stop the extensions in VSCode from altering the right click menu - visual-studio-code

I'm using VScode for writing my Python codes. I'm using the 2 extensions Pylance and Python for docstrings. However, I find it annoying that these extensions alter the mouse right-click menu, and the mouse right-click action. Is there any way to stop these extensions from modifying this?
Is there any way to remove all these unnecessary options from the right-click menu?


Key command to activate gutter menu items

Using VS Code, I have extensions that add right-click items to the gutter. There is no way to run these commands via the command palette. So for example, for a java extension, running individual tests, I'm constantly having to grab the mouse to run the current test from the gutter.
I don't see any way using keys to activate/jump to the gutter so I can activate them that way (at that point I could just use the regular right-click keystroke).
Am I wrong?

Disable the "refactor preview" confirmation tab

A few weeks ago, refactoring code using F2 worked without any confirmation. Since a few days, however, using F2 opens up a "Refactor preview" tab in the bottom panel.
The refactoring will not be done until I manually check what I want to refactor, and click the checkmark at the top right.
I cannot find anything online or in the vscode settings. Can this be disabled so that the refactoring automatically proceeds like it used to?
Are you accidentally pressing Shift + Enter after renaming?
This behavior should only happen after you press F2, change the name of the item, and then press Shift + Enter. Pressing only enter should automatically perform the rename without the refactor preview tab opening. The rename box states this:
In case its not clear, here is a video that illustrates this.
Note: This solution is only for c/c++ case. The reason is that C/C++ extension is doing bad in analyzing the code and relies on user to determine which ones to rename, then the preview panel is poped up for this.
Try disable Editor > Rename: Enable Preview in settings, and then restart vscode.
If the problem still exists, try replace C/C++ extension's intellisense with clangd:
Install clangd extension in vscode;
Disable C/C++ extension's intellisense by adding this to settings.json:
"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Disabled"
Then vscode will adopt clangd's intellisense, which renames without a preview.
Uninstalling C/C++ extension is NOT recommended because intergrated gdb will be lost, but you can try lldb as a substitude:
Install CodeLLDB extension in vscode;
Configure cmake's default debug type to lldb in settings.json:
"cmake.debugConfig": {
"type": "lldb"

What is that component on the top-right of VS Code called? How can I change the setting of it?

I'm using VS Code on Mac and I was curious about one component.
Every time I open a new python file, this component will show up on the top right of the current window? But I can't find the name of it.
That's not just "one component", but actually multiple buttons added to the editor actions toolbar from multiple extensions installed on your VS Code.
In order from left to right:
Open Changes (built-in with VS Code as part of their Version Control functions)
Run Python File in Terminal (added by Microsoft's own Python extension)
Open Changes in previous revision (added by the GitLens extension)
Show Revision Details (added by the GitLens extension)
Open Changes in next revision (added by the GitLens extension)
Toggle File Blame Annotations (added by the GitLens extension)
Split Editor (built-in with VS Code)
For GitLens, they are automatically added when it detects the currently opened file is part of a git repository. You can configure them by accessing the command palette (CMD+Shift+P on a Mac), then entering "GitLens: Open Settings". Find the "Menus & Toolbars" section:
For example, if you want to remove buttons 3., 4., and 5., uncheck "Add commands to the editor group toolbar" > "Add comparison commands". Then reload VS Code. You can configure all the other settings there.
For the green Play button, it automatically appears when you the currently active file is a Python file. AFAIK, there is no way to configure or hide/remove it other than disabling the Python extension completely (which you certainly don't want to do). There are requests on VS Code's Github page to hide it, like this: Add setting to disable icon for "Run Python File In Terminal".
For the "Open Changes" and "Split Editor" buttons, AFAIK there is no built-in way to hide/remove them. You can only control the behavior from the VS Code settings:
As mentioned in the comments, there is a feature request for VS Code to Allow hiding the buttons in the tab bar line and in the panel title bar, which includes the "Open Changes" and "Split Editor" buttons. There are users who provided workarounds at hiding the buttons using extensions. You may want to follow that thread and/or try out some of those extensions.

Can Visual Studio Code `quick fix` interact with keyboard?

I am using VS Code with the excellent vscodevim extension. When I navigate to a code that has a Quick Action available I can ctrl + . to activate the drop down context menu.
Is there a way to select toggle through the list of available items using the keyboard - other then the arrows keys. As a point of information, within Visual Studio it is possible using tab, this does not work in VS Code.
Why? 'cause I love my MS ARC keyboard but I hate the rocker arrow keys.
This is a known issue for linux users using vscode with advanced shortcuts like vim extension in your case, for some reason quick fix contextual menu is unattached from vscode shortcuts which makes shortcuts not work. A really easy workaround to use with a graphical interface is HotKey.
HotKey > for Linux and create your own shortcut.

How to disable eclipse4 built-in keyboard shortcut?

Eclipse 4.2 seem has some built-in shortcuts, such as Ctrl+P, Alt+C, Alt+X etc, you can not find them from "Window->preferences->General->Keys". I'd like to re-define these shortcuts, e.g. bind Alt+X to run maven build, but when i press Alt+X, at the bottom right corner of Eclipse, it flashes quickly and my mouse is out of control, i think this is because of shortcut conflict.
Anyone who know how to disable the built-in shortcuts? Thanks.
Ctrl+p is only bind to one action.
When i click Ctrl+p, the bottom right corner show, this message is from from eclipse:
Well, the above is the good situation--at least you can choose which action to run. for Alt+P, Alt+c you have no chance to choose, eclipse is flipping and you are out of control.
Are you certain there isn't something in your OS or another application that is handling those keyboard triggers? If you assign a keyboard shortcut in Eclipse's Preferences, it will indicate when there is a conflict; if you don't see that, then it's not an Eclipse shortcut.
I found the root cause of this problem, i import all my keys from Eclipse 3.7 to 4.2, most of them works, however some of them conflict but Eclipse fails to show the conflict shortcuts, Let's say, Ctrl+P, this is print shortcut for eclipse by default, in eclipse 3.7 i bind Ctrl+p to another command, after import, eclipse 4.2 shows just like 3.7(see above), however in fact it still has conflict even though it does not show the conflict. I think this might be an eclipse bug. I'm the one who use shortcut extensively. Hope this help others with migrating shortcuts.