How do I publish an activity on facebook using the Graph API - facebook

The old Facebook Legacy REST API had a function dashboard.publishActivity, however the new Graph API only allows messages to be posted on /me/feed.
Is there a way to send activities using the Graph API?

As mentioned in Facebook "have removed the section which displayed the News that developers published via the Dashboard APIs in the Games Dashboard". Therefore the dashboard.publishActivity function no longer provides any useful functionality. My recommendation is to switch to either using stream posts or to Requests 2.0, as these will provide the same sort of distribution that you're looking for.


Facebook Graph API: how to read feed of Facebook groups that I don't manage?

Facebook has a very useful API that can be used to get the feed of a Facebook group (see this link). One of the requirements for using this API is that my app must be installed in the group. As far as I know, I can install apps only in groups that I manage.
My question is how can I get the feed of a group by an API, if I don't manage the group? Is is possible by Graph API or by any other piece of software?

Why does Twitter's API provide a way to programmatically create "Likes," if it goes against their Automation rules?

I was looking into using Twitter's official REST API for automatically liking specific posts that fit certain conditions.
I looked into the API reference to see if this was possible—and in fact, there is and endpoint for doing this:
"POST favorites/create" - API reference
However, looking at Twitter's policies—specifically "Automation rules", it would seem that automating this behavior is explicitly prohibited:
D. Automated actions you take on Tweets or accounts
Automated likes: You may not like Tweets in an automated manner.
This leads to my question: If automating likes in Twitter goes explicitly against the rules, why do they provide an endpoint for this behavior in their official API for developers?
I have written custom Twitter apps. If I want users of my app to be able to "Like" a tweet, I call the Twitter API function that allows me to do so.

Has the Facebook graph search API been removed in Graph API version 2.0?

I can use the Facebook Graph API successfully (within my iOS app) for several calls but I'm trying to use it for searching.
I implemented the url after googling and getting many hits, i.e. Does facebook have a public search API yet?.
I can use the search API from a browser and get results, however it doesn't work from within my app.
So I had a look at the Facebook graph API reference
and search isn't listed there. Has it therefore been removed?
Be aware that Facebook has just taken down public post search in Graph API v2.0 so you won't be available to do that anymore.
Check under section Graph API "Public post search is no longer available. (/search?type=post&q=foobar)"

News Feed via Graph API 'outdated'

On the Graph API documentation, the following is in brackets next to the News Feed endpoint:
this is an outdated view, does not reflect the News Feed on
This is a fairly critical method in any app using the Graph API, so what are we supposed to use? Is there a way to obtain a more accurate version of the News Feed with a different API?
I've noticed some differences between what is shown on the website and what is shown through the API but I assumed most of it was down to individual user permissions. Either way this issue is non-trivial and is starting to make regret choosing the Graph API over, say, FQL.
You can use FQL to fetch the news feed. See the documentation under
But it seems that the results doesn't differ from the results via the graph api.

Using both Facebook Graph API and Old Rest API? Please help!

I am developing a Facebook application that will use Facebook events.
I want to be able to create and edit event as well as invite users friends to the event.
I prefer to use the new Graph API to handle all connections with Facebook and I many ways I am able too, but, the Graph API cannot send invites.
I saw that the Old Rest API got far more ways to interact with Facebook so I tried to use both systems on the same time but when I send the Access token that I have created with the Graph API a long with a call to the old API it says "Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token".
My question is, is there a way to convert the new Graph API access token to be used with the old rest API? Is there perhaps another way to get both systems to work in the same application?
Please help! All input are welcome.
I´d recommend against the old REST api. Support will be canceled sooner or later and then you will have to port to graph api anyway.
To send invites to your app you can use fbml/xfbml. try the togehter with the JavaScript SDK as described here:
good luck!