Hi we are working on GUI+CLI based installer for CentOS 7 platform.
If we hit ctrl+c on terminal while execution of installer in CLI mode the cancelled event is fired and we have called custom rollback script which gets executed properly.
If we hit ctrl+c on terminal while execution of installer in GUI mode the cancelled event is not fired and it fails to execute the rollback script.
Why there is difference in behavior for GUI and CLI mode?
Is there is any way where we can disable ctrl+z ctrl+c ctrl+d while execution?
As of install4j 9.0.1, the CTRL-C is indeed not caught and processed by the GUI installer. I have added this feature request to the issue tracker.
We have developed Installer for CentOS 7.5, we are running Installer on CentOS when Installation action is started where we copy files and folder and then actual shell scripts of Installation, during this if we close terminal window then sh process is getting killed but no rollback is imitated which is configured by Install4j failed/failure event.
We want to perform rollback when such process kill/terminal close scenario is observed.
Please help.
It may not be possible to perform a rollback if the process is killed. Rollbacks are performed when the user enters CTRL-C on the command line or cancels the GUI wizard.
For the last 2 month or so IntelliJ (Ultimate) no longer responds to CTRL-C interrupts.
I use powershell as integrated terminal (tried all other available terminals as well), and no luck.
If I use powershell separately (so not the integrated terminal) it works just fine...
My current workaround is closing the terminal tab and run the command again.
These are my terminal settings:
Anyone has any clue?
I'm developing on a VM and I'd like to automate booting and shutting down the VM whenever I launch VSCode into this project (over ssh).
I got around having to boot the VM by creating a script that launched the VM then VSCode. I use that to launch VSCode instead of the start menu whenever I want to work on this project. However, this solution doesn't work for shutting down the VM when I'm done.
Is there any way to accomplish this? Maybe some project setting that would execute a shutdown script on the VM when I disconnect, or some way I could hook up a script to run on my machine when VSCode closes that would shut down the VM?
Is there any way to avoid the janky startup script? Can I run a script when VSCode launches as well?
According to Visual Studio Code issue #10044 https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/10044, there is no way to run a script automatically from inside VSCode at startup unless you are willing to write an extension. Even if you are going to write an extension according to the API documentation https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/activation-events for VSCode, There is no event for when shutdown occurs.
EDIT: Although it is not possible to do this within VScode alone, you could write a wrapper script when starting and exiting to to run the command.
I recently started developing for Node.js/Express with Nodeclipse. I added a run configuration for package.json with goal start. This works as expected, the start command from package.json is executed (node ./bin/www). I can see this command in Eclipse's console view and I can see two node.exe processes appear in Windows Task-Manager. HTTP requests to http://localhost:3000/ are logged in the console.
However, klicking the red "Terminate"-Button in Eclipse's console view leaves the node.exe processes running. Subsequent attempts to start the app fail because the port is already in use.
I do not have this problem when I start the app with npm start in Windows cmd. Stopping the execution with Ctrl+C will also exit the node.exe processes.
This is my IDE-Setup:
Eclipse Luna SR2 (4.4.2) under Windows 7 x64 with jre1.8.0_45
Eclipse was setup this way: extracted eclipse-platform-4.4.2-win32-x86_64.zip (from here), installed Eclipse Marketplace Client, then installed Nodeclipse via Drag&Drop from nodeclipse.org
Node.js version v0.12.2 (for Windows x64)
express-generator (version 4.12.1) is installed globally
How can I make the Terminate button in the console view actually terminating the node.exe processes?
It seems that Eclipse only kills the npm script that is used to start up node. The thing is that Eclipse forcibly kills that script, giving it no chance to send any signals to the node.exe process.
This bug explains why this works this way.
Step 1:
Run command-line as an Administrator. Then run the below mention command. type your port number in yourPortNumber
netstat -ano | findstr :yourPortNumber
Red coloured circled area shows the PID (process identifier)
Step 2 :
Then you execute this command after identify the PID.
taskkill /PID typeyourPIDhere /F
P.S. Run the first command again to check if process is still available or not. You'll get empty line if process is successfully ended.
Using Eclipse, I'm launching an external program through an "External Tool Configuration".
My program has a "bin/launch-program" executable, but also a "bin/stop-program" which is the only way to stop the program.
In my Eclipse's External Tool Configuration, tab "Main", I set:
Location: <PROGRAM_HOME>/bin/launch-program
Working Directory: <PROGRAM_HOME>
But I'm looking a way to handle the stop event.
In other words, launching an external program works well: I get the output in the Eclipse's console. The question is: how to handle the click on the Terminate button of the console, to launch a specific command line?
terminating the program from the terminate button of the eclipse console is equivalent to kill it by using a task manager.
It's not safe to edit the command on the red terminate button, but you can make the program to do things before exiting
shutdown hook