Key command to activate gutter menu items - visual-studio-code

Using VS Code, I have extensions that add right-click items to the gutter. There is no way to run these commands via the command palette. So for example, for a java extension, running individual tests, I'm constantly having to grab the mouse to run the current test from the gutter.
I don't see any way using keys to activate/jump to the gutter so I can activate them that way (at that point I could just use the regular right-click keystroke).
Am I wrong?


VS Code Terminal- Split for client and server folder

How to split the terminal of VSCode into two parts and run code(git command) of client and server in both individuals terminals.
I have attached an image pls see I have to achieve that only means run both folders in two terminals. I have to achieve that only.
Open the Terminal view, press the + icon to add a new terminal, select a directory to use. Once you have multiple terminal sessions, you'll see that sidebar menu listing them. Click and drag one into whatever area you wish it to occupy.
Alternatively, you can look at using a terminal multiplexer, but that's not what's being used in the screenshot you show.

VSCode - Open terminals in a separate window

in VSCode is it possible to open the terminals in a separate window?
So far my research has pointed to a resounding NO but Im curious if anyone has a solution?
Move terminals between windows
It's now possible to move terminals between windows by detaching via
Terminal: Detach Session in one and attaching to another with
Terminal: Attach to Session. In the future this should help enable
cross-window drag and drop!
Lots of changes in v1.58:
For v1.59 moving the terminal changes - including dragging and dropping onto another window, see
Drag and drop terminals across windows
Drag terminals from the tabs
list or editor area of one window into the tabs list, editor area, or
panel of another window.
Terminals in the editor area
Terminals can now be created in or moved to the editor area, enabling a multi-dimensional grid layout that persists and remains visible regardless of panel state.
To use terminals in the editor area, there are several options:
Create via the Create Terminal in Editor Area command.
Move a terminal from the panel to the editor by dragging and dropping from the tabs list.
Running Move Terminal into Editor Area with a terminal focused.
Moving into the editor area via the terminal tab context menu action.
The new terminal.integrated.defaultLocation setting can be set to editor to direct newly created terminals to the editor area by default.
Please Try:
File > Open New Window
Ctrl+Shift+P > Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area
You can add keybinding to the commands as per your convenience.
i think that the OP wants to create a separate window for the terminal but still have the separated terminal linked to the code editor in the original window (that's what i want too). so that when you run the code in the editor the output is shown in the terminal in the separate window. but if you simply open up a new window of vscode and either open a terminal there or drag and drop the terminal from the original window into the new window, the new terminal is not the same session of the terminal. it is a separate independent unconnected terminal. running the code in the editor does not show output in the new separate terminal. all you have achieved is creating a new unconnected terminal. which you could have just accomplished by opening up a regular terminal window i.e. the one from windows os main menu, no need even to use vscode.
This answer is now outdated. See this answer for instructions on moving terminal panes between VS Code windows. This answer still works but is no longer a necessary workaround.
You can't detach the panes in VSCode, which IMO is a bit of a pain since Visual Studio can detach panes all day long.
There is a workaround though, you can open a new window in VSCode and maximize the terminal pane in that window.
One reason you'd want to do this is to have the Python terminal on a second monitor while still being able to use Python interactively (shift+enter way). Attaching/detaching didn't work for me, nor can you open separate terminals.
What you can do is simply resize your one window across the screen borders! Then right click on the terminal tab/header and click Move panel to the left and voila!
Try Сtrl+Shift+c.
For me, it opens the folder the script is within in a command prompt window.
Create a new window by going to File → New Window.
Open up a new terminal inside of it.
Go to your folder (cd your\projectfolder\path).
And here you are, you have a terminal for your project inside it's own seperate window.
You can change the terminal to be side-by-side instead of below the editor. And then make your window very wide. It is almost as good as having two windows.
Right click on the TERMINAL tab.
Select "Move Views to Side Panel"
Make your window very wide
It seems VS Code allows you to detach the terminal window, but it then will not show the output from the editor of the window you detached it from.
I have spent a while searching, and there is really no workaround other than to just run whatever file you are trying to debug from a separate terminal from the same CWD. This also means you will need to save the file in the window you are editing the file in every time you want to run it. huge pain.
If you are using PowerShell inside the VSCode terminal, why don't you use the PowerShell console from the start menu. It's basically equivalent to using the terminal in separate windows. Hope it helps.Sample

How to run the select code in VScode?

I want to run the select code of python in VScode. Till now, I have to copy the code and paste it in the terminal below to run. The system is mac OS.
So is there any way to run the code directly after I selected the code? For example, like the shortcuts.
There is no default keybindings for command "Run Selected Text in Active Terminal", but you can create one.
Press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S to open File → Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts.
Search for workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText in keybindings.
Press the icon on the left to open a windnow with this message "Press desired key combination..." and make your choice. (I've pressed Ctrl+Alt+R - as this combination was not used yet.)
Press Enter to store your keybinding.
Tested on VSCode 1.30.2 on Windows 10 Pro.
#yanachen, this is now possible in VS Code. All you need to do is:
1. Ensure python is running in the VS Code terminal window
2. Select the text you wish to execute in python
3. Invoke the command 'workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText' as defined in the following link:
Now it's supported by default shortcut "shift" + "enter".
select the proper code snippet
press "shift" + "enter"
Here is the setting for running selection in "interactive window."
In my VS Code (version 1.56.2), I do the following things: go to Settings, search for interactive window, in the resulting left panel choose Jupyter, and finally check the box next to Jupyter: Send selection to interactive window. That's it. One more step for some users (including me) is to modify the keybinding for running selection to your preference. For example, got to keyboard shortcuts, type run selection, you should see a list of keybindings and you may need to redefine them if conflicts exist.
Some language specific extensions have already an existing keybinding.
On Windows, for the PowerShell extension it is currently F8 to run the selected text.
Install the vscode extension Node.js Exec. then select the block of code you want to run and press f8. worked for me.

Eclipse Shortcut for Team - Synchronize with Repository

What are the shortcuts for the context menu actions "Team -> Synchronize with Repository" and "Team -> Update" on the whole project?
I have already found shortcuts, but these are executed only on the file i have currently opened. But I want to execute it on the whole project without having to scroll the project explorer to the top and right-clicking on the project.
If there are no such shortcuts, how can I create them?
As john.k.doe indicates, that's the right solution, but you also need to do something else in order to make the shortcut actually work, which is go to Window > Customize Perspective > Command Groups Availability and there just check the SVN box ;)
you can almost always get the key shortcuts you want by
go to preferences type "keys" or go to General -> Keys
in the field presented when you click on "Keys"
in the left pane, type the command you are interested in setting up a shortcut for:
the image below is from my mac, but it works the same way on windows/linux, you just might choose something besides Cmd-Y as your shortcut modifier. the U under User indicates that i was the one to add that modification.
I have written a small Eclipse plug-in which selects the active project in the Package Explorer so you can execute other actions (like 'Sync with repo' and 'Update') on it. I think this approach is more flexible compared to writing a plug-in that selects the project and executes a predefined action.
You can get the plug-in at, it is named "". Download it and put it in the dropins/ folder of your Eclipse installation. Then when you restart Eclipse, you will find a new command Select project in Windows->Preferences->Keys. The default key binding is Ctrl+Shift+Backspace but you can change it to whatever you want.
When you are in the Java editor just press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace, this will select the project that the current file belongs to in Package Explorer. Then press the shortcut for "Synchronize with repository" and you are done.
The source code of the plug-in is also available as part of my eclipse-tweaks project:
I think the answer to this question adresses the issue.
The quickest way I've found to update/synchronize, after having set the shortcut keys, is to click on the minimize button in the Project/Package Explorer and then press the keys. After the update, simply clicking on the last used file in the editor returns to the previous workspace state (provided the "Link with Editor" button in Project Explorer is selected).
I should clarify: I use a working set for each project. The working sets are displayed as default Top Level Elements in the Package Explorer so, by clicking on the minimize button the desired Project' working set, they collapse and are easy to select. Then, I apply the shortcut on the selected working set.
From my point of view, the problem is the focus of the commands you execute.
The Team commands Snychronize and Update are executed on the current object (In my case). As you noticed, when you execute the command on the project, the project is synchonized - when you do it on a file, only the file is synchronized.
What I did as workaround is the following:
I created Key-Bindings for the commands Show in (Navigator) (Alt-N), Go to (Alt-G), and Show View (Naviator) (CTRL+SHIFT+Q, N).
With Alt-N I show the current File in the Navigator. I can then use the keys to navigate to the root that I want to synchronize (it's not always the whole project for me). If the root is to far away I use Alt-G and type the Project or Folder where I want to go to and execute afterwards the Synchronize commands.
(Go to works only in the current view)
If you have selected the Project once you just have to switch to the navigator (Show View command) and execute your synchronize commands.
You could also use rgerganov's plugin then you would not have to execute as many commands.
The procedure works also with other views (package explorer, project explorer)
What about this approach? It should also work for other SCM's or commands you want to execute on any object in the explorer views.

Running Eclipse projects on the Command Prompt

I have a console-based C project in Eclipse. Is there a button I can press to launch my application in a Command Prompt window?
You can run your application as an External Tool, and there's a toolbar item for that. Looks like a green circle with a white arrow, beside a red toolbox. I'm a Java developer so I don't really know the CDT, but at least in the JDT you can run any command line tool in this way. (If it's not in your toolbar, right-click the toolbar and choose Customize Perspective… then find the External Tools item under Launch, and add it.)
First, click the down-arrow beside the button and then choose External Tools Configurations…. In the dialog, select Program from the left side and then click the New button in the toolbar. You are basically creating a shortcut that will live in the toolbar. At this point you can fill out the command line details to run your application. There's a lot of goodies like setting up environment variables, requiring a build of your projects before launching, etc. When you're done, save it, and you can run it as often as you like by clicking the arrow-and-toolbox button. You can come back and edit it later too, make duplicates, etc.
If you're working with a team, or you just want to do a really nice job:
In the Common tab, under Save as, choose Shared File. This will create a file in your project to represent the tool shortcut that you're building. That means you can check it into your source tree, and others can use it too. These files are XML so you want to check them in as text, not binary.
Start your working directory with ${workspace_loc} so that anyone who checks out your project can run it without having to adjust the shortcut for their file system.
Not directly, but you could configure an Ant task to run it (if it doesn't require console input), or you can configure firing up a JVM under Run|External Tools.