Nexenta Solaris starting - solaris

I have installed Nexanta Solaris with VMWare, but it boots to command line. Any idea how to bring up the GUI?

From the FAQ:
Cannot find /etc/X11/xorg.conf after installation...
Similar to Solaris Express, xorg.conf is not present. If you want to customize the file, the best way is to boot in single-user mode, run:
Xorg -configure
Then copy /root/ over to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and begin your customizations. Once you exit the console, the system will resume to multi-user level and GDM will start.


usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed MSI | ubuntu 16.04 fancontrol

I've installed lm-sensors, but when I run pwmconfig command as root, it throws an error:
/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed
My laptop is an MSI Gs63VR Stealth Pro core Intel i7 CPU
Thank you!
A simple search for the error message yielded several hits on Google. All of the top hits are from before this question was posted.
This guide on AskUbuntu may be helpful, or this one.
Likely the issue you're having can be solved with a linux kernel option. Add this to your Grub command-line: acpi_enforce_resources=lax
sudo sed -E -i 's/(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.+)"$/\1 acpi_enforce_resources=lax"/' /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub
then reboot.

buildroot new fs can't install grub2

I'm traing to use buildroot and compile new embedded system for testing.
Everything looks ok I use last kernel 4.9.16 and buildroot is from 02.2017. After compiling I can't install grub2 there's now grub software on new root file system and second there's now bash in /bin and anywhere? There's only ash shell.
It's weird because the same procedure I made on mint 17 couple days ago and it works like a charm. I changed disk in my laptop and now I'm using fresh manjaro. I don't think this could be a problem because when I compile new system I can't chose bash in menu but I chose grub2 as bootloader.
Regarding bash: Buildroot by default only installs Busybox, which provides a more minimalistic shell called ash, which is sufficient for most purposes. If you really need bash, you can also get it by enabling it in the Buildroot menuconfig.
Regarding grub2, please have a look at the help text of the Grub2 option in Buildroot, it explains how to install it.

Launcher service doesn't auto start on Ubuntu 14.04

For Linux installer, we have added a custom launcher for auto start of service (see pic below).
We are using install4j v5.1.6. It creates a link in /etc/init.d/ which points to the /bin/ .
It works properly in Ubuntu 13. On system restart, service auto starts properly.
On Ubuntu 14 this doesn't work. Service starts first time after installation. But on system restart, service doesn't auto start.
On further investigation, running these commands on Ubuntu 14 enabled auto start.
after installation
cd /etc/init.d
sudo update-rc.d defaults
Under installer, install a service, auto start is set to true.
Is this a limitation of install4j that it doesn't register with update-rc.d ?
Do we know on which Linux systems copying to /etc/init.d/ is sufficient ?
Our script is similar to : . What we don't have is update-rc.d and chkconfig. And install4j does the task of copying it to /etc/init.d/
Thanks !
As of 5.1.x, install4j does not integrate services into runlevels, it only creates the symlink to the start script in /etc/init.d.
Integrating it into runlevels has to be done manually, such as by calling update-rc.d or whatever other tool the particular distribution provides.

GUI is not opening after Oracle solaris x86 installation

I'm Installing oracle Solaris 86x64 operating system in my PC. it was complete installation without any errors. In the final step of the installation the GUI window is not opening. If I restart the PC it is booting and Not able to go beyond the black screen. But, I can ping the system from another Command prompt. Is there drivers to be install ? Because of this I'm not able go into the system.

Teamviewer on Centos 5.8 - No login screen on next reboot

Yesterday I installed Teamviewer 7 on my Centos 5.8 desktop. After a reboot, am not able to see the login screen. Only a blue color screen is visible.
I read
But how do I do that on Centos?
I know that to login to Single User Mode, we need to press a key while the os boots up. And then type single in the cmd. And then?
Once in Single User Mode, you can try to remove TeamViewer from your system.
For example, if you have installed TeamViewer by running the rpm -ivh teamviewer_linux.rpm command, you can run the rpm -e teamviewer_linux command to uninstall it.
I don't think that the Mac OS link you've referred to can be very useful in your case.
If you peek into the teamviewer_linux.rpm (for example by running the command rpm -qpl teamviewer_linux.rpm) you won't find any "Launch Agents and Daemons", since on CentOS TeamViewer is wrapped around a Windows Emulator (wine).
By default the TeamViewer files gets installed in the /opt/teamviewer folder; the only exception is the startup script /usr/bin/teamviewer7.
Finally, the rpm post-installation script does nothing more and nothing less than create a desktop icon and add a menu entry, so I can't really understand how the TeamViewer installation could have broken your system.