how to convert javascipt in the protractor - protractor

I want to convert $x("//*[#class='file-folder-breadcrumbs-item-part name']")[1].innerText; statement in the protractor compatible running statement.
I am new in automation testing please help.


Can I use Cucumber with Selenium Grid to run the scripts on different node at the same time?

I have searched for same but faced with failure.
Is there any other tool which can be utilised effectively to run the scripts on multiple node?
Posible duplicate of : How to execute cucumber test cases in parallel using Grid?
For me, TestNG is good to parallelize your tests and here is a question and answer about it :
How to run the cucumber test parallelly_Junit/TestNg
Cucumber 4 provides native support to run scenarios in paralllel. You dont need cucumber -Jvm.
you have to put number of threads in the runner file (--thread = 2) and just pass the selenium hub to your selenium driver during initialization.

how to generate logs using log4js-protractor-appender in angular/cli project using typescript

i have tried using log4js-protractor-appender for e2e testing using protractor in angular cli project by following link Writing a log file for Protractor/Jasmine tests without using command line
I think you should use jasmine or mocha for reporting your test results. Hope it will help you. How can I save protractor test results

Debug Protractor tests using Nodeclipse

I am using Nodeclipse to create a test automation framework using Protractor. However, I'm not able to debug (step through my code). I am however able to successfully do so using WebStorm. Its really very frustrating to debug tests using Protractor's browser.pause(); and browser.debugger(); statements.
Can anyone please help on this ? Is there any particular configuration which needs to be done on Nodeclipse just as we do on WebStorm as shown here:

How can I log the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands

I need a command that helps me to find a solution for the following problem:
logging the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands.
Please refer following URL to execute Selenium-IDE HTML Scripts using Selenium RC. Using this you will get HTML result file. To get screenshot you can add captureScreenshot command after failed step.

How to Integrate NUnit With VS 2008

Hi i created a unit test case using NUnit.When i run the test NUnit it works fine.But i need to run it by using Visual studio.So i referred the NUnit website and followed the below steps
1)Right clicked the test project and clicked properties |Chose Debug option
2)checked the external program option and choosed the nUnit exe file.
3)And i run the test
Error i got:
Cannot start because the test project does not contain any test method.But i included 4 test methods which works in NUnit GUI.
Thanks in advance
Check out TestDriven.NET, a free Visual Studio add-in that allows you to run your unit tests with NUnit directly from the IDE.
Also ReSharper beautifully supports testing with NUnit!
On the Debug options tab, make sure to also set a command line argument with the name of your test assembly.