How can I make a pixel editor app in Flutter? - flutter

I am trying to make a mobile pixel editor app in Flutter.
I googled and find this flutter package(Pixels)
However I want to add more functions like an eraser, fill, draw circles, and so on.
Instead, should I import other existing projects like Aseprite?
I don't know where can I start and it makes me confused…
Thank you for reading.


Face Detection in Preview Camera Feed on Flutter

How do we "draw a square" on detected faces on camera preview feed in Flutter? Is there a cross platform solution to this?
Flutter provides a Camera Plugin, but is there a way for us to draw a square box detecting faces on the preview feed? Any thoughts on this please?
Firstly, get the image data. This can be done by either using the camera plugin's output, or even directly communicate with the SurfaceView/TextureView.
Secondly, run face detection algorithm. If you do not need cross-platform, MLKit sounds good. If needing cross-platform, you can use Rust algorithms like and bind Rust code to Flutter via Or, use C++ face detection algorithms and bind to Flutter (though setup may be a bit harder).
Lastly, once you know the face, draw a box around it. For example, Container widget.

I have attached a image. I am trying to get such effect on flutter. Can anyone tell how such effects are created?

I am doing Flutter development. I want to add image like this and want to know how such effects or images are created. I think 3D effect is used. But I don't know how to create such image. Please help.
[![Attached Image][1]]
You can either directly create this kind of image using your picture editor (PS, Figma, Paint, anything really). Add manually a margin to your Card and set the Runner for it to be out of the Card. Then simply display the picture file in Flutter using Image.assets(...).
In the case you want to programmatically create a similar image you can use a Stack in Flutter in order to make the runner picture overflow the card positioning manually both pictures.

Flutter Custom Graphics

I'd like to create something like this in Flutter. That gradient green line in a circle that looks like a progress indicator. The circle remains stills but spins sometimes.
Any ideas on where to start or are there libraries out there to help me out?
you can use, its a website for building very complex animations the can be exported to flutter.
and theres which pretty much does the same
there both very good and supply what you need

3D Text visible from all angles

I'm making a soccer stadium, and I want to write the stadium name on the entrance of the stadium. But, when I'm in the stadium, or somewhere else, I also see the text. From all angles.
I know the help pages of Unity about 3D text and I read a lot of questions and answers about this problem. But I just can't fix it.
I tried to add a shader to a material, and I added the material to the 3D text, but then I can't add a font texture. I have the Arial font in my assets folder, but when I press 'select font texture', this font isn't in the options I can choose.
Isn't there another option to write text on a wall, on a way you only can see it from the front?
So, on the second picture I should't see the text:
Please don't think I'm lazy and I didn't Google, because I have searched for hours. But I really don't get it, it's probably something really stupid but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm a beginner with Unity, especially with shaders and importing/adding fonts.
You can try!/content/84126, its free and it will give the text in a form of mesh, so it will be just like any other gameobject, you can interact with it, use physics on it, etc.
There are multiple possible solutions, but the main ones are these:
You set the Canvas for that text to world-space.
To implement this solution, you can follow the official tutorial on the subject.
You can use a text-to-mesh conversion plugin.
There are many to choose from, but one that was officially acquired by Unity and is used by most indie developers when they need such functionality is Text Mesh Pro.

How to detect color live using camera on android in unity

i want to make a live color detection using camera on android in unity. apps that i want is like "color grab" on playstore.
anyone can help me how it works? or how to make it on unity?
Well SO isn't a script providing service: always try to provide what you have tried already before asking a question. If you don't have any script, at least expose you way you want to do it, the steps you think are needed, ...
Anyway, I'd advise you to take a look at Unity Texture2D.ReadPixels() method:
display what you need on screen
when the user touch a place, call for ReadPixels()
then retrieve the color of the desire location on the texture using Texture2D.GetPixel()
If you want to search for a larger area (not a single pixel), you can look for all the pixels around the wanted location and then get the average color found.
Hope this helps,