Uninstall Postgresql in silent mode - postgresql

I lookup a lot to find a solution to uninstall postgresql in silent mode without using GUI. Something like unattended mode in installation.
Even when I try to uninstall from uninstall.exe it run GUI.
So, is it possible to uninstall postgresql in silent mode or even without uninstall GUI.

Yes, you can uninstall postgresql in silent mode using "--mode unattended".
uninstall-postgresql.exe --mode unattended


Configure FreeIPA from the script using a silent install

I have a question about a silent install, would it be the same as an unintended install? For FreeIPA I checked the man ipa-server-install and it only showed -U --unintended and not silent. How would I make it configure in a silent install?

Emacs installed with homebrew only works in terminal

I just installed the latest Emacs with homebrew:
brew install emacs --with-cocoa
It installed successfully, but only runs in the terminal. When I installed it on another machine it starts a separate GUI window. Do I need to specify additional flags?
you can add it to your apps just by running the below command:
brew linkapps emacs
Doc on linkapps
Find installed formulae that provide .app-style OS X apps and symlink
into /Applications, allowing for easier access
If you're launching it from within the terminal application, you're more than likely running the emacs that ships with OS-X (v22, IIRC).
To launch the homebrew version, I created an alias in bash:
alias emacs='open -a /Applications/Emacs.app --args $1'
Then typing 'emacs' from the terminal launches the homebrew version.
Try this one https://github.com/railwaycat/emacs-mac-port it is not official but much better looking on OSX.
You want aquamacs.
It Just Works.

change which psql launches on startup

I installed brew install postgresql , which was fine and worked well.
I then installed brew install postgresql8 as I wanted to check some postgres 8 specific things.
I then uninstalled postgresql8, however when I restart my mac, and run which psql, it still defaults to
How can I change this back to default to the latest 9.x psql?
The executable which launches is dependent on PATH-variable and which-command makes its checks based on that variable also. The contents of the PATH-variable depend on different things. You can find more info in here for example.
You can launch the right psql by writing the full path on the command line, for example:
~$ /opt/local/lib/postgresql94/bin/psql

I installed PostgreSQL on mavericks, but running `which psql` does not do anything. Did it install correctly?

I installed PostgreSQL using the downloadable graphic installer. I'm able to launch pgAdmin which is PostgreSQL's GUI. However, when I run which psql on the terminal, I'm not getting any path (and based on what I read here it should yield a path provided postgres successfully installed).
After looking at this Stackoverflow post, I should have done it via homebrew. Should I uninstall the PostgreSQL that I got via the graphic installer, and re-install using homebrew?
Noob here, and I appreciate your patience.
If you've installed it using Postgres.app, the path to your binary should be under /Applications/Postgres.app/. Try running this at the terminal, you can see on my system it's under /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin.
$: find /Applications/Postgres.app/ -name "psql" -print
If you then want to add this to your path variable, you could use this tutorial.

Canopy Silent Installation

We want to use Canopy in our University. Now i need a option for a silent installation. Hopefully this does exists. ;-) I'm able to install Canopy silent with the msi package with this command:
msiexec.exe /i canopy.msi /q
But the problem is that this is a user install. I can't find any Option to install Canopy for All Users. Have someone any idee?
Thanks a lot!
I have not tried this, but it looks as if adding ALLUSERS=1 should do it. Also, you must explicitly run the command in a terminal with escalated privileges, as described at https://support.enthought.com/entries/23736288-Windows-on-some-systems-admin-users-cannot-immediately-install-for-all-users-
Finally, whether you are installing for one user or many, note that running the MSI only installs Canopy Core. For a user to actually use the Canopy application or Canopy User Python, you must also run the application's initial setup. For scripting this, see this section of the user's guide: http://docs.enthought.com/canopy/configure/canopy-cli.html . You might find the final section most pertinent to your requirements.