Facebook Graph & Marketing APIs - Postman collection available? - facebook

Is there any Postman collection available for Facebook Graph API and its "children"? (Marketing API and friends.)
I'd definitely ask somewhere on their SDKs Github page, but all of them don't allow to post any "Issues". Also, I've been surfing the web for a while on this.
A great example of what I'm after is WhatsApp's Business API Postman collection, it's publicly available here -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/guides/postman/

What you are looking for is not available at this time.
Our docs are the source of truth for all API's


Can I access Facebook Ad Billing data through an API?

Thats the url id like to pull data from. I looked at all the API's, but none of them seem to offer up this data.
Try this: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.9/{business_id}/business_invoices
YES YOU CAN USIG FACEBOOK MARKETING API Marketing APIs are a collection of Graph API endpoints that can be used to help you advertise on Facebook. To get started with advertising on Facebook, we recommend you learn about Facebook's Ad Campaign Structure, to understand the objects you're working with and how they relate to each other.

Creating Facebook Ads programmatically with Ads API or Atlas API

Which API we can use for Facebook Ad creation programmatically in C#?Atlas API or ADs API. I have gone through both API documents and I find that both object names are different and Ads API is very similar to Facebook Ad fields. But I couldn't find any code samples for Ads API where as we have the code samples for Atlas API but object names are different compared to Facebook Ad. Please suggest me which API is better to use and what the process to access both Ads API.
To create ads on Facebook, you'll want to use the Facebook Ads API. This API is JSON based and pretty much any Graph API client library should be able to connect to it. One caveat is you'll need to request access to the Ads API, which might take a bit of time to get reviewed and enabled. The documentation for this API is here:
The Atlas API is primarily used to serve display ads and measure their performance. It doesn't sound like that's your primary use case here.
There are no C# Ads SDK that I am aware, but you can start with a C# Facebook SDK that will help you with lower level objects such as requests, accesstokens, batch requests etc.
And to build your Business Logic Layer, here is the spec:

Facebook REST API for links.getStats alternative needed

I am building a site where I need the social sharing statistics of a particular URL for example http://www.facebook.com/.
So I came across this REST api by facebook which solves the problem perfectly.
But I noticed that the API will be deprecated , and I have no idea when.
I wanted to know what is the Facebook Graph API alternatice to the same legacy REST API.
Use the link_stat FQL table - this has the same information.
You can also use the Insights API on Graph API depending on what metrics you need

How do I publish an activity on facebook using the Graph API

The old Facebook Legacy REST API had a function dashboard.publishActivity, however the new Graph API only allows messages to be posted on /me/feed.
Is there a way to send activities using the Graph API?
As mentioned in http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/552/ Facebook "have removed the section which displayed the News that developers published via the Dashboard APIs in the Games Dashboard". Therefore the dashboard.publishActivity function no longer provides any useful functionality. My recommendation is to switch to either using stream posts or to Requests 2.0, as these will provide the same sort of distribution that you're looking for.

How much information can I access with facebook connect?

My google skills have failed.
My interest is how much user information I can access when having users connect to my website through. Comments, shared links, uploaded photos, data from other facebook applications used by the user?
Have a look at the Graph API ..or the old REST API for an idea of what you can access via Facebook APIs.
There's a good tutorial here: Facebook Connect Tutorial. I believe this article is using the REST API and the Javascript SDK for single sign on.