Quarkus Scheduled Records Processing mechanism Best Practice - quartz-scheduler

What is the best practice or way to process the records from DB in scheduled.
A Microservice based on Quarkus - responsible for sending a communication to customers.
DB Table Having Customers Records (100000 customers)
Microservice is running on multiple nodes (4 nodes)
There should be a scheduler that runs every 5 sec
Fetches the records from DB where employee status = pending
Should be Multithreaded architecture.
Send email to employee email.
Problem 1:
The same scheduler running on multiple nodes picks the same records and process How can we avoid this?
Problem 2:
Scheduler pics (100 records and processing it) and takes more than 5 seconds and scheduler run again pics few same records. How can we avoid that:

If you are planning to run your microservices on kubernetes I would sugest to use an external components as a scheduler and let this component distribute the work over your microservices using messages or HTTP invocations.
As responses to your questions here we go:
You can use some locking strategy or "reserve" each row including a field that indicates that your record is being processed and excluding all records containing this fields from your query. By this means when the scheduler fires it will read a set of rows not reserved and use a multithreading approach to process the records, by using a locking strategy (pesimits or optimist) you can prevent other records from marking the same row as reserved for them to be processed. After that the thread thas was able to commit the reserve process the records and updates the state or releases the "reserve" so other workers can work on the record if its needed.
You can always instruct your scheduler to do no execute if there is still an execution going.
#Scheduled(identity = "ProcessUpdateScheduler", every = "2s", concurrentExecution = Scheduled.ConcurrentExecution.SKIP)
You mainly have two approaches among other possible ones:
Pulling (Distribute mining or work distribution): Each instance of the microservice pick a random pending row and mark this row as "processing" commiting the transaction, if its able to commit then this instance holds the right to process this record continuing with its execution, if not it tries to retrieve a different row or just exists waiting for the next invocation. This approach scales horizontally because adding more workers will mean increasing your processing throughput.
Pushing (central distribution, distributed processing). You have two kinds of components: First the "Distributor" which is executed with the scheduler and is responsible for picking rows to be processed and marking then as "pending processing", this rows will be forward via a messaging system or HTTP call to the "Processor". The Processor component recieves as input a record and is responsible of processing this record completely or releasing the hold ("procesing pending") state.
Choouse the best suited for your scenario, if you go for the second option, you can have one or more distributors if its necessary, but in order to increment your processing throughput you only need to scale the "Processor" workers


Kafka - Difference between Events with batch data and Streams

What is the fundamental difference between an event with a batch of data attached and a kafka stream that occasionally sends data ? Can they be used interchangeably ? When should I use the first and when the latter ? Could you provide some simple use cases ?
Note: There is some info in the comments of this question but I would ask for a more well rounded answer.
I assume that with "difference" between streams and events with batched data you are thinking of:
Stream: Every event of interest is sent immediately to the stream. Those individual events are therefore fine-grained, small(er) in size.
Events with data batch: Multiple individual events get aggregated into a larger batch, and when the batch reaches a certain size, a certain time has passed, or a business transaction has completed, the batch event is sent to the stream. Those batch events are therefore more coarse-grained and large(r) in size.
Here is a list of characteristics that I can think of:
Realtime/latency: End-to-end processing time will typically be smaller for individual events, and longer for batch events, because the publisher may wait with sending batch events until enough individual events have accumulated.
Throughput: Message brokers differ in performance characteristics regarding max. # of in/out events / sec at comparable in/out amounts of data. For example, comparing Kinesis vs. Kafka, Kinesis has a lower max. # of in/out events / sec it can handle than a finely tuned Kafka cluster. So if you were to use Kinesis, batch events may make more sense to achieve the desired throughput in terms of # of individual events. Note: From what I know, the Kinesis client library has a feature to transparently batch individual events if desired/possible to increase throughput.
Order and correlation: If multiple individual events belong to one business transaction and need to be processed by consumers together and/or possibly in order, then batch events may make this task easier because all related data becomes available to consumers at once. With individual events, you would have to put appropriate measures in place like selecting appropriate partition keys to guarantee that individual events get processed in order and possibly by the same consumer worker instance.
Failure case: If batch events contain independent individual events, then it may happen that a subset of individual events in a batch fails to process (irrelevant whether temporary or permanent failure). In such a case, consumers may not be able to simply retry the entire event because parts of the batch event has already caused state changes. Explicit logic (=additional effort) may be necessary to handle partial processing failure of batch events.
To answer your question whether the two can be used interchangeably, I would say in theory yes, but depending on the specific use case, one of the two approaches will likely result better performance or result in less complex design/code/configuration.
I'll edit my answer if I can think of more differentiating characteristics.

Synchronize Data From Multiple Data Sources

Our team is trying to build a predictive maintenance system whose task is to look at a set of events and predict whether these events depict a set of known anomalies or not.
We are at the design phase and the current system design is as follows:
The events may occur on multiple sources of an IoT system (such as cloud platform, edge devices or any intermediate platforms)
The events are pushed by the data sources into a message queueing system (currently we have chosen Apache Kafka).
Each data source has its own queue (Kafka Topic).
From the queues, the data is consumed by multiple inference engines (which are actually neural networks).
Depending upon the feature set, an inference engine will subscribe to
multiple Kafka topics and stream data from those topics to continuously output the inference.
The overall architecture follows the single-responsibility principle meaning that every component will be separate from each other and run inside a separate Docker container.
In order to classify a set of events as an anomaly, the events have to occur in the same time window. e.g. say there are three data sources pushing their respective events into Kafka topics, but due to some reason, the data is not synchronized.
So one of the inference engines pulls the latest entries from each of the kafka topics, but the corresponding events in the pulled data do not belong to the same time window (say 1 hour). That will result in invalid predictions due to out-of-sync data.
We need to figure out how can we make sure that the data from all three sources are pushed in-order so that when an inference engine requests entries (say the last 100 entries) from multiple kakfa topics, the corresponding entries in each topic belong to the same time window?
I would suggest KSQL, which is a streaming SQL engine that enables real-time data processing against Apache Kafka. It also provides nice functionality for Windowed Aggregation etc.
There are 3 ways to define Windows in KSQL:
hopping windows, tumbling windows, and session windows. Hopping and
tumbling windows are time windows, because they're defined by fixed
durations they you specify. Session windows are dynamically sized
based on incoming data and defined by periods of activity separated by
gaps of inactivity.
In your context, you can use KSQL to query and aggregate the topics of interest using Windowed Joins. For example,
SELECT t1.id, ...
FROM topic_1 t1
INNER JOIN topic_2 t2
ON t1.id = t2.id;
Some suggestions -
Handle delay at the producer end -
Ensure all three producers always send data in sync to Kafka topics by using batch.size and linger.ms.
eg. if linger.ms is set to 1000, all messages would be sent to Kafka within 1 second.
Handle delay at the consumer end -
Considering any streaming engine at the consumer side (be it Kafka-stream, spark-stream, Flink), provides windows functionality to join/aggregate stream data based on keys while considering delayed window function.
Check this - Flink windows for reference how to choose right window type link
To handle this scenario, data sources must provide some mechanism for the consumer to realize that all relevant data has arrived. The simplest solution is to publish a batch from data source with a batch Id (Guid) of some form. Consumers can then wait until the next batch id shows up marking the end of the previous batch. This approach assumes sources will not skip a batch, otherwise they will get permanently mis-aligned. There is no algorithm to detect this but you might have some fields in the data that show discontinuity and allow you to realign the data.
A weaker version of this approach is to either just wait x-seconds and assume all sources succeed in this much time or look at some form of time stamps (logical or wall clock) to detect that a source has moved on to the next time window implicitly showing completion of the last window.
The following recommendations should maximize success of event synchronization for the anomaly detection problem using timeseries data.
Use a network time synchronizer on all producer/consumer nodes
Use a heartbeat message from producers every x units of time with a fixed start time. For eg: the messages are sent every two minutes at the start of the minute.
Build predictors for producer message delay. use the heartbeat messages to compute this.
With these primitives, we should be able to align the timeseries events, accounting for time drifts due to network delays.
At the inference engine side, expand your windows at a per producer level to synch up events across producers.

Is there a way of assigning an int number to different instances of stateless services?

I'm building a solution where we'll have a (service-fabric) stateless service deployed to K instances. This service is tasked with some workload (like querying) and I want to split the workload between them as evenly as I can - and I want to make this a dynamic solution, which means if I decide to go from K instances to N instances tomorrow, I want the workload splitting to happen in a way that it will automatically distribute the load across N instances now. I don't have any partitions specified for this service.
As an example -
Let's say I'd like to query a database to retrieve a particular chunk of the records. I have 5 nodes. I want these 5 nodes to retrieve different 1/5th of the set of records. This can be achieved through some query logic like (row_id % N == K) where N is the total number of instances and K is the unique instance_number.
I was hoping to leverage FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().NodeId - but this returns a guid which is not overly useful.
I'm looking for a way where I can deterministically say it's instance number M out of N (I need to be able to name the instances through 1..N) - so I can set my querying logic according to this. One of the requirements is if that instance goes down / crashes etc... when SF automatically restarts it, it should still identify as the same instance id - so that 2 or more nodes doesn't query the same set of results.
What is the best of solving this problem? Is there a solution which involves pure configuration through ApplicationManifest.xml or ServiceManifest.xml?
There is no out of the box solution for your problem, but it can be easily done in many different ways.
The simplest way is using the Queue-Based Load Leveling pattern in conjunction with Competing Consumers pattern.
It consists of creating a queue, add the work to the queue, and each instance get one message to process this work, if one instance goes down and the message is not processed, it goes back to the queue and another instance pick it up.
This way you don't have to worry about the number of instances running, failures and so on.
Regarding the work being put in the queue, it will depend if you want to to do batch processing or process item by item.
Item by item, you put one message in the queue for each item being processed, this is a simple way to handle the work and each instance process one message at time, or multiple messages in parallel.
In batch, you can put a message that represents a list of items to be processed and each instance process that batch until completed, this is a bit trickier because you might have to handle the progress of the work being done, in case of failure, the next time you can continue from where it stopped.
The queue approach is a reactive design, in this case the work need to be put in the queue to trigger the processing, If you want a proactive approach and need to keep track of which work goes to who, you probably might be better of using some other approach, like a Leasing mechanism, where each instance acquire a lease that belongs to the instance until it releases the lease, this would more suitable when you work with partitioned data or other mechanism where you can easily split the load.
Regarding the issue with the ID, an option would be the InstanceId of the replica you are on, you can reach by StatelessService.Context.InstanceId, it is not a sequential ID, but it is a random number. It is better than using the node id, because you might have multiple partitions on same node and the id would conflict with each other.
If you decide to use named partitions, you could use order in the partition name instead, so each partition would have a sequential name.
Worth mention that service fabric has a limitation that doesn't allow services to have multiple replicas on same node, because of this limitation you might have to design your services with this in mind, otherwise you won't be able to scale out once the limit is reached. Also, the same thread has some discussion about approaches to process multiple distributed items that might give you some ideas.

Algorithm and Data Structure - Queue

The 2 queueing strategies are as follows:
1. A single queue. Each server will take the next customer as soon as the server becomes available.
2. A queue for each server. Customers will choose the server with the shortest queue on arrival and not allowed to jump queue thereafter.
Can someone explain the 2nd queue? It means the same thing as the first queue just that the customer will choose the shortest one(which means will faster process the customer) to queue. Where can I get more information of this queue or if there is any sample code?
Image representing the two queuing strategies
It has been found out that the single queue - multiple servers approach is more efficient than the multiple queues approach. In this approach, the waiting time is almost equally distributed among all the customers, even though the processing time for each customer is different.
Here is a link to a detailed analysis and mathematical proof of the same.
Comparison Between Single and Multiple Queues

Why doesn't my Azure Function scale up?

For a test, I created a new function app. I added two functions, one was an http trigger that when invoked, pushed 500 messages to a queue. The other, a queue trigger to read the messages. The queue trigger function code, was setup to read a message and randomly sleep from 1 to 30 seconds. This was intended to simulate longer running tasks.
I invoked the http trigger to create the messages, then watched the que fill up (messages were processed by the other trigger). I also wired up app insights to this function app, but I did not see is scale beyond 1 server.
Do Azure functions scale up soley on the # of messages in the que?
Also, I implemented these functions in Powershell.
If you're running in the Azure Functions consumption plan, we monitor both the length and the throughput of your queue to determine whether additional VM resources are needed.
Note that a single function app instance can process multiple queue messages concurrently without needing to scale across multiple VMs. So if all 500 messages can be consumed relatively quickly (again, in the consumption plan), then it's possible that you won't scale at all.
The exact algorithm for scaling isn't published (it's subject to lots of tweaking), but generally speaking you can expect the system to automatically scale you out if messages are getting added to the queue faster than your functions can process them. Your app will also scale out if the latency of the first message in the queue is continuously increasing (meaning, messages are sitting idle and not getting processed). The time between VMs getting added is usually in the tens of seconds.
There are some thresholds based on queue count as well. For example, the system tries to ensure that there is at least 1 VM for every 1K queue messages, but usually the scale decisions are based on message throughput as I described earlier.
I think #Chris Gillum put it well, it's hard for us to push the limits of the server to the point that things will start to scale.
Some other options available are:
Use durable functions and scale with Threading:
Another method could be to use Event Hubs which are designed for massive scale. Instead of queues, have Function #1 trigger an Event, and your Function #2 subscribed to that Event Hub trigger. Adding Streaming Analytics, could also be an option to more fully expand on capabilities if needed.