Unity Mapbox Globe example only shows a magenta sphere - unity3d

I am trying to get the Globe example of Mapbox for Unity working (following the tutorial at https://www.mapbox.com/install/unity/), but all I can see is a magenta sphere, see the screenshot.
I am using Unity 2019.4.19f1 with mapbox-unity-sdk_v2.1.1.unitypackage on Windows 10. When importing the package I unchecked all AR related parts to avoid the compilation errors.
Any help is welcome!
Thanks, Willem

Did you set mapbox access token? Goto Mapbox -> Setup then you will see a configuration dialog.
If you do not see "Mapbox" menu, you may need to install some additional package like "Multiplayer HLAPI" and "XR Legacy Input Helpers" (if you see a build error)


arcore_flutter_plugin plugin "ArCoreReferenceNode" doesn't display custom 3d model

I have a basic AR app with Fluttern, using the arcore_flutter_plugin plugin "ArCoreReferenceNode".
I am trying to import a basic model but unfortunately it doesn't display it in any way, I don't even get an error message. The code shows no errors. Only the built-in cube is displayed.
Has anyone seen this error before?
GLB extension files were used as models.

Access the OpenVR chaperone (Play area boundary box) without having SteamVR

I am trying to get access to the bounding box/Chaperone of my VR project without relying on SteamVR. I am trying to build a framework that works as native as possible to Unity.
In SteamVR one would write:
// or
My question is how can I do something similar to this with just the OpenVR package and not the SteamVR plugin.
You can use OpenVR SDK.
If you are using C#, there is a wrapper lacated at headers\openvr_api.cs.
At first you have to load library (openvr_api.dll) and init it like this:
var error = EVRInitError.None;
OpenVR.Init(ref error, EVRApplicationType.VRApplication_Background)
Then simply use it the same way
You can also read chaperone_info.vrchap and steamvr.vrsettings from config folder of Steam. These json files contain information about all universes collision bounds.

blender importing three.js library

I have a problem while three.js library importing to Blender. I m using Blender 2.78 version. And I followed this steps...https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/utils/exporters/blender
I tried to set up Blender programming.But still take this error."importer not include" Please help me.
enter image description here
So you want to import a model from three.js JSON-format into blender? Unfortunately that isn't supported. The message in blender is normal.
The only way I know of that (kindof) works is to use the THREE.OBJExporter to convert the mesh into the Wavefront OBJ-format which blender can read.
As the documentation says right at the bottom:
Currently there is no import functionality available.
Going by the screenshot of your addon preferences, you have the three.js export addon installed and enabled, the "Importer not included" is only an informational message provided by the addon. You can see the message in the addon code here

Can both image target and object target be added one single database in unity vuforia?

I am developing an android app where I have to train my app to recognize two images and four objects.I created one single database where I added all the images and objects target in vuforia developer site and created the unity package. Now neither image nor object is getting recognized.
Probably the problem is the same for objects and images.
I think you should share some more info about what your doing as well as some meaningful code implementing it.
W/O that, I would suggest:
verify that the database and trackables are loaded and active # runtime
if so, see in console that the trackables are tracked by Vuforia
if so, verify the code enabling your augmentations
Please confirm whether have run trough these steps already and what results you got. I can share some code and further tips once the issue is a little but more specific.

MapboxGL.js Advanced Error

I am creating a webmap using MapboxGL.js and just updated from 0.21.0 to 0.24.0 for the scale bar functionality. I am using custom vector tiles that I generated using Mapbox studio and rendering information client side with geojson. However, after updating to the most recent release I am now getting the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'advance' of undefined
Working around a bit I found that unmodified Mapbox templates such as the Outdoor theme do not cause this error when I publish them from my Mapbox Studio Account but both customized tilesets that I use from Studio throw the same error.
Any thoughts of what could be going wrong?
This could be a bug in GL JS. Could you post this question on the GL JS issue tracker? Please follow all the instructions in the issue template. Thank you!