How to use externaly generated lightmaps in Unity? - unity3d

I'm new to the Unity engine. I use an external tool for generating very realistic lightmaps with GI in Blender but I'm not able to insert them to Unity. Blender generates .fbx file with ok uv coordinates and lightmaps but when I insert them to Unity scene its looks different (darker) than in Blender render. I guest in Unity there are no extra material channels for lightmaps just use albedo channel and I have to disable lightning for this object in scene but I don't know how to do it.
Can someone help me with that?
Thank you


Textures on material import into Unity3D as empty materials

i'm currently doing a project as a hobby using Blender3D and Unity3D. I build an object in Blender that had 2 materials and textures with a Neon effect (Specifically with Emission Shader) but as soon as i import that object in Unity, i lose completely the textures and the object turns out blank. This did not happen with simple textures in Principled BSDF shading in Blender. How come are the Emission textures not importing and how can i solve this? Thanks.
It's a very common situation of mis-matching the meta data, when you import fbx from other software. It's not a blender specific issue, it happens on Maya and Cinema4D sometimes.
And the shaders won't be exactly same between softwares, and we should work on a very clean way. (please don't be lazy for below workflows, if you want to have a proper solution)
The best workflow I worked on 3D and unity for the import part:
export fbx without embedding texture
import to unity, and extract all materials to a new folder "Materials"
copy all used texture to unity, with a new folder "Textures"
remapping all textures, diffuse, normals, emission..etc to the materials manually.

About Unity 3d map modeling(with blender)

I'm trying to develop a 3D game with unity.
I was thinking about how to make a game map (3d space), and I found a program called Blender,
and I made a map made of low-poly.
It looked very awesome inside the blender program,
but when I exported using the .fbx file, it was disappointing in the unity program.
(unlike the color that I saw blender)
Should I add special settings when importing fbx files in Unity or change the export file extention?
I might give up Blender.
Please recommend a free program to create a unity game space.
I'm not talking about the light texture effect in the blender,and the water reflection. It's because the colors are so different.

Export blender lights to Unity

I need help to Export Blender Lights to Unity, I created a Material with a light and need use this in Unity, but when I export this lights in .fbx, Unity not recognises this, only recognises the material
thanks for the help.
If you mean the light objects in blender, you can't export them to Unity. Rather, use Unity's built-in light objects to illuminate your scene.
You could try to bake the lightning information into the texture though, using either Blender or Unity to do so.
So you can not import lights from Blender to Unity or even if there is light information in the object Unity will not process it. There is actually a good reason for that since Unity has its own lighting system which is made with game performance in mind whereas Blender lights are made for aesthetics.
In Short: Use Unity lights!

Texture from Blender doesn't appear in Unity 3D

I've searched endlessly for an answer to this question. However, I have created a model in Blender and export it as a .FBX directly into Unity. But the textures I have applied in Blender do not render in Unity (Even in the preview screen). I have UV Unwrapped the model, and created a custom texture pattern to suit. I've inserted the textures into Unity, however this just loads them how Unity feels, not how I'd like it to look.
I've attempted to add it as a .blend file, but Blender crashes, and it fails to convert to an .fbx file in Unity. The model is of a wall, with 3 doorways, and 3 doors. The wall has its own texture, and the doors all have the same texture. (I'd upload images but haven't earnt enough rep).
Is there a simple solution? Or am I over looking the whole process and missing something important out?
after you UV unwrapped your model you save the uv in a file in blender you should apply that file as a texture to your model in unity and you will be done,tell me if you have already done that. Here are useful tutorials.
I had better luck exporting it as a wavefront object. Under transform select Path Mode: Copy and you should get your materials.

Exporting blender objects with textures to unity3d

I'm new to blender and trying to export 3d objects to unity 3d with textures.
Let's say we create a cube and added a texture (using UV mapping) and save
as a .blend file.then drag and drop into the unity3d but textures not showing in the object.
I tried exporting the object as .fbx but it's not working.
Should I import textures into the unity and add them into 3d objects manually?
Unity doesn't support Blender's packed images, though there is a feature request for this.
According to the docs all you have to do is save your .blend file in your assets folder. When you switch back to Unity the object will already be in your assets. Ensure that you are using a current version of blender about 2.60.
On the Unity Answers site I found that you need to add the textures through Unity. FBX import does not import the textures. Add the texture into Unity and assign it to the object.