How to detect color live using camera on android in unity - unity3d

i want to make a live color detection using camera on android in unity. apps that i want is like "color grab" on playstore.
anyone can help me how it works? or how to make it on unity?

Well SO isn't a script providing service: always try to provide what you have tried already before asking a question. If you don't have any script, at least expose you way you want to do it, the steps you think are needed, ...
Anyway, I'd advise you to take a look at Unity Texture2D.ReadPixels() method:
display what you need on screen
when the user touch a place, call for ReadPixels()
then retrieve the color of the desire location on the texture using Texture2D.GetPixel()
If you want to search for a larger area (not a single pixel), you can look for all the pixels around the wanted location and then get the average color found.
Hope this helps,


Face Detection in Preview Camera Feed on Flutter

How do we "draw a square" on detected faces on camera preview feed in Flutter? Is there a cross platform solution to this?
Flutter provides a Camera Plugin, but is there a way for us to draw a square box detecting faces on the preview feed? Any thoughts on this please?
Firstly, get the image data. This can be done by either using the camera plugin's output, or even directly communicate with the SurfaceView/TextureView.
Secondly, run face detection algorithm. If you do not need cross-platform, MLKit sounds good. If needing cross-platform, you can use Rust algorithms like and bind Rust code to Flutter via Or, use C++ face detection algorithms and bind to Flutter (though setup may be a bit harder).
Lastly, once you know the face, draw a box around it. For example, Container widget.

How to get manual camera focus in Flutter

Currently I'm using this library: and it has setFocusMode to either Auto or locked, but I need a way to be able to get manual focus mode for camera, where user can tap in camera feed and the focus should be adjusted accordingly.
How do I go about implementing this in my app?
I found this plugin Does this work? you could use focus distance. If you could get the distance of the object you could set it that way. It's almost like shooting out a ray in game programming. I don't know if this is possible to do but maybe using the size of the objects in the image you could get the distance. someone else has probably already figured this out.

Is it posibile to change the focus for Camera Module V2?

I am using the camera for reading some text and currently, my images look quite blurry
Is it possible to change the focus of the camera?
I am using
Yes, it's definitely possible, I did it many times. Sometimes in the camera box there is even a specific tool to rotate the lens included (check if you have it, I experienced that it's not always present). If you don't have a tool take thin pliers and rotate the lens, you can look here.

How to disable image detection if there is already a detected image

I have the, in my opinion, simple problem of disabling image detection with the AR Camera. I have the problem, that my app detects an image from the image library and spawns an object etc. everything according to plan.
But the problem is that if move the camera over another detectable image, it recognizes it. This is bad not because it spawns something additionaly but because you can "collect" the images in my app, so it unlocked the other detected one even though it shouldn´t.
So how can I disable image detection without turning off the AR-Camera?
I so far tried to simply disable the "ARManager" and the "ARTrackedImageManager" script (.enabled=false), but it didn´t solve my problem, because the app still detects other images.
Hope I could explain what my question and problem is properly. Any help is appreciated!
It really depends on what library you're using to detect the image. Generally, most marker tracking libraries will create a marker object in your Unity scene. You can disable these marker objects after you find one, and only leave the marker you're interested in. Make sure you also set the number of tracked images to 1 so you won't accidentally find two markers in one frame.

How to create a slider without an outline?

I want to create a slider without an outline.
Like this one:
Note rounded edges.
I assume I need to create a sprite for that. Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials on sprites for sliders. I think the easiest way would be to edit the built-in one but I don't know how to get it for editing.
This is how the original slider from my Unity looks like:
Note the outline.
So, surprising solution that should be available to all of us.
Put the default slider in and go to the Source Image for both the Background and Handle. Instead of using what is there, change it to another Unity Standard sprite called TouchpadSprite. This should do the trick. Not sure if the fact that this is called 'touchpad'sprite will cause a problem when make a PC game, but I doubt it. FYI the TouchpadSprite is from the "Standard Assets (for Unity 2017.3)" that is available for free in the Unity Asset Store. Feel free to only import the sprite itself. The Asset Pack itself is pretty large, but there is a lot of good/useful stuff in there.
Also, you will have to increase the Pixels Per Unit Multiplier value. My picture shows what I had to increase it to. This will allow you to choose the rounding of your edges as well. Play with it and let me know if it works.
Hope this helps!