arcore_flutter_plugin plugin "ArCoreReferenceNode" doesn't display custom 3d model - flutter

I have a basic AR app with Fluttern, using the arcore_flutter_plugin plugin "ArCoreReferenceNode".
I am trying to import a basic model but unfortunately it doesn't display it in any way, I don't even get an error message. The code shows no errors. Only the built-in cube is displayed.
Has anyone seen this error before?
GLB extension files were used as models.


Is there a way to use CoreML models in capacitor-plugins?

I am currently working on a capacitor plugin, that should allow me to run a CoreML-model on the ios-version of my Ionic-App.
Even though I used the common terminology to access the model-file, the model is somehow not found in my ios-plugin-script. Is there a different way I can access the model besides VNCoreMLModel or is there maybe in general a problem with using CoreML models in capacitor plugins?
I also tried to load the model, using the same lines of code in a full/native swift app, what worked fine.
The model is already located in the Plugins' Directory (together with the files Plugin.swift, Plugin.m and so on...) and is accessed via calling it as //VNCoreMLModel(for: "modelname".model).
The error message in particular is : "Cannot find 'Resnet50' in scope"
code snippet:
guard let model = try? VNCoreMLModel(for: Resnet50().model) else {return}
(I personally think, that when integrating the plugin into my app, the model file is maybe not transferred into the 'Development Pods' for any reason.)
I don't know what capacitor is, but Resnet50 is a class that is automatically generated by Xcode. You either need to copy the source code for that class into your own project, or not use that class and instantiate an MLModel object for your model instead.

How to get GLFW window Id of FlutterWindow

I am trying to build a video player using flutter for Desktop. There is a video_player plugin available for iOS and Android, but not for Desktop. So, for the time being thought of trying to use gstreamer for decoding and hardware rendering in C++ code as back-end to flutter. The idea is to pass the Window Id of the flutter window to gstreamer's glimagesink plugin for rendering the video.
I am using the latest code from as the base for my experiments. Below mentioned points are with reference to this repo.
In file flutter-desktop-embedding/example/linux/, FlutterWindowController object is created as shown below.
flutter::FlutterWindowController flutter_controller(icu_data_path);
This internally calls
While hovering the mouse pointer on the above method, VS code shows the following
bool FlutterDesktopInit()
Sets up the library's graphic context. Must be called before any other
Note: Internally, this library uses GLFW, which does not support multiple
copies within the same process. Internally this calls glfwInit, which will
fail if you have called glfwInit elsewhere in the process.
It is clear that FlutterDesktopInit() uses GLFW to create window. Checked whether I can get the window handle. But, no luck. I could only get the FlutterWindow object as shown below.
flutter::FlutterWindow *win = flutter_controller.window();
Appreciate if somebody can give some hint on how to get the GLFW window handle, which can be used with glimagesink.
You can't get references to any GLFW objects through that API. This is by design because, as the comment you quoted says, you can't have multiple copies of GLFW within the same process. GLFW is statically linked into the Linux Flutter embedding, so you can't use GLFW in the runner or a plugin.
Implementing a video player should be done using the texture APIs, which will be added for GLFW in this PR.

javascript error airconsole generator and unity

Hi I am making a game on unity with airconsole and when I try to import the airconsole controls github repo to my unity project I get a lot of javascript errors, so I can't use the controller generator and it hinders me, A LOT.
Thanks in advance, you would save my skin.
Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, as well as all additional resources your controller will need (images etc.), need to be in Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole so Unity will not try to compile them into C# or UnityScript.
Your controller HTML file itself can be somewhere else in the project, the file within Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole will be updated automatically to match it as long as it is linked in the AirConsole Object in your scene.
If you add the plugin including example scenes into an empty project, you will see a working folder structure.
Edit/Update: in case you are getting errors along the lines of The type or namespace name 'ILGenerator' could not be found (or the same but with DynamicMethod) please see details on Reddit or StackOverflow.
Essentially: you have to set API Compatibility level o 4.x in your Player Settings for your selected platform.

Can both image target and object target be added one single database in unity vuforia?

I am developing an android app where I have to train my app to recognize two images and four objects.I created one single database where I added all the images and objects target in vuforia developer site and created the unity package. Now neither image nor object is getting recognized.
Probably the problem is the same for objects and images.
I think you should share some more info about what your doing as well as some meaningful code implementing it.
W/O that, I would suggest:
verify that the database and trackables are loaded and active # runtime
if so, see in console that the trackables are tracked by Vuforia
if so, verify the code enabling your augmentations
Please confirm whether have run trough these steps already and what results you got. I can share some code and further tips once the issue is a little but more specific.

How can I get sensor data into Unity while using Google Cardboard?

I have the basic Google Cardboard Unity application loaded and working great.
I want to utilize a few sensors on my phone that aren't available in Unity. For example, I want to get access to the STEP_DETECTOR sensor.
I created my own UnityPlayerActivity, and without Cardboard, it seems to work well. My problem is that I have no idea how to use my custom UnityPlayerActivity WITH cardboard.
From what I can tell, the cardboard demo uses a "UnityCardboardActivity" class as the main activity. I took a look at UnityCardboardActivity.jar and it looks like the UnityCardboardActivity class inherits from CardboardActivity, NOT UnityActivity.
So my guess is that UnityCardboardActivity is manually starting the default UnityPlayerActivity somewhere in its code, but I can't change that to start my own custom UnityPlayerActivity in any way that I can tell.
Is there any way to get that sensor data without using a UnityPlayerActivity?
I tried making my activity extend UnityCardboardActivity instead, but for some reason I don't have access to the "getSystemService" method when do that, so I can't get access to any sensors.