Dynamic navigation bar Flutter - flutter

I have an app for mobile that I would like to adapt for the web. The bottom navigation bar is not looking good for web and I have implemented responsive UI for the rest of the app screens.
Is there a way to make the horizontal bottom navigation bar, vertical for web/desktop layouts or a package to do the same?

You can control the size and change the widget.
check this example
or you can use
Check this link for LayoutBuilder


Is there a way to unselect all navigation items in the m3 NavigationBar in Flutter?

In Flutter with a Material 3 (m3) app, I am using a NavigationBar as bottomNavigationBar of a Scaffold. How can I disable the active indicator for all destinations?
My use case is my app has pages which do not correspond to the bottom destinations.
In such a case, I want to still show all the tabs (being inactive) in the bottom navigation bar.
I know that for a m2 material app, there is a workaround.
So far, I have not been able to make it work on m3.

Is there any way I can implement pull down appbar in flutter?

Can anyone suggest to me how can I build a pull-down appbar. I searched the whole net but can't find any idea regarding this. It would be great if anyone could guide or suggest to me to build the appbar.
Many developers are saying to use SliverAppBar. SliverAppBar basically collapses the app bar when we scroll up the listview or any other widget, whereas I want an app bar that pulls down i.e when we tap the app bar and scroll it down only the app bar grows on top of the body. So basically when we navigate to the home screen the app bar should look like the second referred image i.e it must be closed. But we can pull down that appbar to view the hidden contents of the appbar. I am attaching an image for reference.
I Think what you mean what pull down App is an Appbar that expands try.
the silver Appbar

Beautiful and responsive "dropdown menu" / "pop-up" flutter

Please see the photos attached for the feature, or simply head to https://www.chrislorenzomusic.com and resize the window until you see the dropdown menu in top right corner appears and click on the menu to see the effect.
I'm not sure what this effect or feature is called, but was wondering what it's called and if it was possible to make something similar in flutter?
Before resizing the window
After resizing window the menu at top right corner appears
When clicking on the menu
When an app or widget behaves differently depending on the screen size or orientation it is considered responsive or has a responsive layout.
The Menu itself can be created using a Scaffold with an AppBar and a Drawer. You can configure the AppBar to have the menu icon or the links depending on the size using LayoutBuilder and MediaQuery.of.

How to make An AppBar with widget in app?

How can we make an Appbar like this which is auto adjustable ,can have this many widgets and items benwath it can be scrollable?
You Can use Sliver App Bar See many be

how to Custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter

Can anyone help me how to achieve this customized bottom navigation bar in my app? I am new to flutter.
You can use a package named convex_bottom_bar to achieve very similar style.
