I have attached a image. I am trying to get such effect on flutter. Can anyone tell how such effects are created? - flutter

I am doing Flutter development. I want to add image like this and want to know how such effects or images are created. I think 3D effect is used. But I don't know how to create such image. Please help.
[![Attached Image][1]]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TNiUZ.png

You can either directly create this kind of image using your picture editor (PS, Figma, Paint, anything really). Add manually a margin to your Card and set the Runner for it to be out of the Card. Then simply display the picture file in Flutter using Image.assets(...).
In the case you want to programmatically create a similar image you can use a Stack in Flutter in order to make the runner picture overflow the card positioning manually both pictures.


How can I make a pixel editor app in Flutter?

I am trying to make a mobile pixel editor app in Flutter.
I googled and find this flutter package(Pixels)
However I want to add more functions like an eraser, fill, draw circles, and so on.
Instead, should I import other existing projects like Aseprite?
I don't know where can I start and it makes me confused…
Thank you for reading.

How to manipulate an image to add border to it in Flutter

Which Flutter image manipulation library to use that offers the ability to add a border to the actual image before saving it?
(Not just printing the border around it on screen)
I couldn't find any on the internet! Please, include any example in your answer.
You can use image editor package from pub.dev i think you will find the solution.

Different circles shape form appbar flutter

I want to create different locations circles shaped from the app bar using flutter, like this
image also without using packages?
This article about flutter custom paints may help a link

How to insert clickable points in an image in flutter?

I want to do just that on the flutter, can anyone help me?
Clickable Marked points on an Image
Hello, I need to show an image with clickable dots on the screen and trigger an action when the user clicks on these dots. I heard that it is made with SVG, I've searched in several places but I find no solution in the flutter.
I was struggling with a similar situation.
Slah's solution --- put a operational layer on top of the background image --- works if you don't need pinch to zoom the image, but in my case the positioned widgets get invalid when zooming in the image.
My solution is embedding the image into a webview, you may use webview_flutter because it can be easily plugged onto your widget tree, but I think in your case flutter_webview_plugin works too since you just need to listen to some click events. Add hyperlinks to the elements to be clicked, then play with the click event by webviewcontroller(webview_flutter) or onUrlChanged Stream(flutter_webview_plugin).
One benefit you can get immediately is the ability to use .svg without any other packages by Uri.dataFromString('<html><svg>some svg codes</svg></html>', mimeType: 'text/html').toString()
Then you have full control of the appearance(via css) and the behavior(via javascript). e.g.You may define irregular areas to be clickable, and responsive to clicks.

How to detect color live using camera on android in unity

i want to make a live color detection using camera on android in unity. apps that i want is like "color grab" on playstore.
anyone can help me how it works? or how to make it on unity?
Well SO isn't a script providing service: always try to provide what you have tried already before asking a question. If you don't have any script, at least expose you way you want to do it, the steps you think are needed, ...
Anyway, I'd advise you to take a look at Unity Texture2D.ReadPixels() method:
display what you need on screen
when the user touch a place, call for ReadPixels()
then retrieve the color of the desire location on the texture using Texture2D.GetPixel()
If you want to search for a larger area (not a single pixel), you can look for all the pixels around the wanted location and then get the average color found.
Hope this helps,