Is there way to further customise notification subscriptions? - azure-devops

Good morning.
I have a client who has a very specific notification that they want sent out.
There is a custom multi-value control on their Feature WIT that allows the user to select one or more values (that correspond with internal team names). They want a notification to be sent to a custom email address of the team that has been selected. See screenshots below.
The problem is that when creating the notification subscription, the only filter option available for that field is "changes" and I'm unable to get the value that has been selected.
Essentially I'd like to be able to do something like: "If 'ContributingTeam' = [ABC] then [send email to custom address]" but I can only do "If 'ContributingTeam' changes then [send email to custom address] but this doesn't help because I need to send the notification to a different email address depending on which team is selected.

I'm not able to reproduce your issue on my side, the drop down seems normal for the field used for Multivalue control:
Please check whether you choose the correct field, and check what type you used for the field. Also, try to create a new field and try again.


Azure devop- subscription does not send email to me

I'm a tester and typically create bug in Azure devop. I want to receive an email on work items that were created by myself AND (comment is posted OR assign to any members) BUT it does not work if work item is changed to another person.
My subscription as following:
From your screenshot, you only define the History Changes in Notification.
The History field represents the Comment field in the work item. So no notification will be sent when the assign to changes.
To meet your requirements, you can add an filter: Assign To -> Changes and set the relationship as Or.
Here is an example:

Adding a note to transaction

I am trying to add a Note to the transaction, so when I receive the payment email I see something in the Notes/Message section. Does anyone know what object it should get attached to?
Both the API and HTML systems support the CUSTOM field. This value is accepted and passed back to you in the same fashion you sent. So if you need a message that is the field to use.

How can I trigger custom emails to be sent in wordpress?

My goal is to use a user's answers to a few questions to trigger custom emails being sent to them with filtered content on my wordpress website. It seems like this is a common need, but can't find anything that allows it, or even is the right base to build a custom solution.
There are 3 main features I'm needing to do: First, the signup form lets users choose a few criteria via selection boxes.
Next, the captured information triggers an email being sent that matches the content they chose. For example, if the user says they're interested in waterskiing, the email that is auto sent would show the most recent posts in the water-skiing category.
Finally, the user responses would need to be saved to trigger actions at a later time if the content is not available yet. So for example, if they are interested in bowling, but there are no entries on bowling, nothing happens. However, once a post gets entered in this category, they are automatically emailed with that recent entry.
Any clarity you can provide here on plugins, software, etc that would lend to this functionality is much appreciated!!

Add email recipient to all new Trac tickets

Is there a configuration change that can be made to Trac to send a notification to an email address only upon the creation of all new tickets? If it can't be done through config, a plugin would be the second best option, with source code modification as a last resort.
NOTE: The setting smtp_always_cc in the notification section of TracIni will send messages on all updates. I'm in need of email notifications only on the creation of a new ticket.
Does this have to be an email notification? One option you have is to create a query that will list the ten (or however many) most recently-created tickets. When looking at the results of the query, use the "RSS Feed" button at the bottom of the page to subscribe to a feed that will notify you whenever the results of that query get updated.
You could write your own ticket listener plugin (or rather, override the default one and tweak it), or write a email filter (procmail?) to remove non-creation mails.
The smtp_always_cc configuration option in trac.ini will do exactly that.
The one caveat is that it will also send an email on any updates to that issue -- not only on issue creation. This may or may not be what you want. See the TracNotification page in the help wiki for more information.
We use this feature in our product at Akiri Solutions.

SharePoint send an email to users specified in a Field

I have a SharePoint list of Issues and have set a column (called Alert) to a “Person or Group” (allowing multiple names).
I would like the system to send an email to all the users listed in the Alert field, if the respective Issue is modified.
How do I set the Workflow to send an email the users as specified by the data in the Alert field (if there is any)? I know how to use the Workflow etc – the problem the “To” part of the Workflow's email.
(Sorry if this item has already been tackled – I've searched Stack Overflow and Googled around but could not find an answer)
Preferably through SharePoint Designer. i.e. preferably with no Code.
I have limited experience with SP Designer workflows, but have you tried the email action with "Workflow Lookup" selected in the To field? This allows you to use specific fields from the submitted list item.
You'll want to use the SPUtility.SentEmail method which will send an email to the string you pass it from using the context of the SharePoint server, saving you from writing the code youself to send it.
Use the "Build Dynamic String" workflow action to compose the list of email addresses. You can then use the dynamic string variable in the TO field. You can find the variable under "Workflow Data" in the lookup dialog.
I believe that the SPD workflows can only send to a person field that allows single selections. If you need to send an email to multiple users you will have to find a custom action (similar to or develop a Windows Workflow Foundation workflow using Visual Studio.
I have found a workaround to make the workflow send emails to multiple users entered under the field type Person/Group:
Create a workflow variable with type String
Assign the variable to Current Item field name and return type String
Then send an email To: Variable Name