How to download files from to a remote server? - remote-server

I am trying to download a file to a remote server from the website, but when I try wget it downloads the website html code. Help?

First start the download on your own computer (and watch the ad and everything). Then once its downloading the file, you should be able to get the URL where its downloading from by looking at your "Downloads" section (in Chrome, for example). Copy that URL and use it to download from the remote server.

Make sure you are wget'ing the link to the actual file, not the link. has it setup this way to force you to watch their ads.


Is it possible to download file from Github Wiki in Powershell?

I am working in private repository that has Wiki pages with zip files that was pushed to Wiki only not to main repo. So now I'm trying to arrange a Powershell script that download zip file from this Wiki.
I followed the script at: StackeOverflow: PowerShell to download Zip file from GitHub API and everywhere else but always, always get this 404 Not found error when Invoke-WebRequest try to actually download file.
I have a direct link to zip file: (I assure you this link download file from any web browser without any hiccups. From Chrome it always succeed)
but whatever credentials I enter or whatever I change the download link to - it always fails with 404 Not Found error. In Chrome browser 'Network' tab I see that it does redirect to but it does not happened in Powershell script (?)
I really appreciate a small example of Powershell script for private repo.
Thank you !

What is the actual PostgreSQL download URL for windows?

I'm trying to install PostgreSQL via Ansible on a Windows machine, meaning I'll need a URL. I know this shows me a download link, and I can usually right-click on the link and get the actual URL. Clocking on that line takes you to this page, and right-clicking on the start the download now link on that page doesn't give me a direct URL either, but a link to a javescript. I even looked a the HTML source in Brave browser Developer tools. I even found an example here, but the ftp url shown there doesn't have Windows installers. I also searched for "Postgres download URL" here, to no avail.
What the heck is the actual download URL, say for version 13?
On the page you linked to, if you click on the "Download" it takes you to this page]( which typically starts the download automatically.
However, there is a message
If your download does not begin automatically, start the download now
which is the direct link to the installer (in this case for 13.3)

How do I export a website made in Dotcms?

I'm trying to save one of my websites (with all its files) to my pc so i can upload it to another server. I've tried using Httrack and wget but with both I only got a small part of the images and most of it was scattered in a new folder called contentAsset. could someone please help me out?
dotCMS can publish your site statically - set up a static Push Publishing endpoint and then right click and publish your site to it. dotCMS will write out your site and assets statically to a folder under the /assets directory.

can't connect local site to Iphone with XAMPP

Ive build my site on wordpress and using xampp
i want to test my new dev site on my remotely on my iphone and ipad via wifi
They're both connected to wifi
When i search iphone or, :8080
it comes up with a link to a folder , which is my true path
when i click on this next sub folder , i loop back round to
As i guess iphone doesn't know where to find my site contents
I've tried renaming my wordpress site the with the http://ipaddress, :80, :80;80
ad it comes up with an error
ive found in my XAMPP index.php file
The footer seems to send me to
i can view this from my iphone
i've tried changing that footer on index.php to my site path
As well as deleting the file all together
Deleting the file allowed me to access more folders but not into the subfolder where my site remains
I've read through questions and tutorials but can't seem to find a solution
i was wondering if i've missed something or if i need to configure files in such a way , maybe to this index.php for XAMPP itself to get it to point at my site as a default
Thank you in advance
Check if your files are in htdocs or you have given correct path to your working directory in your httpd.conf file.
If the directory is correct and you have run your php pages already, I suggest you use ngrok for remote connection to your localhost.
it is simple to use.
to run it go to the directory of ngrok in cmd and type ngrok http 80 while your XAMPP servers are running. It will provide a link that could be accessed through internet by any device.

How to deploy my project to localhost?

I'm working on a website and right now I am using FileZilla to make changes to it. Every time I make a change, I have to re-upload the file to the website through FTP and then wait for it to update online. I want to just deploy my project to localhost so I can get instant results and then just upload the whole project when it's finished. How do I do this? All I have is a set of directories with the files in them.
You really need to use a web/application server such as IIS/Apache.
For PHP projects go for WampServer/XAMPP.Easy to setup and works very well.
(maybe too obvious)
If you are working only static content based on html/css/js you can just edit and view changes directly by opening the local file in your browser and refresh each time.
Furthermore for css and html you can edit your code "live", directly into browser and see changes immidiately.
Another option is to edit files with an editor that supports ftp like notepad++, you can connect via ftp, open and edit files directly from server (like php,html,css,js) because once you save the editor will automatically upload your changes.
Heres a good explanation about notepad++ and ftp plugin.
If you work with php (and even only with html/css) the best choise is to run a local server that rappresents a real environment in which your code will run. As said by others XAMPP is a good choise for begginers because of simple installation and management.
XAMPP download
XAMPP tutorial
Once installed put your folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/yourCodeFolder
Run the xampp control panel and start the Apache server.
Finally navigate with your browser to: http://localhost/yourCodeFolder/