how to generate logs using log4js-protractor-appender in angular/cli project using typescript - protractor

i have tried using log4js-protractor-appender for e2e testing using protractor in angular cli project by following link Writing a log file for Protractor/Jasmine tests without using command line

I think you should use jasmine or mocha for reporting your test results. Hope it will help you. How can I save protractor test results


How to skip dependent feature file when parent feature file fails in protractor cucumber

I have 5 test scenarios in my 5 different feature files.
TC-3&TC-4 are dependent test cases when test scenario TC-3 failed automatically TC-4 should skip and TC-5 should execute how we can achieve this in cucumber any suggestions
Thanks in advance.
I never worked with cucumber closely, but I found out it's not possible in jasmine and pytest. So I assume this is how all test frameworks work.
The problem is that both of these^ build a queue of tests to execute before the browser started. And you can't modify it based on a runtime results.
see this answer for jasmine, and see if you can apply this approach to cucumber Nested it in Protractor/Jasmine

Debug Protractor tests using Nodeclipse

I am using Nodeclipse to create a test automation framework using Protractor. However, I'm not able to debug (step through my code). I am however able to successfully do so using WebStorm. Its really very frustrating to debug tests using Protractor's browser.pause(); and browser.debugger(); statements.
Can anyone please help on this ? Is there any particular configuration which needs to be done on Nodeclipse just as we do on WebStorm as shown here:

Allure and Hapi Lab coverage reports

I am in the process of trying to figure out if we can use the Allure plugin for TeamCity to show code coverage, and completed tests in our build pipeline.
All of the tests for our web services are written in CoffeeScript using Hapijs Lab.
When we run the tests now we use 'npm test' and once the tests complete a coverage.html document is generated.
Does anyone know of a way that I can convert this coverage.html report into a format that Allure would understand? From what I have read it seems that Allure is expecting XML. Does anyone have experience in converting an existing report into XML?
When you run your lab tests you can add the flag:
lab tests.js --reporter junit
And you will get a junit style xml output.
Then you need to make sure you have the JUnit adapter installed for allure. You can find info about that here:

How can I log the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands

I need a command that helps me to find a solution for the following problem:
logging the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands.
Please refer following URL to execute Selenium-IDE HTML Scripts using Selenium RC. Using this you will get HTML result file. To get screenshot you can add captureScreenshot command after failed step.

How do I run our qunit tests from rake?

I would like to be able to issue the command rake test:qunit and to have our qunit tests run. Is this possible? Can it be done without opening a browser window?
You could integrate PhantomJS into rake. PhantomJS can run QUnit tests and provides useful results, as its using an actual browser engine (WebKit). PhantomJS has an example on integrating QUnit.
This looks promising: