How to insert clickable points in an image in flutter? - flutter

I want to do just that on the flutter, can anyone help me?
Clickable Marked points on an Image
Hello, I need to show an image with clickable dots on the screen and trigger an action when the user clicks on these dots. I heard that it is made with SVG, I've searched in several places but I find no solution in the flutter.

I was struggling with a similar situation.
Slah's solution --- put a operational layer on top of the background image --- works if you don't need pinch to zoom the image, but in my case the positioned widgets get invalid when zooming in the image.
My solution is embedding the image into a webview, you may use webview_flutter because it can be easily plugged onto your widget tree, but I think in your case flutter_webview_plugin works too since you just need to listen to some click events. Add hyperlinks to the elements to be clicked, then play with the click event by webviewcontroller(webview_flutter) or onUrlChanged Stream(flutter_webview_plugin).
One benefit you can get immediately is the ability to use .svg without any other packages by Uri.dataFromString('<html><svg>some svg codes</svg></html>', mimeType: 'text/html').toString()
Then you have full control of the appearance(via css) and the behavior(via javascript). e.g.You may define irregular areas to be clickable, and responsive to clicks.


how to navigate to new page when click on path svg in flutter?

I have the following svg image (each circle has a different path)
and my app contains 5 classes,
I want to include it in my app so that when the user clicks on any circle, it goes to another page (navigate to new class) and each circle has a different class than the other
How can this be done in Flutter?
This might be a workaround if there is another way but my first thought is to put your SVG image into a stack widget and place Positioned gesturedetectors over each circle area. Then point each Gesturedetector to each class you have.
There might be more elegant ways to go about it but this might get you going till you have a better solution

How to Show scrollable panel in Unity3d

I'm trying to show a ui panel using unity3d ,I have a main camera scene after i click a button ,i want my scrollable panel to show up
just like this
after i click the menu button i want the scrolling ui to appear like this.
It'd be great if someone could point out some kind of a tutorial that would cover this.
You need the following:
Image component - This is used to represent the items you want
to display
Grid Layout Group component - This is used to arrange those
image components you want to display.
Content Size Fitter component - This is used to make sure
that those Images fit in the Grid Layout.
The video from here should show you how to use these 3 together to get what you are looking for. To detect which Image is clicked, see this post.

Detect blank areas in an image

I Have an image in which there are some blank areas.What i want is that when the user touches these blank areas a pop up should come asking the user to select an image that can be added to that area.I have done this by just adding a button in the background of the blank area.That worked for a few images.Since the position of the blank area varies for each image that is not a good idea to follow.So is there any provision in ios to detect blank areas and thus make them act like a button. In the image you can see the text "Place your image here".
I want that area to work somewhat like a button.any help
You will need to have some metadata associated with each image. The data will tell you where to put each button. I doubt you can find some code to automatically detect where to put the buttons.

Multi changeable areas of a image on a iPhone

I have an image with picture of a person and I want to let the user to pick some area of the person and change the color. But how can I best create a multi-mask image?
E.g. should the user be able the change the color for a leg or a hand.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator, and right now I had a solution with buttons placed over the image, which is not a pretty and accepted solution.
The Kitchensink example, has only one area which can be changed.
The only solution I found for working with sections of an image is to divide the image into different views then use a vertical or horizontal view to glue them together. Sounds like you took a similar approach using buttons.
Another option might be to use one of the jQuery image libraries within the webview. This most likely will have a performance penalty though.

image Gallery in iPhone

I need to Create an Image Gallery that may be use concept of scrolling and paging together.
When I click on a button, it will open a new view in landscape mode. This view is for my Image Gallery..
It shows 5 Images:
Centered Large Image With its description on Bottom.
Next Coming image on left side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
next to next coming image on left to 2nd image.
previous image on right side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
Previous to Previous image on right of 4th image
Moreover, all images should be scrollable, like when I scroll 2nd image, it will move to Center and show its description and image which is already centered move to previous image.
Sorry for my confused English, here's an example of what I am trying to obtain.
I tried for basic code of paging and scrolling but unluckily nothing helpful.
Could you give me some pointers?
Check out flowcover (see this question: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone), which should get you started.
I think someone reported flowcover doesn't work on iOS 4.0, I haven't tried yet, ofcourse.
But, you can also take a look to this OpenFlow project, It will be help you I guess. Many people has builts their app on this library.