What is the actual PostgreSQL download URL for windows? - postgresql

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL via Ansible on a Windows machine, meaning I'll need a URL. I know this shows me a download link, and I can usually right-click on the link and get the actual URL. Clocking on that line takes you to this page, and right-clicking on the start the download now link on that page doesn't give me a direct URL either, but a link to a javescript. I even looked a the HTML source in Brave browser Developer tools. I even found an example here, but the ftp url shown there doesn't have Windows installers. I also searched for "Postgres download URL" here, to no avail.
What the heck is the actual download URL, say for version 13?

On the page you linked to, if you click on the "Download" it takes you to this page](https://www.enterprisedb.com/postgresql-tutorial-resources-training?cid=437) which typically starts the download automatically.
However, there is a message
If your download does not begin automatically, start the download now
which is the direct link to the installer (in this case for 13.3)


ftp-kr - Cannot edit in read-only editor

I cannot figure out how to use the ftp-kr extension for VS Code properly. I have read and re-read the GitHub Wiki and the README documentation and cannot find any other help for my issue. I posted this question to the project Issues on GitHub but have yet to receive a response.
ftp-kr is just a simple extension for editing files via FTP that are located on a remote server. Many other users seem to be using the extension with no issue.
I installed the extension, and then I successfully edited the connection settings (in ftp-kr.json) and successfully made a connection to the remote server I am trying to edit files on.
I opened the FTP-KR: EXPLORER pane to look at all of the files on the server, but if I double-click any of the files to open them and then try to edit them, I am unable to type and just get a warning in VS Code that says "Cannot edit in read-only editor".
I have tried right-clicking on files and clicking the "Download This" button, thinking that maybe I need to download a local copy of the files to edit before uploading the changes. However, whenever I click the "Download This" option on any file in the ftp-kr Explorer, it just gives me an error message that says "[file_name] is not in remotePath".
I tried running the >ftp-kr: Download All command, but it just spits out a notice that says "Nothing to DO".
How do I edit files located on the remote server and save those changes to the server?
P.S. I have tried the solutions found in this question but unfortunately none of them seem to work. Particularly, "code-runner: Run in terminal" is not in my settings and "Edit in Local" is not a context menu item that appears in my editor.
After a number of months, I finally have a solution to this thanks to the developer eventually responding on GitHub. There are a few things going on here.
Any file that a user wishes to modify must be downloaded as a local copy on the user's machine first and then that copy can be uploaded to the webserver via FTP.
ftp-kr cannot auto-download individual files. (Either when they are double-clicked on or through any other method.) It can only download entire directories, and those directories can be changed by using the localPath and ignore options in the configuration file, then stopping and restarting the ftp connection.
The "Download This" context menu option that appears is a piece of non-implemented code. It will not do anything.
>ftp-kr: Download All is the preferred way (by the developer's intent) to download the remote files onto the user's computer. The fact that it was returning an error before was a bug which has now been fixed.
Confusingly, the user can view the filenames and context of every file on the remote file system using a convenient tree view, you just cannot simply download any of those files individually.
In all, this plugin does not provide the functionality that I hoped it would have. (Namely, being able to easily download, modify, and upload individual files.) So I know how to properly use it, I will just be switching to a different plugin for my purposes.

How do you migrate a site from Wordpress.com (free account) to Pantheon?

How do you migrate a site from Wordpress.com (not .org, not WP Engine, not local, etc) to Pantheon.io?
Pantheon has a migration button, but it doesn't work with Wordpress.com free accounts because it requires you to install a plugin and you can't install plugins on Wordpress.com free accounts.
Pantheon documentation suggests for Wordpress.com migrations to use mysqldump but you don't have access to the database on Wordpress.com.
I'll answer my own question to help other people in the future:
Check on Pantheon setting that Code -> Development Mode is SFTP mode, (this is the default setting,) and not Git mode. You need SFTP mode to install the importer plugin later.
In Wordpress.com Manage -> Settings make your blog public or hidden (not private) so it's images are available online for migration.
In Wordpress.com do Tools -> Export.
If the export takes a long time (more than a few seconds) it may have crashed, mine did first time, try agin.
When instructed, go to your email, download the .zip file and uncompress it to get a .xml file, (e.g. on a mac-double click .zip file. Note: your .xml file needs to be < 100MB, my 10 page brochure site was only 175KB. If your site .xml file is over 100MB then f*&k knows how you do it.
In Pantheon in Wordpress do Site Admin -> Tools -> Import and import your .xml file. (Don't try to import the .xml file in Pantheon Database / Files -> Import. It doesn't work.)
When asked, assign authors and tick 'Download and import file attachments'
Pantheon will then appear to be loading for a long time and show a blank screen with url [your site]/admin.php?import=wordpress&step=2 . Wait a bit, press refresh, it will display The application did not respond in time. Despite it looking like it hasn't worked, it has actually worked. (If it hasn't repeat this step.)
On Pantheon click on 'Visit Development Site' Click on Pages and your imported pages should be listed. If it hasn't worked, repeat step 8 (and maybe wait a bit longer when it's loading, but not too long, I gave up, and refreshed after a few minutes, and it still worked.)
Delete the Sample Page and delete the Hello world! post.
Import your code (I didn't try this) or redo your customisation/theme/settings/plugins manually as I did (e.g. If you use shortcodes, install the Jetpack plugin and select go to setpack settings -> Writing -> Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites option.)
Congratulations, you've migrated from wordpress.com to Pantheon. You're welcome. 😬

How to download files from adf.ly to a remote server?

I am trying to download a file to a remote server from the website adf.ly, but when I try wget it downloads the website html code. Help?
First start the download on your own computer (and watch the ad and everything). Then once its downloading the file, you should be able to get the URL where its downloading from by looking at your "Downloads" section (in Chrome, for example). Copy that URL and use it to download from the remote server.
Make sure you are wget'ing the link to the actual file, not the ad.fly link. Ad.fly has it setup this way to force you to watch their ads.

How to distribute Eclipse Update Site

I can't find a free repository allowing to distribute Eclipse Update Site.
The main requirement is that it should provide access to raw content so that Eclipse can use the URL to retrieve all the binaries of my projects.
GitHub provided access to raw url but it seems it stopped.
Do you know if bitbucket does it? any different solution?
Actually, you can host an eclipse update site easily on github using raw url. I know because I have done it recently and it works.
It is true that you get a 404 when you try to access the repos 'raw' directory. However, that is actually not a problem because when you use the Eclipse (or Marketplace) installer to install something from an update site the installer does not access the folder directly. Rather it will only access files like 'catalog.xml'. This means that if you point the Eclipse installer at your raw update-site folder then it will be able to read the contents of the site without any problem.
Here is an example:
The corresponding raw url is this:
Yes, that will give a 404 when you click it. But that is okay, just open "Help >> Install New Software" and paste the link into the "Work with" field of the dialog and it works fine:
It works because raw urls like this one are all the installer needs:
Github also allows this. You need to create github page and upload your p2 repository there. On the website github pages is explained how to achieve that. Just scroll and the steps will appear on the page (fancy javascript). For your project there is a second repository, where you have to put your repository.
I prefer to use sourceforge for the update site of my Eclipse projects. I recently published a blog post detailing all the steps to achieve that http://www.lorenzobettini.it/2015/01/publish-an-eclipse-p2-repository-on-sourceforge-with-rsync/

How to deploy my project to localhost?

I'm working on a website and right now I am using FileZilla to make changes to it. Every time I make a change, I have to re-upload the file to the website through FTP and then wait for it to update online. I want to just deploy my project to localhost so I can get instant results and then just upload the whole project when it's finished. How do I do this? All I have is a set of directories with the files in them.
You really need to use a web/application server such as IIS/Apache.
For PHP projects go for WampServer/XAMPP.Easy to setup and works very well.
(maybe too obvious)
If you are working only static content based on html/css/js you can just edit and view changes directly by opening the local file in your browser and refresh each time.
Furthermore for css and html you can edit your code "live", directly into browser and see changes immidiately.
Another option is to edit files with an editor that supports ftp like notepad++, you can connect via ftp, open and edit files directly from server (like php,html,css,js) because once you save the editor will automatically upload your changes.
Heres a good explanation about notepad++ and ftp plugin.
If you work with php (and even only with html/css) the best choise is to run a local server that rappresents a real environment in which your code will run. As said by others XAMPP is a good choise for begginers because of simple installation and management.
XAMPP download
XAMPP tutorial
Once installed put your folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/yourCodeFolder
Run the xampp control panel and start the Apache server.
Finally navigate with your browser to: http://localhost/yourCodeFolder/