Debug Protractor tests using Nodeclipse - protractor

I am using Nodeclipse to create a test automation framework using Protractor. However, I'm not able to debug (step through my code). I am however able to successfully do so using WebStorm. Its really very frustrating to debug tests using Protractor's browser.pause(); and browser.debugger(); statements.
Can anyone please help on this ? Is there any particular configuration which needs to be done on Nodeclipse just as we do on WebStorm as shown here:


Flutter driver Test Explorer

is there a way to get some kind of Flutter Test Explorer into the IntelliJ IDE?
I am thinking of something like JUnit has in Visual Studio. Let's say that it should be something like this. My tests are stored in Feature Files.
If yes please send me a link to an addon or tool.
I am talking about the tool which "sees" all feature files and scenarios in it before the run. User than can select which scenario will be executed from the list of scenarios.
If you run tests in IntelliJ you should see something very similar to what you have screen shotted above for VS. You may find if you're using a build tool (Gradle/Maven) that running tests defaults to using the build tool to do so but you can switch this back to IntelliJ alone. What are you currently seeing/not seeing in IntelliJ?
See for more info + screen shot very similar to VS.

Modifying the default behaviour of a Vue Cli 3 project test runner

I am very new to this style of workflow, so please don't assume much in the answers.
I have started a new project using Vue CLI 3 creation tools, and including the Mocha-Chai tests. I can run the tests in Yarn (yarn run test:unit)
I would like to know:
How might I attach a debugger to the test run (I am using Visual Studio Code)?
How might I run the tests in a browser?

how to generate logs using log4js-protractor-appender in angular/cli project using typescript

i have tried using log4js-protractor-appender for e2e testing using protractor in angular cli project by following link Writing a log file for Protractor/Jasmine tests without using command line
I think you should use jasmine or mocha for reporting your test results. Hope it will help you. How can I save protractor test results

Salesforce debug logs in eclipse?

Is there any way to view Salesforce debug logs in eclise ide? I tried to do some preliminary search but couldn't find anything.
You can receive debug log in Eclipse only, if you run apex tests or execute anonymous code from Eclipse. In other cases you can find debug logs in Setup->Logs->Debug or in Developer Console.

How can I log the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands

I need a command that helps me to find a solution for the following problem:
logging the failed cases of selenium ide and send them to an email using selenium ide commands.
Please refer following URL to execute Selenium-IDE HTML Scripts using Selenium RC. Using this you will get HTML result file. To get screenshot you can add captureScreenshot command after failed step.