How do you migrate a site from (free account) to Pantheon? - pantheon

How do you migrate a site from (not .org, not WP Engine, not local, etc) to
Pantheon has a migration button, but it doesn't work with free accounts because it requires you to install a plugin and you can't install plugins on free accounts.
Pantheon documentation suggests for migrations to use mysqldump but you don't have access to the database on

I'll answer my own question to help other people in the future:
Check on Pantheon setting that Code -> Development Mode is SFTP mode, (this is the default setting,) and not Git mode. You need SFTP mode to install the importer plugin later.
In Manage -> Settings make your blog public or hidden (not private) so it's images are available online for migration.
In do Tools -> Export.
If the export takes a long time (more than a few seconds) it may have crashed, mine did first time, try agin.
When instructed, go to your email, download the .zip file and uncompress it to get a .xml file, (e.g. on a mac-double click .zip file. Note: your .xml file needs to be < 100MB, my 10 page brochure site was only 175KB. If your site .xml file is over 100MB then f*&k knows how you do it.
In Pantheon in Wordpress do Site Admin -> Tools -> Import and import your .xml file. (Don't try to import the .xml file in Pantheon Database / Files -> Import. It doesn't work.)
When asked, assign authors and tick 'Download and import file attachments'
Pantheon will then appear to be loading for a long time and show a blank screen with url [your site]/admin.php?import=wordpress&step=2 . Wait a bit, press refresh, it will display The application did not respond in time. Despite it looking like it hasn't worked, it has actually worked. (If it hasn't repeat this step.)
On Pantheon click on 'Visit Development Site' Click on Pages and your imported pages should be listed. If it hasn't worked, repeat step 8 (and maybe wait a bit longer when it's loading, but not too long, I gave up, and refreshed after a few minutes, and it still worked.)
Delete the Sample Page and delete the Hello world! post.
Import your code (I didn't try this) or redo your customisation/theme/settings/plugins manually as I did (e.g. If you use shortcodes, install the Jetpack plugin and select go to setpack settings -> Writing -> Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites option.)
Congratulations, you've migrated from to Pantheon. You're welcome. 😬


How to create a page extension in Directus 7

I have a working Directus CMS environment and would like to include some custom pages in there as well. According to the documentation!, I "can build page modules for custom dashboards, reporting, point-of-sale systems, or anything else".
The CMS is downloaded from directus, installed in localhost and then moved with FTP to the server as my client doesn't have terminal access allowed.
I already tried the boilerplate from, created a vue page with it, ran npm to transpile it, but now I don't know where to put it. If I put it to public > extensions > custom > pages (I put here the whole created folder), it's not shown anywhere and I can't really find any tutorial or help on how to do it. Not even in the docs.
You have to copy only the dist subdirectory of the extension to your server.
directus-extensions create page orders
directus-extensions build
rsync ./dist/
You should now see your page extension listed in the sidebar when you log in to your Directus app (provided your user role is configured to display extensions in the sidebar).

Netbeans FTP Auto download latest file from remote

I am using Netbeans remote ftp for a while now. I have my projects all configured correctly. Usually when i work on something i right click the file download it manually and then edit and save (save auto upload set on config)
This is quite some manual work and I often forget to download latest before editing which results in loss of work.
Is there any option to set netbeans to auto download the file (when i open it to edit)?
It figures to be very dangerous to auto download the latest files without any personal monitoring.
I am now using version control system git with bitbucket. Its pretty easy to use and has private repositories in the cloud.
I am using a desktop app called sourceTree that is recommended with bitbucket but it appears netbeans has a basic features for git built in. I find it much more userfriendly to use sourceTree though.

How to upgrade TYPO3 4.5 to 6.2

What are the recommended steps to upgrade TYPO3 4.5 (or 6.1) to 6.2? I have a mac and my site is running on a shared Linux account.
Here's a step by step guide from my upgrading practice which I would like to share. Thanks for the guide on that has helped me a lot.
Note that these are my personal experiences which may or may not apply to your environment. Treat everything carefully.
I differentiate between "Quick" and "Long" upgrades. With "Long" upgrades, you do the upgrading twice. First, you upgrade a copy of the live site, get all extensions and templates working, and when you're ready, you declare the content freeze, re-doing the upgrade, using the files modified in the first step. For a "Quick" upgrade, you declare a content freeze right away, do the upgrade and tests, and then deploy to the test or live environment directly.
Set up the site locally
When you're ready to freeze the content (BE][adminOnly] = 0), don't forget to check if the site has user contributed content? If so, either disable the possibility to submit it, or note which tables you have to re-import after enabling the upgraded site.
Work locally. I can only refer to using MAMP Pro (be sure to get the
pro version) on a mac. Always be aware on which site (and with which
DB) you are working, btw! And attention: OS X file system is case
insensitve, which can be a bummer when deploying to Linux (see below).
For the database administration, I prefer to
phpMyAdmin for most tasks. It's very handy to make backups or to
quickly browse tables, although it has a few missing features in
comparison with phpMyAdmin. It is also extremely reliable for
importing dbs onto a live server - where phpMyAdmin can stall often.
Beware if [SYS][UTF8filesystem] is set: transferring files to OS X via popular (S)FTP clients like Coda or Transmit (haven't tested Cyberduck) can damage the filenames containing UTF-8 filenames. Thus all links to such files will be invalid when you deploy. Pack them into an archive befor transferring or use scp. Avoid the setting in the first place.
Create your local TYPO3 instance. It's practical if you keep an "old" and a "new" core in the same location, so you can switch between them easily by symlink. Create and connect the local database.
If you're working on MAMP, you'll have to chown all the files (except
templates and config files of your apps (like Sublime)) to _www:_www.
I have found it useful to define some aliases for the sudo chown in
~/.bash_profile, like alias chownmamp="sudo chown -R _www:_www ."
and vice versa to your own user. Another possibility might be to
temporarily chmod 777 everything - when deploying, taking extra care
this is removed (find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;)
Duplicate the site and the DB to keep an un-upgraded version for comparison - even after you've deployed
Init a local git repo, don't forget to add .gitignore for temp data. Commit from time to time!
If you use different hostnames for your local and the live site,
replace them where needed. For the command line, I have found grep -rl '' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/' useful. But of course you can
do that in your IDE or editor too. Don't forget to check
realurl_conf.php and .htaccess too. For a quick run, it is also
possible to use the real hostnames, so you don't have to replace
anything (but won't be able to compare sites from the same machine).
You should now be able to log into the backend and into the install tool
Hint: On MAMP, I've had issues with $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['warning_email_addr'] which prevented logging into the install tool with an error 500, as it couldn't sent the email. Remove that setting in localconf.php for the local upgrade if it happens.
Prep the upgrade
Make a backup of files and DB. (make frequent db dumps later on too)
Important: Install tool > Database Analyser > Clear Tables: clear all caches, logs, also the history data (if that's ok with you). The less huge the database is, the smoother the upgrade will go.
Get the frontend running.
Also, make sure you have the admin Panel. It's very helpful to override TYPO3 caching and to debug performance bottlenecks. Also, you can reliably force TS rendering at every reload. Set config.admPanel = 1 in page TS, enable it in your admin user's TS by admPanel=1, and log in with the domain you will be viewing the FE from. The adminPanel only shows up if you're logged in on that domain! While you're there, also add options.clearCache.system = 1 to the admin's TS, so you can clear the system cache also when in production mode.
Install and run it. Fix the issues you can fix now, e.g. UTF8 issues in the DB. Copy the remaining report and save it in a word file or similar - you can't run smoothmigration after the upgrade anymore
Go through all extensions. Do we need them at all? You can find out if a plugin is used with (for example) SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE list_type = 'news_pi1' or by looking at all cType = 'list' entries in tt_content. If it's not used, consider removing the extension too. Or can it be replaced by a better extension, or re-built by hand / via tt_content? (For example a carousel, I'd rather not have to maintain an extension for that. But check the budget! Everything takes time.
I get rid of indexed_search, as ke_search is a very reliable alternative that is quick to set up.
Hint: with FAL, the _cli_scheduler user needs rights for every file mount you want to index with ke_search, else the indexing via scheduler will fail.
Main task: Check for extension updates. If a compatible extension update is available, do it. But first check if it works with the old and the new site: : This version works for TYPO3 4.5.0 - 6.2.999 - if it doesn't, don't update yet.
Be sure to remove realurl_clearcache, the TER version will break on 6.2
When you're done removing, uninstall all remaining local extensions. You don't have to uninstall sysexts.
in typo3conf/ext we will have a quite short list of extensions now. That is good!
Backup the db and make a DB-Compare in the install tool. CAUTION: don't touch extension data you will need for importing later on (tt_news, powermail, dam). If you dare, you can rename or remove other, 100% obsolete data.
Study the "Reports" module in the BE and take the recommended actions
If you have the patience, check for broken links on the site - they may make problems when converting to FAL.
Is there content / pages that can be deleted for sure? (E.g. ancient test pages, duplicates, etc?) Delete it if you dare.
Don't forget: Empty the trash (Module "Trash") for all pages recursively. No need to migrate deleted content. Cf. to delete many items at once
Important: Update the reference index (in the module "DB Check"). It has to be PERFECT before the upgrade.
Make that backup...again
Do the upgrade
-> Switch the core to 6.2
Reload the backend, you will land in the install tool. To connect to the DB, you may have to enter "localhost" instead of as prefilled
Install tool: check folder structure and system environment, make it all green. Read System Environment until the bottom: "Red" items are on the top, but "blue" items (recommended) are on the bottom (e.g. a missing system locale, which is needed if you use UTF8-Filesystem).
Hint: don't be too eager with APC, the availability check
in 6.2 isn't perfect, cf. (you
can't use it if your shared hosting relies on suPHP).
Install tool: Run the first wizard. Just the first one. Do NOT run "Migrate all file links of RTE-enabled fields to FAL" yet.
Important: Log into the backend as admin. Go to filelist, refresh the file tree if necessary. Now set the filemounts (fileadmin...) to "Use case sensitive identifiers" in it's settings. Otherwise, you may end up with all filenames in lowercase in sys_file, which will not work on the live linux system.
Also, run the task File Abstraction Layer: Update storage indexin the scheduler and update the reference index.
Install tool: Go through the rest of the upgrade Wizards. To debug broken links that can't be migrated, use the workaround from (6.2.10 up)
Hint: If something doesn't seem to be complete after all wizards went through, you can re-enable the upgrade wizards in LocalConfiguration.php under ['INSTALL']['wizardDone']. (Like if the whole sys_file_reference table empty and there are no images in tt_content table - remove the line for TceformsUpdateWizard, so it can run again).
Important: Install tool: All Configuration: Deactivate content adapter! Else you will be running in a slow kind of compatibility mode and not really doing the entire Upgrade.
Check "Reports". Make it all green!
Install tool: Check image rendering (I prefer GD), set fitting Configuration presets
Hint: Check typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php and make sure there are no values in it that override values from LocalConfiguration.php. I've had this on a 6.1->6.2 upgrade, and thus was unable to enable error logs (the devIPmask was overridden all the time).
Main task: Update and install Extensions that have updates that were not compatible with the old core.
Hint: here are a few occasional replacements I had to make
for 6.2 compatibility:
require_once(PATH_tslib . 'class.tslib_pibase.php‘);
-> if (!class_exists('tslib_pibase')) require_once(PATH_tslib . 'class.tslib_pibase.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'class.t3lib_scbase.php‘);
-> require_once(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('backend'). 'Classes/Module/BaseScriptClass.php‘);
-> \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP()
-> GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res)
-> t3lib_utility_Math::forceIntegerInRange
-> t3lib_utility_Debug::viewArray
-> t3lib_utility_Math::canBeInterpretedAsInteger
EDIT: a much more comprehensive list is on
Updating from DAM? Use, following Installation and Scheduler Task and Usage. Be aware that with MAMP, you have to run MAMPs PHP from the command line, for example /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.18/bin/php ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help
Moving tt_news to tx_news? I've had an issue with the importer where not all translations were imported. There is a newer version now.
Updating Powermail? Nice, there is an updater! Thanks! I also encountered issues with translations. In one case, they could be solved by hitting the "localise" button for a form, though.
rlmp_tmplselector: either use or move page type seletion to core's backend layout.
Hint: In the last case, take care, to select the page template in
accordance to the selected BE Layout, never use .if, always use CASE.
See With TYPO3 be_layout, how to choose frontend template correctly (performance-wise)?
Main Task: Templates have to be updated. Just a few things: New IMAGE / FILES TS, config.doctype=html5 (not html_5), replace all HTML Objects by TEXT. Use the TypoScript Object Browser (TSOB) at least check that there are no errors in TS.
If you haven't done it before ("Long" Upgrade), install extension after extension and fix what has to be fixed (google the errors). Install by hand if you need it.
Do you use imagemap_wizard? and add the css fix from
Btw, extensions I use on all sites: realurl_clearcache,
nc_staticfilecache, sourceopt, ke_search. On most sites
(feature-based), of course: news, powermail.
Don't forget: Check the backend permissions of non-admin users. It may be necessary to add rights for the tables and fields of the FAL (File Abstraction Layer). If you have to modify content, use a simulated editor user to spot problems early.
Update Translations via the "Language" Module, so editors will get translated Backend and Extensions
Hint: Also make sure that the "page tree rights" group is properly set
up, cf
There may be problems with filenames containing special characters like umlauts, sometimes resulting in broken file links (I use Integrity or Scrutiny for mac to check the whole site), sometimes only in ugly filenames. Check and process manually (if FAL works, you can just rename them in the backend) if required.
Here's a snippet I add to all user's userTSConfig.
Go through everything. If you have the time and budget, make the website better, use to spot performance holes, clean the .htaccess, combine assets, check the page rendering times in the admin tool, update frontend dependencies, check 404 handling, move templates to typo3conf/ext/templates (best search-replace all paths in a dump of the db!), tidy up users and groups, move all templates from db to includes, clean up template structure etc etc - it all depends on the time you have available for that site.
Make the backup. Again.
Test and deploy
Test it on a live server! Or, if it's not a high profile site that can afford some downtime, just go live, moving files (without typo3temp) and db to the server, setting the symlinks, clearing all caches etc.
On the live system, check the install tool. Probably you'll have to adapt some php.ini settings. And set the configuration preset to "Production".
Rebuild the reference index
Check "Reports". Regarding the case sensitivity issue, you might now see missing references here - you haven't seen those on the Mac, as you the file system was case insensitive. Also, you can query sys_file for missing = 1. You could re-run the scheduler FAL task mentionned above locally to see it can fix some filenames. If there are no other means, you could still rename all files to lowercase, cf. How do I rename all files to lowercase?
Check the cronjobs and scheduler tasks (go to "Check configuration" in the scheduler module as well, see if cli user exists). Ah, also see if you're running a current php version. Also check if you don't forbid google to crawl the live version in robots.txt
Do you have to configure some backup routines or update scripts? Do it now.
And don't panic if it's not working yet. Probably it's just the cache. Or something else.
When the site has been running to satisfaction for some time, run another dbcomp and delete all old tables.
Wait. What did I forget? Will add that later.
Check the backend permissions of non-admin users. It may be necessary to add rights for the tables and fields of the FAL (File Abstraction Layer).

How to distribute Eclipse Update Site

I can't find a free repository allowing to distribute Eclipse Update Site.
The main requirement is that it should provide access to raw content so that Eclipse can use the URL to retrieve all the binaries of my projects.
GitHub provided access to raw url but it seems it stopped.
Do you know if bitbucket does it? any different solution?
Actually, you can host an eclipse update site easily on github using raw url. I know because I have done it recently and it works.
It is true that you get a 404 when you try to access the repos 'raw' directory. However, that is actually not a problem because when you use the Eclipse (or Marketplace) installer to install something from an update site the installer does not access the folder directly. Rather it will only access files like 'catalog.xml'. This means that if you point the Eclipse installer at your raw update-site folder then it will be able to read the contents of the site without any problem.
Here is an example:
The corresponding raw url is this:
Yes, that will give a 404 when you click it. But that is okay, just open "Help >> Install New Software" and paste the link into the "Work with" field of the dialog and it works fine:
It works because raw urls like this one are all the installer needs:
Github also allows this. You need to create github page and upload your p2 repository there. On the website github pages is explained how to achieve that. Just scroll and the steps will appear on the page (fancy javascript). For your project there is a second repository, where you have to put your repository.
I prefer to use sourceforge for the update site of my Eclipse projects. I recently published a blog post detailing all the steps to achieve that

How to deploy my project to localhost?

I'm working on a website and right now I am using FileZilla to make changes to it. Every time I make a change, I have to re-upload the file to the website through FTP and then wait for it to update online. I want to just deploy my project to localhost so I can get instant results and then just upload the whole project when it's finished. How do I do this? All I have is a set of directories with the files in them.
You really need to use a web/application server such as IIS/Apache.
For PHP projects go for WampServer/XAMPP.Easy to setup and works very well.
(maybe too obvious)
If you are working only static content based on html/css/js you can just edit and view changes directly by opening the local file in your browser and refresh each time.
Furthermore for css and html you can edit your code "live", directly into browser and see changes immidiately.
Another option is to edit files with an editor that supports ftp like notepad++, you can connect via ftp, open and edit files directly from server (like php,html,css,js) because once you save the editor will automatically upload your changes.
Heres a good explanation about notepad++ and ftp plugin.
If you work with php (and even only with html/css) the best choise is to run a local server that rappresents a real environment in which your code will run. As said by others XAMPP is a good choise for begginers because of simple installation and management.
XAMPP download
XAMPP tutorial
Once installed put your folder inside C:/xampp/htdocs/yourCodeFolder
Run the xampp control panel and start the Apache server.
Finally navigate with your browser to: http://localhost/yourCodeFolder/