize this is very outdated, but I found a solution to this problem after searching for quite a while! I actually ended up trying a bunch of random combinations.
CTRL+S worked for me when using jupyter notebook with Anaconda.
You must be in the shell for this to work.
Also, other key combinations that didn't work for me but were suggested elsewhere include:
Hopefully this can at least help out someone down the line...
In current Jupyter no such option. But you can try system tools
In case of Task manager in Windows:
Identify running process with name python.exe
Set low priority of the process with a click in popup menu
For more control try "Process Explorer".
It can Suspend command for the tree of processes.
Also see for further tricks On Linux or Mac.
A solution that should work on a Mac or Linux (perhaps Winders too, but your mileage may vary). There should be a terminal window running Jupyter. Navigate to that terminal window and press Control-Z. It will suspend the job and put it in the background.
[I 13:24:05.147 NotebookApp] Saving file at /seisbench/examples/createGEOFON.ipynb
[I 13:25:04.858 NotebookApp] Saving file at /seisbench/examples/createGEOFON.ipynb
[1]+ Stopped jupyter notebook
To restart, type 'fg' in the terminal window to bring the job to the foreground. You could probably do a 'bg' to put it in the background too, but I did not test this.
(bds) LC02WR133HV2R:notebooks a0194920$ fg
jupyter notebook
[I 13:27:05.231 NotebookApp] Saving file at /seisbench/examples/createGEOFON.ipynb
During the time the application was stopped, all the Jupyter notebooks stopped updating. Once the application was placed back in the foreground, all the Jupyter windows continued where they left off. Good luck.

Nexenta Solaris starting

I have installed Nexanta Solaris with VMWare, but it boots to command line. Any idea how to bring up the GUI?
From the FAQ:
Cannot find /etc/X11/xorg.conf after installation...
Similar to Solaris Express, xorg.conf is not present. If you want to customize the file, the best way is to boot in single-user mode, run:
Xorg -configure
Then copy /root/ over to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and begin your customizations. Once you exit the console, the system will resume to multi-user level and GDM will start.