How can I log the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands - selenium-ide

I need a command that helps me to find a solution for the following problem:
logging the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands.

Please refer following URL to execute Selenium-IDE HTML Scripts using Selenium RC. Using this you will get HTML result file. To get screenshot you can add captureScreenshot command after failed step.


Jmeter (JMX) running on GIThub) encounters an error

I tried to run my JMX file on Github however I'm encountering an error. can someone help me fix this. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you.
PerfAction for Jmeter
Your test plan is using Dummy Sampler and your JMeter installation doesn't have this Dummy Sampler plugin installed.
Make sure to add it using JMeter Plugins Manager (it can also be done in command-line mode) and this error will go away.
If your script uses other JMeter Plugins - do the same for all the plugins used.

Executing Karate scenarios calling external JAR from VScode

I use Karate as standalone JAR, and for writing scenarios I've installed Visual Source Code with the "karate-runner" plugin as IDE support.
I use an external jar for encryption treatments.
The trouble is that, when I execute a Karate scenario from Visual Source Code (for debuggig purpose), my external jar is not taken into account, and during execution, I get the message "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: GenerateSign" in the console.
I've no problem when I launch the scenario directly in command line like :
Karate.bat mytest.feature
With the content of karate.bat is :
java -cp karate.jar;Sign.jar;. %*
So, how to configure the tools in order to execute my karate scenarios from VScode taking into account my external jar too?
Thanks a lot.
I suspect the problem is you haven't updated the "karateCli" property in your launch.json debug configuration. Can you try to update it including your additional jar file and try again.
Based on what command line does work in your batch file you should update your "Karate Runner" extensions settings as shown below in the images.
For running tests from Codelens with "Run Karate Test(s)"
For running tests with VSCode debugger
Maybe you simply are on the wrong version. Dir you try 0.9.5 ?
Here are the instructions:
For those coming across this in the future, you can use this as an additional reference:

how to generate logs using log4js-protractor-appender in angular/cli project using typescript

i have tried using log4js-protractor-appender for e2e testing using protractor in angular cli project by following link Writing a log file for Protractor/Jasmine tests without using command line
I think you should use jasmine or mocha for reporting your test results. Hope it will help you. How can I save protractor test results

How can I pass a fail test in Selenium IDE?

I have a little problem with Selenium IDE. When I open an website and it fails because of timeout, Selenium won't run the next tests where I created a while loop so it will always refresh the webpage if it's not loaded.
My question is, how can make Selenium pass on the next command if the "open" command fails for timeout. Or please suggest any other workaround in case the page is loading continuously .
Thanks, Alex

Headless build in Eclipse: how to retrieve result value

I'm trying to use Eclipse CDT's headlessbuild feature for integrating Eclipse with TeamCity. I use a command line call to build my projects as descriped in this question. If there is a compilation error, a message box pops up saying "Java was started but returned exit code=1". I'd rather not have this message but get the return code so I can process it further in my script. Is there any way to do this?
You can suppress the popup and redirect output to be included with your script:
Add "--launcher.suppressErrors" to your command line arguments for eclipse
The error needs to be tracked down in the GUI from what I can tell, because the headless mode doesn't support very good error reporting from sub-tasks yet.
From there I used output from the GUI-based build to narrow down why my project failed to build.