Why doesn't my Azure Function scale up? - powershell

For a test, I created a new function app. I added two functions, one was an http trigger that when invoked, pushed 500 messages to a queue. The other, a queue trigger to read the messages. The queue trigger function code, was setup to read a message and randomly sleep from 1 to 30 seconds. This was intended to simulate longer running tasks.
I invoked the http trigger to create the messages, then watched the que fill up (messages were processed by the other trigger). I also wired up app insights to this function app, but I did not see is scale beyond 1 server.
Do Azure functions scale up soley on the # of messages in the que?
Also, I implemented these functions in Powershell.

If you're running in the Azure Functions consumption plan, we monitor both the length and the throughput of your queue to determine whether additional VM resources are needed.
Note that a single function app instance can process multiple queue messages concurrently without needing to scale across multiple VMs. So if all 500 messages can be consumed relatively quickly (again, in the consumption plan), then it's possible that you won't scale at all.
The exact algorithm for scaling isn't published (it's subject to lots of tweaking), but generally speaking you can expect the system to automatically scale you out if messages are getting added to the queue faster than your functions can process them. Your app will also scale out if the latency of the first message in the queue is continuously increasing (meaning, messages are sitting idle and not getting processed). The time between VMs getting added is usually in the tens of seconds.
There are some thresholds based on queue count as well. For example, the system tries to ensure that there is at least 1 VM for every 1K queue messages, but usually the scale decisions are based on message throughput as I described earlier.

I think #Chris Gillum put it well, it's hard for us to push the limits of the server to the point that things will start to scale.
Some other options available are:
Use durable functions and scale with Threading:
Another method could be to use Event Hubs which are designed for massive scale. Instead of queues, have Function #1 trigger an Event, and your Function #2 subscribed to that Event Hub trigger. Adding Streaming Analytics, could also be an option to more fully expand on capabilities if needed.


process pubsub messages in constant rate. Using streaming and serverless

The scenario:
I have thousands of requests I need to issue each day.
I know the number at the beginning of the day and hopefully I want to send all the data about the requests to pubsub. Message per request.
I want to make the requests in constant rate. for example if I have 172800 requests, I want to process 2 in each second.
The ultimate way will involved pubsub push and cloud run.
Using pull with long running instances is also an option.
Any other option are also welcome.
I want to avoid running in a loop and fetch records from a database with limit.
This is how I am doing it today.
You can use batch and flow control settings for fine-tuning Pub/Sub performance which will help in processing messages at a constant rate.
A batch, within the context of Cloud Pub/Sub, refers to a group of one or more messages published to a topic by a publisher in a single publish request. Batching is done by default in the client library or explicitly by the user. The purpose for this feature is to allow for a higher throughput of messages while also providing a more efficient way for messages to travel through the various layers of the service(s). Adjusting the batch size (i.e. how many messages or bytes are sent in a publish request) can be used to achieve the desired level of throughput.
Features specific to batching on the publisher side include setElementCountThreshold(), setRequestByteThreshold(), and setDelayThreshold() as part of setBatchSettings() on a publisher client (the naming varies slightly in the different client libraries). These features can be used to finely tune the behavior of batching to find a better balance among cost, latency, and throughput.
Note: The maximum number of messages that can be published in a single batch is 1000 messages or 10 MB.
An example of these batching properties can be found in the Publish with batching settings documentation.
Flow Control
Flow control features on the subscriber side can help control the unhealthy behavior of tasks on the pipeline by allowing the subscriber to regulate the rate at which messages are ingested. These features provide the added functionality to adjust how sensitive the service is to sudden spikes or drops of published throughput.
Some features that are helpful for adjusting flow control and other settings on the subscriber are setMaxOutstandingElementCount(), setMaxOutstandingRequestBytes(), and setMaxAckExtensionPeriod().
Examples of these settings being used can be found in the Subscribe with flow control documentation.
For more information refer to this link.
If you are having long running instances as subscribers, then you will need to set relevant FlowControl settings for example .setMaxOutstandingElementCount(1000L)
Once you have set it to the desired number (for example 1000), this should control the maximum amount of messages the subscriber receives before pausing the message stream, as explained in the code below from this documentation:
// The subscriber will pause the message stream and stop receiving more messsages from the
// server if any one of the conditions is met.
FlowControlSettings flowControlSettings =
// 1,000 outstanding messages. Must be >0. It controls the maximum number of messages
// the subscriber receives before pausing the message stream.
// 100 MiB. Must be >0. It controls the maximum size of messages the subscriber
// receives before pausing the message stream.
.setMaxOutstandingRequestBytes(100L * 1024L * 1024L)

GCP Dataflow: System Lag for streaming from Pub/Sub IO

We use "System Lag" to check the health of our Dataflow jobs. For example if we see an increase in system lag, we will try to see how to bring this metric down. There are few question regarding this metric.
1) What does system lag exactly means?
The maximum time that an item of data has been awaiting processing
Above is what we see in GCP Console when we hit information icon. What does an item of data mean in this case? Stream processing has concept of Windowing, event time vs processing time, watermark, etc. When is an item considered awaiting to be processed? For example is it simply when the message arrives regardless of its state?
2) What is the optimum threshold for this metric?
We try to keep this metric as low as possible, but we don't have any recommendation on how low we should keep it. For example do we have some recommendation such as keeping system lag between 20s to 30s is optimum.
3)How does system lag implicates sinks
How does system lag affect latency of the event itself?
Depending on the pipeline being executed there are a number of places that elements may be queued up awaiting processing. This is typically when the elements are passed between machines, such as within a GroupByKey, although the PubSub source also reflects the oldest unacked element.
For a given step (sinks included) "System Lag" measures the age of the oldest element in the closest input queue to that step.
It is not unusual for there to be spikes in this measure -- elements are pulled off the queue after they are processed, so if many new elements are delivered it may take a while before the queue is back to a manageable size. What is important is that the system lag goes back down after these spikes.
The latency of a sink depends on several factors:
The rate that elements arrive in the pipeline limits the rate the input watermark advances.
The configuration of windowing and triggers affect how long the pipeline must wait before emitting a given window.
System lag is a measure of how much added delay is currently being introduced by code executing within the pipeline.
It is likely easier to look at the "Data Watermark" of the sink, which reports up to what point in (event) time the sink has been processed.

Distributed timer service

I am looking for a distributed timer service. Multiple remote client services should be able to register for callbacks (via REST apis) after specified intervals. The length of an interval can be 1 minute. I can live with an error margin of around 1 minute. The number of such callbacks can go up to 100,000 for now but I would need to scale up later. I have been looking at schedulers like Quartz but I am not sure if they are a fit for the problem. With Quartz, I will probably have to save the callback requests in a DB and poll every minute for overdue requests on 100,000 rows. I am not sure that will scale. Are there any out of the box solutions around? Else, how do I go about building one?
Posting as answer since i cant comment
One more options to consider is a message queue. Where you publish a message with scheduled delay so that consumers can consume after that delay.
Amazon SQS Delay Queues
Delay queues let you postpone the delivery of new messages in a queue for the specified number of seconds. If you create a delay queue, any message that you send to that queue is invisible to consumers for the duration of the delay period. You can use the CreateQueue action to create a delay queue by setting the DelaySeconds attribute to any value between 0 and 900 (15 minutes). You can also change an existing queue into a delay queue using the SetQueueAttributes action to set the queue's DelaySeconds attribute.
Scheduling Messages with RabbitMQ
A user can declare an exchange with the type x-delayed-message and then publish messages with the custom header x-delay expressing in milliseconds a delay time for the message. The message will be delivered to the respective queues after x-delay milliseconds.
Out of the box solution
RocketMQ meets your requirements since it supports the Scheduled messages:
Scheduled messages differ from normal messages in that they won’t be
delivered until a provided time later.
You can register your callbacks by sending such messages:
Message message = new Message("TestTopic", "");
And then, listen to this topic to deal with your callbacks:
consumer.subscribe("TestTopic", "*");
consumer.registerMessageListener(new MessageListenerConcurrently() {...})
It does well in almost every way except that the DelayTimeLevel options can only be defined before RocketMQ server start, which means that if your MQ server has configuration messageDelayLevel=1s 5s 10s, then you just can not register your callback with delayIntervalTime=3s.
Quartz+storage can build such callback service as you mentioned, while I don't recommend that you store callback data in relational DB since you hope it to achieve high TPS and constructing distributed service will be hard to get rid of lock and transaction which bring complexity to DB coding.
I do suggest storing callback data in Redis. Because it has better performance than relational DB and it's data structure ZSET suits this scene well.
I once developed a timed callback service based on Redis and Dubbo. it provides some more useful features. Maybe you can get some ideas from it https://github.com/joooohnli/delay-callback

Biztalk - How to throttle a streaming disassemble pipeline

I need to limit the number of orchestration instances spawned while debatching a large message in a streaming disassemble receive pipeline. Let’s say that I have a large xml coming in that contains 100 000 separate "Order" message. The receive pipeline would then debatch it and create 100 000 "ProcessOrder" orchestrations. This is too much and I need to limit that.
The debatching needs to be done in a streaming manner so that I only load one "Order" message in memory at a time before sending it to the messagebox;
The debatching needs to be throttled based on the number of current running "ProcessOrder" orchestration instances (say if I already have 100 running instances, the debatching would wait till one is over to send another "Order" message to the messagebox).
Where I'm at
I have the receive pipeline that does the debatching and functional modifications to my messages. It does what it should in a streaming manner and puts individual messages in VirtualStreams;
I have an orchestration and helper methods that can limit the number of “ProcessOrder” orchestration instances.
The problem
I know that I can run a receive pipeline inside an orchestration (and that would solve my problem since on every "getnext" call to the pipeline, I could just hold on if there are too many running orchestration instances) but, digging in biztalk dlls, I noticed that using Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.XLANGPipelineManager still loads up all the messages in memory instead of enumerating them like Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.PipelineManager does. I know they are putting every messages in VirtualStream but this is still inadequate, memory wise, for such a large message number.
My next step would be to run the receive pipeline directly in the receive port (so it would use Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.PipelineManager) without having the orchestration that limits the number of “ProcessOrder” instances, but to meet the requirements, I would need to add a delay logic in my pipeline. Is this a viable option? If not, why? and what other alternative do I have?
You should debatch all messages once from pipeline and store those individual messages in MSMQ before even they are processed by orchestration. Use standard pipeline to debatch messages as they are efficient to handle large files debatching. MSMQ is available for free through Turn On Windows Features. Using MSMQ is very easy and does not require any development. Sending to MSMQ will be very fast 100K messages is not issue at all.
Then have a receive location to read from MSMQ. Depending on your orchestration throughput, you can control message flow by using BizTalk receive host throttling or by receiving the messages from MSMQ in Order or using the combination of both. Make sure you have separate host instance for both receive MSMQ and send MSMQ and for your orchestration processing.
This will be done through all configurations without any extra code simplifing your design. Make sure you have orchestration with minimum number of persistent points.

Questions on synchronous ZeroMQ pipeline architecture

So, i built this small example of a ZeroMQ pipeline architecture because i'll end up having to do something similar very soon and i'm trying to grasp the pipeline concept the right way.
Right now, this is completely asynchronous. The controller dispatches a batch of tasks to various workers, which in their turn, send a message to the sink. The controller and sink are fixed parts of my architecture, while workers are dynamic. That's perfect.
However, i would like to know when the workers have finished working on all their tasks. In that example, i do know the amount of messages, but that won't be true on real-life situations. I might have 100 messages or 10,000. So, how can the sink or the controller know when the workers have finished working on their tasks? I have to perform some actions that depend on the conclusion of the jobs sent to workers.
I wanted to expand on #bjlaub's answer. It started as a comment but I was typing too much. I agree with the concept of acknowledgment, but believe it can originate in multiple places.
There are multiple approaches to this communication and it all depends on the behavior you are after in the system.
First, you can either send out messages from the workers as they finish each task, or from the sink as it receives each task. Right now I am not addressing the type of socket, only the act of communicating. I believe it is much more efficient to send it from the sink as you would only need one connection back to the controller instead of one for each worker. The sink does not need to know how many total tasks there are. Only that it is firing off a message after each result it receives. The controller can determine how many to expect since it was the submission point and new when it had exhausted its submission (the count).
Now regardless of whether you have the message sent from the worker or the sink, you can use different socket types. If you want the controller to completely block until all work is done, then you can have it be a push/pull until it receives X messages (message content can be anything. Its just a trigger).
This may be limiting if the controller wants to be able to do other work while these tasks are happening. If so, you could maybe use pub/sub, and let the controller subscribe to being notified as tasks complete, and asynchronously maintain a count until the total has been satisfied.
And finally, maybe you have the situation where you want the controller to ask the sink for a status when you deem fit. You can have a req/rep pattern for the controller to ask the sink how many requests it has received on demand.
I'm sure one of these patterns will fit your specific needs.
One idea (disclaimer: I have very little experience w/ 0MQ!):
Setup an "acknowledgment" pipeline in the reverse direction. Since the controller presumably knows how many tasks it has dispatched to the workers (e.g. the number of times it called send), it can use a PULL socket to receive a small message (an integer for example) from each worker indicating the completion of the task. The worker process dispatches its completed result to the sink, and at the same time sends the acknowledgement back to the controller. Once the controller collects the right number of acknowledgements, it can do whatever post-processing is necessary before farming out the next set of work.
You could also push this downstream to the sink, but you would need to notify the sink of the total number of work units to expect before farming them out to the workers.