T-SQL select all IDs that have value A and B - tsql

I'm trying to find all IDs in TableA that are mentioned by a set of records in TableB and that set if defined in Table C. I've come so far to the point where a set of INNER JOIN provide me with the following result:
TableA.ID | TableB.Code
1 | A
1 | B
2 | A
3 | B
I want to select only the ID where in this case there is an entry for both A and B, but where the values A and B are based on another Query.
I figured this should be possible with a GROUP BY TableA.ID and HAVING = ALL(Subquery on table C).
But that is returning no values.

Since you did not post your original query, I will assume it is inside a CTE. Assuming this, the query you want is something along these lines:
FROM cte
WHERE Code IN ('A', 'B')

It's an extremely poor question, but you you probably need to compare distinct counts against table C
FROM TableA a
We're guessing though.


Choose "strongest" intersected area

I have a materialized view which is the result of a spatial joint using st_intersect of two polygons layers. Table1 and table2, features of table1 can be itnersected for few polygons of table2, thsi is how i create the mview:
SELECT g.field1,
st_intersection(g.geom, att.geom) AS intersect_geom,
st_area(g.geom) AS geom_area,
st_area(st_intersection(g.geom, att.geom)) AS intersect_area
FROM table1 g
JOIN table2 att ON g.geom && att.geom;
field1 | ogc_fid | intersect_geom| geom_area | intersect_area
aa12345 1 123123 123131 1313123414
aa12345 3 1 1 1
bb12345 2 4124141 13141 14415151
bb12345 1 1243141414 1231313 13131323
From this mview i want to pick just the strongest intersected area and join to a description coming from table2.. I have tried the code below:
select a.*, b.desc
from table1 a
left join lateral
select desc
where table2.ogc_fid= table1.ogc_fid
order by (intersect_area/geom_area) DESC NULLS LAST
limit 1
) b
field1 | ogc_fid | intersect_geom| geom_area | intersect_area | desc
aa12345 1 123123 123131 1313123414 desc for 1
bb12345 2 4124141 13141 14415151 desc for 2
but results here are not the expected ones. I went through other threads but im stuck when trying to get just one result (the strongest), and create a table with those strongest intersection so for one feature in table one i have the most strongest intersected.
If I understood you right, you have done the hard bit already. You just need to pick the one record per field from the view and join with table2... So try this:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (field1) field1, m.ogc_fid, b.desc FROM
mview AS m
INNER JOIN table2 AS b ON b.ogc_fid = m.ogc_fid
ORDER BY field1, (intersect_area/geom_area) DESC

How to find in a many to many relation all the identical values in a column and join the table with other three tables?

I have a many to many relation with three columns, (owner_id,property_id,ownership_perc) and for this table applies (many owners have many properties).
So I would like to find all the owner_id who has many properties (property_id) and connect them with other three tables (Table 1,3,4) in order to get further information for the requested result.
All the tables that I'm using are
Table 1: owner (id_owner,name)
Table 2: owner_property (owner_id,property_id,ownership_perc)
Table 3: property(id_property,building_id)
Table 4: building(id_building,address,region)
So, when I'm trying it like this, the query runs but it returns empty.
SELECT address,region,name
FROM owner_property
JOIN property ON owner_property.property_id = property.id_property
JOIN owner ON owner.id_owner = owner_property.owner_id
JOIN building ON property.building_id=building.id_building
GROUP BY owner_id,address,region,name
HAVING count(owner_id) > 1
ORDER BY owner_id;
Only when I'm trying the code below, it returns the owner_id who has many properties (see image below) but without joining it with the other three tables:
FROM owner_property a
JOIN (SELECT owner_id, COUNT(owner_id)
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(owner_id)>1) b
ON a.owner_id = b.owner_id
ORDER BY a.owner_id,property_id ASC;
So, is there any suggestion on what I'm doing wrong when I'm joining the tables? Thank you!
This query:
SELECT owner_id
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(property_id) > 1
returns all the owner_ids with more than 1 property_ids.
If there is a case of duplicates in the combination of owner_id and property_id then instead of COUNT(property_id) use COUNT(DISTINCT property_id) in the HAVING clause.
So join it to the other tables:
SELECT b.address, b.region, o.name
SELECT owner_id
FROM owner_property
GROUP BY owner_id
HAVING COUNT(property_id) > 1
) t
INNER JOIN owner_property op ON op.owner_id = t.owner_id
INNER JOIN property p ON op.property_id = p.id_property
INNER JOIN owner o ON o.id_owner = op.owner_id
INNER JOIN building b ON p.building_id = b.id_building
ORDER BY op.owner_id, op.property_id ASC;
Always qualify the column names with the table name/alias.
You can try to use a correlated subquery that counts the ownerships with EXISTS in the WHERE clause.
SELECT b1.address,
FROM owner_property op1
INNER JOIN owner o1
ON o1.id_owner = op1.owner_id
INNER JOIN property p1
ON p1.id_property = op1.property_id
INNER JOIN building b1
ON b1.id_building = p1.building_id
FROM owner_property op2
WHERE op2.owner_id = op1.owner_id
HAVING count(*) > 1);

Union which excludes values from the first table

The origional problem I am attempting to solve is that I need to show all rows from a specific "joined" table. However these are sometimes blank with no totals and normally would not show (think categories and counts for each).
So what I am attempting to do is union to a "0 value" data set to show all categories. However when I do the union it shows a 0 value row, as well as the normal data. Here is an example..
SELECT category_name, COUNT(files_number)
FROM files
LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.category_id = files.category_id
SELECT category_name, 0
FROM categories
This will give me a result set that looks similar to this:
category_name | value
open file | 0
open file | 23
closed file | 0
Is there any way to remove duplicate zero value entries? Please not there is also a complex WHERE clause in the actual query, so avoiding duplication on it is preferred.
I don't get why you are doing left join and union..
You can do below to remove duplicates,wrap your query and do group by
;with cte
SELECT category_name, COUNT(files_number)
FROM files
LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.category_id = files.category_id
SELECT category_name, 0
FROM categories
select categoryname,sum(aggcol)
from cte
group by
One way is to select all categories from the categories table, and LEFT JOIN onto the file counts (grouped by category_id).
SELECT c.category_name, ISNULL(fc.FileCount, 0) AS FileCount
FROM categories c
SELECT category_id, COUNT(files_number) AS FileCount
FROM files
GROUP BY category_id
) fc ON c.category_id = fc.category_id
If you want to reverse the query, you could do it something like this, using a RIGHT OUTER JOIN - so every category from categories table is returned, regardless of if there are any files for it:
SELECT c.category_name, COUNT(f.category_id) AS FileCount
FROM files f
RIGHT JOIN categories c ON c.category_id = f.category_id
GROUP BY c.name

Join on a query returns more than one row

I have a query
SELECT id_anything FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (id_tables)
Now, i have a situation which is:
If that join returns two rows from table2 i want to show the id_anything from table1 (1 row only)
and if the join from table2 returns 1 row, i want to show id_anything from table2.
Ps: id_anything from table 2 returns different values
Example data:
id_tables | id_anything
1 | 1
id_tables | id_anything
1 | 10
1 | 100
Return expected: 1
First, get the value you may want to return and the basis for deciding which to return together into one row.
SELECT table1.id_tables, table1.id_anything AS table1_id, MIN(table2.id_anything) AS table2_id, COUNT(*)
FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (id_tables)
GROUP BY table1.id_tables, table1.id_anything
The aggregate function you use doesn't really matter since you'll only be using the value if there is only one.
You can then pick the relevant value:
WITH join_summary AS (
SELECT table1.id_tables, table1.id_anything AS table1_id, MIN(table2.id_anything) AS table2_id, COUNT(*) AS match_count
FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (id_tables)
GROUP BY table1.id_tables, table1.id_anything
SELECT id_tables, CASE WHEN (match_count > 1) THEN table1_id ELSE table2_id END AS id_anything
FROM join_summary

Retrieving the rows using join query

I have two tables like this
---- -------
col1 col2 col1 col2
---------- -----------
A table contains 300k rows
B table contains 400k rows
I need to count the col1 for table A if it is matching col1 for table B
I have written a query like this:
select count(distinct ab.col1) from A ab join B bc on(ab.col1=bc.col1)
but this takes too much time
could try a group by...
Also ensure that the col1 is indexed in both tables
SELECT aa.col1
FROM A aa JOIN B bb on aa.col1 = bb.col1
GROUP BY (aa.col1)
It's difficult to answer without you positing more details: did you analyze the tables? Do you have an index on col1 on each table? How many rows are you counting?
That being said, there aren'y so many potential query plans for your query. You likely have two seq scans that are hash joined together, which is about the best you can do... If you've a material numbers of rows, you'll be counting a gazillion rows, and this takes time.
Perhaps you could rewrite the query differently? If every B.col1 is in A.col1, you could get the same result without the join:
select count(distinct col1) from B
If A has low cardinality, it might be faster to rely on exists():
with vals as (
select distinct A.col1 as val from A
select count(*) from vals
where exists(select 1 from B where B.col1 = vals.val)
Or, if you know every possible value from A.col1 and it's reasonably small, you could unnest an array without querying A at all:
select count(*) from unnest(Array[val1, val2, ...]) as vals (val)
where exists(select 1 from B where B.col1 = vals.val)
Or vice-versa, in each of the above, if every B holds the reference values.