Can Visual Studio Code `quick fix` interact with keyboard? - visual-studio-code

I am using VS Code with the excellent vscodevim extension. When I navigate to a code that has a Quick Action available I can ctrl + . to activate the drop down context menu.
Is there a way to select toggle through the list of available items using the keyboard - other then the arrows keys. As a point of information, within Visual Studio it is possible using tab, this does not work in VS Code.
Why? 'cause I love my MS ARC keyboard but I hate the rocker arrow keys.

This is a known issue for linux users using vscode with advanced shortcuts like vim extension in your case, for some reason quick fix contextual menu is unattached from vscode shortcuts which makes shortcuts not work. A really easy workaround to use with a graphical interface is HotKey.
HotKey > for Linux and create your own shortcut.


Shortcuts within Find/Replace dialog do not work in Visual Studio Code?

As shown in this screenshot there are 5 occurrences of the "Find" field. But hitting CMD-ENTER -as shown in the shortcut balloon help - does nothing.
Why is it not working/ what can be done to get it to to work? I detest using the mouse for extremely common operations especially Find/Replace.
It is a little odd that the binding is Cmd+Enter on the Mac, whereas it is Ctrl+Alt+Enter on Windows? Things to try:
The equivalent of Ctrl+Alt+Enter on the Mac (and you indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work).
Check in the Gear Icon/KeyboardShortcuts editor what the command editor.actions.replaceAll is bound to.
Check in the Keyboard Shortcuts (click on the little keyboard icon to the right and type Cmd+Enter) to see if it is bound to something besides editor.actions.replaceAll.
You can run the Developer: Toggle Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting command from the Command Palette, type Cmd+Enter and see what command vscode finds for that keybinding.
You indicated that Cmd+Option+Enter does work as you expect.

VS Code, does not accept suggest on tab

I am currently working on VS Code with GitHub Copilot.
But when I have a suggestion:
And I press "Tab" to accept the suggestion, Vs Code adds a tab in the code:
Someone know how to resolve this ?
In fact VS Code has a prioritization for the same shortcuts.
A custom shortcut is more prioritized than a default shortcut.
If you have a shortcut for your tab key in your VS Code, that can disorganize the prioritization of the default shortcut.
I don't find a solution to give a prioritization for a shortcut, so I set the default for all shortcuts using the tab key:
Note: is important to click on "Reset keybinding" to take the default prioritization.
Other solution
It's probably possible that VS Code gives a prioritization with the date of the last update of your shortcut. But I don't try this solution because you need to update all the shortcuts and we have several shortcuts for tab key.

VSCode - How to cycle through the tems from the quick fix popup with custom keybindings?

I want to cycle through this menu with keyboard but not using Up/Down arrow keys. But I can't find any information on the internet.
After more research, an acceptable solution would be replace the native quick fix menu with keyboard-quickfix extension, and set keybindings for the extension.

Is it possible to have autocomplete in a notebook in Google Colab?

By autocomplete I mean having something like Intellisense in VS Code by which I can see available functions or members in a particular library?
Yup. Press control space (or command space, on a Mac) and autocomplete suggestions will appear.
If you navigate to Settings... and then uncheck "Automatically trigger code completions":'ll then be able to use tab-to-complete like in a conventional Jupyter notebook. From the Keyboard Shortcuts page of the Colaboratory app:
I'm on a macbook pro, Option+ Esc performs autocomplete for me.
Ctrl+Space (works on Mac as well), but I have to run the cell once:
If you have only one language on your macbook then you can press Ctrl + space for Mac, as well as for Windows.
Works like magic, see the image below:
If you have more than one language you are switching between languages using Ctrl + space, you need to use option+esc
On Windows it work the same way as with Ctrl+Space if you press Tab. Not sure about Mac, however.
you can check for what keyboard shortcut works for you in the settings in the keyboard shortcuts inside of the tools tab.

Multi-Line select with Alt

How can I select multi-line with vscode?
On Visual Studio you can press left alt key and select multi-lines, but it is not working with vscode.
As of May 2017, it is possible. Read the release notes:
We have introduced a new setting, editor.multiCursorModifier, to
change the modifier key for applying multiple cursors to Cmd+Click on
macOS and Ctrl+Click on Windows and Linux. This lets users coming from
other editors such as Sublime Text or Atom continue to use the
keyboard modifier they are familiar with.
The setting can be set to:
ctrlCmd - Maps to Ctrl on Windows and Cmd on macOS.
alt - The existing default Alt.
It is not available for now, but there is a feature request on uservoice:
The box-selection feature in Visual Studio (where you can highlight a part of multiple lines) isn't available in VSCode.
For features like this that you would love to see in VSCode - you can add the idea to the Code User Voice pages.