SQL check value from another table - tsql

I've got multiple tables
I made my query like this :
SELECT a.creation, b.caseno, c.instanceno
FROM TableB b
JOIN TableA a
ON a.caseno = b.caseno
JOIN TableC c
ON c.caseno = b.caseno
WHERE a.creation BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-12-31'
I've got TableD who contains the following column
| InstanceNo | Position | Creation | TaskNo |
The idea is to add a new colum (result) on my query.
If instance from c.instanceno exist on tableD and taskno is 30 or 20, in that case i would like the d.creation but for the max(position).
If not the value null is enough for the column result.

SELECT a.creation, b.caseno, c.instanceno, d.creation
FROM TableB b
JOIN TableA a
ON a.caseno = b.caseno
JOIN TableC c
ON c.caseno = b.caseno
LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(position) position, instanceno, creation, taskno FROM TableD GROUP BY instanceno, creation, taskno) d
ON d.instanceno = c.instanceno
AND d.taskno in (20,30)
WHERE a.creation BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2021-12-31'


If transaction_id is not null join on transaction_id else join on user id - in same join?

I would like to do a single left join from table a onto table b on transaction_id
select a.*, b.*
from tablea a
left join tableb b on b.transaction_id = a.transaction_id
However, there are cases where transaction id on either table is missing, in which case I would like to fall back onto joining on a.user_id = b.user_id. If user_id is also missing then fine, I still want to keep all records from a.
Is there a way I can tell postgres to try joining on one field and if it's missing on either table to then try joining on another field?
Is there a way to do this?
Add a 2nd join to tableb with the condition that the 1st join did not match:
select a.*,
coalesce(b1.col1, b2.col1), coalesce(b1.col2, b2.col2), .....
from tablea a
left join tableb b1 on b1.transaction_id = a.transaction_id
left join tableb b2 on b2.user_id = a.user_id and b1.transaction_id is null

T-SQL select all IDs that have value A and B

I'm trying to find all IDs in TableA that are mentioned by a set of records in TableB and that set if defined in Table C. I've come so far to the point where a set of INNER JOIN provide me with the following result:
TableA.ID | TableB.Code
1 | A
1 | B
2 | A
3 | B
I want to select only the ID where in this case there is an entry for both A and B, but where the values A and B are based on another Query.
I figured this should be possible with a GROUP BY TableA.ID and HAVING = ALL(Subquery on table C).
But that is returning no values.
Since you did not post your original query, I will assume it is inside a CTE. Assuming this, the query you want is something along these lines:
FROM cte
WHERE Code IN ('A', 'B')
It's an extremely poor question, but you you probably need to compare distinct counts against table C
FROM TableA a
We're guessing though.

Query table with multiple joined values

I've created a query that joins six tables:
SELECT a.accession, b.value, c.name, d.description, e.value, f.seqlen, f.residues
FROM chado.dbxref a inner join chado.dbxrefprop b on a.dbxref_id = b.dbxref_id
inner join chado.biomaterial d on b.dbxref_id = d.dbxref_id
inner join chado.feature f on d.dbxref_id = f.dbxref_id
inner join chado.biomaterialprop e on d.biomaterial_id = e.biomaterial_id
inner join chado.contact c on d.biosourceprovider_id = c.contact_id;
The output:
I'm currently working with a PostgreSQL schema called Chado (http://gmod.org/wiki/Chado_Tables). My attempts to comply with the preexisting schema have led me to deposit multiple joined values within the same table (two different values within the dbxrefprop table, three different values within the biomaterialprop table). Querying the database results in a substantial amount of redundant output. Is there a way for me to reduce output redundancy by modifying my query statement? Ideally, I'd like the output to resemble the following:
test001 | GB0101 | source011 | Faaberg,K.; Lyoo,K.; Korol,D.M. | serum | T1 | Iowa, USA | 01 Jan 2005 | 1234 | AUGAACGCCUUGCAUUACUAUGACUAUGAUU
Working query statement:
SELECT a.accession, string_agg(distinct b.value, ' | ' ORDER BY b.value) AS bvalue_list, c.name, d.description, string_agg(distinct e.value, ' | ' ORDER BY e.value) AS evalue_list, f.seqlen, f.residues
FROM chado.dbxref a INNER JOIN chado.dbxrefprop b ON a.dbxref_id = b.dbxref_id
INNER JOIN chado.biomaterial d ON b.dbxref_id = d.dbxref_id
INNER JOIN chado.feature f ON d.dbxref_id = f.dbxref_id
INNER JOIN chado.biomaterialprop e ON d.biomaterial_id = e.biomaterial_id
INNER JOIN chado.contact c ON d.biosourceprovider_id = c.contact_id
GROUP BY a.accession, c.name, d.description, f.seqlen, f.residues;

How to perform != or <> in postgresql

i need to fetch the table1 content which is not present in the table2 i dont think which is possible by <> or != operator so can any one help me here
select t1._id, t1."categoryName", t1.company_id, t1.active from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on t1._id <> t2.category_id
inner join table3 t3 on t2 .department_id <> t3 ._id where t3._id = 1
for example:
a collage can have 10 departments , students enrolled to 5 department which is present 1 collage
table1 is dept
table 3 is col
table 2 looks like this:
col_id| dept_id | student_id
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 2 | 2
1 | 3 | 3
1 | 4 | 4
1 | 5 | 5
i need to fetch rest of the dept_id which is not present in table 2
i need to fetch the table1 content which is not present in the table2
Use a not exists query, something like this:
select *
from table1 t1
where not exists (select *
from table2 t2
where t1._id = t2.category_id)
Note sure how table3 relates to the question "not present in table2"
try not in, or outer join, like here:
select t1._id, t1."categoryName", t1.company_id, t1.active
from table1 t1
left outer join table2 t2 on t1._id = t2.category_id
left outer join table3 t3 on t2 .department_id = t3 ._id
where t3._id = 1
and t2.category_id is null
and t3 ._id is null
yep i got a solution to my question from dbastackexchange this might help others so pasting here
not exists(
inner join dept on(
dept._id = deptcat.dept_id
deptcat.cat_id = cat._id
and dept._id = 1

Update using left join in netezza

I need to perform a left join of two tables in netezza during an update. How can i achieve this ? Left join with three tables are working but not with two tables.
UPDATE table_1
SET c2 = t2.c2
table_1 t1
LEFT JOIN table_2.t1
ON t1.c1=t2.c1
LEFT JOIN table_3 t3
ON t2.c1=t3.c1
this works but
UPDATE table_1
SET c2 = t2.c2
FROM table_1 t1
LEFT JOIN table_2.t1
ON t1.c1=t2.c1
this says like trying to update multiple columns.
When performing an UPDATE TABLE with a join in Netezza, it's important to understand that the table being updated is always implicitly INNER JOINed with the FROM list. This behavior is documented here.
Your code is actually joining table_1 to itself (one copy with no alias, and one with t1 as an alias). Since there is no join criteria between those two versions of table_1, you are getting a cross join which is providing multiple rows that are trying to update table_1.
The best way to tackle an UPDATE with an OUTER join is to employ a subselect like this:
TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from table_1 order by c1;
C1 | C2
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
(3 rows)
TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from table_2 order by c1;
C1 | C2
1 | 10
3 | 30
(2 rows)
SET t1.c2 = foo.c2
SELECT t1a.c1,
FROM table_1 t1a
LEFT JOIN table_2 t2
ON t1a.c1 = t2.c1
WHERE t1.c1 = foo.c1;
TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from table_1 order by c1;
C1 | C2
1 | 10
2 |
3 | 30
(3 rows)