How to distribute Eclipse Update Site - eclipse

I can't find a free repository allowing to distribute Eclipse Update Site.
The main requirement is that it should provide access to raw content so that Eclipse can use the URL to retrieve all the binaries of my projects.
GitHub provided access to raw url but it seems it stopped.
Do you know if bitbucket does it? any different solution?

Actually, you can host an eclipse update site easily on github using raw url. I know because I have done it recently and it works.
It is true that you get a 404 when you try to access the repos 'raw' directory. However, that is actually not a problem because when you use the Eclipse (or Marketplace) installer to install something from an update site the installer does not access the folder directly. Rather it will only access files like 'catalog.xml'. This means that if you point the Eclipse installer at your raw update-site folder then it will be able to read the contents of the site without any problem.
Here is an example:
The corresponding raw url is this:
Yes, that will give a 404 when you click it. But that is okay, just open "Help >> Install New Software" and paste the link into the "Work with" field of the dialog and it works fine:
It works because raw urls like this one are all the installer needs:

Github also allows this. You need to create github page and upload your p2 repository there. On the website github pages is explained how to achieve that. Just scroll and the steps will appear on the page (fancy javascript). For your project there is a second repository, where you have to put your repository.

I prefer to use sourceforge for the update site of my Eclipse projects. I recently published a blog post detailing all the steps to achieve that


What is the actual PostgreSQL download URL for windows?

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL via Ansible on a Windows machine, meaning I'll need a URL. I know this shows me a download link, and I can usually right-click on the link and get the actual URL. Clocking on that line takes you to this page, and right-clicking on the start the download now link on that page doesn't give me a direct URL either, but a link to a javescript. I even looked a the HTML source in Brave browser Developer tools. I even found an example here, but the ftp url shown there doesn't have Windows installers. I also searched for "Postgres download URL" here, to no avail.
What the heck is the actual download URL, say for version 13?
On the page you linked to, if you click on the "Download" it takes you to this page]( which typically starts the download automatically.
However, there is a message
If your download does not begin automatically, start the download now
which is the direct link to the installer (in this case for 13.3)

Is there an API to get binary downloads for Eclipse packages?

I'm trying to automate Eclipse installation.
For JDKs for example, I can get the download links via
The Eclipse download button contains a link with a mirror id, and then that page triggers a download. Unfortunately it's not a clean redirect that could be followed with curl/wget. I can observe the final download URL with a proxy like Fiddler, but that is not a stable solution.
Or, if no API exists, is there another somewhat stable URL to download Eclipse binaries from programmatically?
Add &r=1 to the URL for the direct file/binary download link, for example:
Use mirror #1190:
Best mirror (without mirror_id=...):
Download from (mirror_id=1):
These are stable links as long as the files have not been archived.
See also:
Eclipse Wiki - IT Infrastructure Doc - Use mirror sites/see which mirrors are mirroring my files?
PHP code of download.php

How to create a page extension in Directus 7

I have a working Directus CMS environment and would like to include some custom pages in there as well. According to the documentation!, I "can build page modules for custom dashboards, reporting, point-of-sale systems, or anything else".
The CMS is downloaded from directus, installed in localhost and then moved with FTP to the server as my client doesn't have terminal access allowed.
I already tried the boilerplate from, created a vue page with it, ran npm to transpile it, but now I don't know where to put it. If I put it to public > extensions > custom > pages (I put here the whole created folder), it's not shown anywhere and I can't really find any tutorial or help on how to do it. Not even in the docs.
You have to copy only the dist subdirectory of the extension to your server.
directus-extensions create page orders
directus-extensions build
rsync ./dist/
You should now see your page extension listed in the sidebar when you log in to your Directus app (provided your user role is configured to display extensions in the sidebar).

Netbeans FTP Auto download latest file from remote

I am using Netbeans remote ftp for a while now. I have my projects all configured correctly. Usually when i work on something i right click the file download it manually and then edit and save (save auto upload set on config)
This is quite some manual work and I often forget to download latest before editing which results in loss of work.
Is there any option to set netbeans to auto download the file (when i open it to edit)?
It figures to be very dangerous to auto download the latest files without any personal monitoring.
I am now using version control system git with bitbucket. Its pretty easy to use and has private repositories in the cloud.
I am using a desktop app called sourceTree that is recommended with bitbucket but it appears netbeans has a basic features for git built in. I find it much more userfriendly to use sourceTree though.

Can I test my app in a EGit repository with Xampp locally?

I am having trouble setting up the testing mentioned in the title because of the folder structures for Xampp and Git/EGit respectively. Can anyone recommend a guide or tutorial on how to do this?
Given Xampp is looking for the .htdocs/appname/ folder for testing the app but folder structure can be something like .htdocs/repositoryname/appfoldername, they are hard to match. Has anyone solved this?
Or should I be testing with some other software which is suitable for testing PHP projects in Git repositories?
You could make a symbolic link (even on Windows) in order for .httdocs/appname to refer to .htdocs/repository/appfoldername (with option Options FollowSymLinks set in the <Directory> section of your Xampp httd.conf file)
The OP alieninlondon reports:
I found another very easy way.
Simply by putting the repository directory in the .htdocs folder and then accessing the app through localhost/repositoryfolder/appfolder in my webbrowser worked perfectly for me.