Is there any way I can implement pull down appbar in flutter? - flutter

Can anyone suggest to me how can I build a pull-down appbar. I searched the whole net but can't find any idea regarding this. It would be great if anyone could guide or suggest to me to build the appbar.
Many developers are saying to use SliverAppBar. SliverAppBar basically collapses the app bar when we scroll up the listview or any other widget, whereas I want an app bar that pulls down i.e when we tap the app bar and scroll it down only the app bar grows on top of the body. So basically when we navigate to the home screen the app bar should look like the second referred image i.e it must be closed. But we can pull down that appbar to view the hidden contents of the appbar. I am attaching an image for reference.

I Think what you mean what pull down App is an Appbar that expands try.
the silver Appbar


Floating button that overlaps in all applications

I am learning flutter, and I found myself with the task of creating a floating button, that by minimizing the application the button is visible and overlaps any application, is it possible to create this functionality in flutter?
You should use Scaffold and there's a parameter called floatingActionButton. There you can add a button and it definitely won't overlay anything. You should also search for SafeArea and Listview/SingleChildScrollView. These are great widgets for avoid overlays. Flutter has a great documentation so you can always look up a widget in google and there will be always something.

I want to make a container under app bar which works like a secondary App Bar where I can put my back icon button and title in the center in flutter

I have tried everything. But I can't find a permanent solution How to put the title in the center while my back icon button on the left side. I want to use this secondary app bar on every screen of my app.
Please check the image below for a better understanding.
This is the problem that I am facing
Take a ListView Widget at body of Scaffold and in its children put first widget as a ListTile that comes under AppBar. So that there will be a leading icon and title in center. After that take a Column and add your needed widgets for every page.

Implement next,previous,home page,share button throughout my flutter app

1.I have created a lesson app USING FLUTTER in which I want to implement next,previous,share & home button in each page...How can I do this
2.I need your help
If you have a scaffold, this will have an appbar and you place the actions in the appbar with icon buttons.
A scaffold also has a body which can be a pageview which in turn, can hold your various pages.
Depending on the app, you might get the pageView or a gestureDetector to give you swipe left and right for your previous or next.

Flutter Widget Overflow Parent (Tabbar Oversized item)

I would like to have a tab bar that looks like this:
Note the center "My ID" button.
So here is my main problem:
Obviously I need a SafeArea to deal with irregular shaped screens, which itself need to be embedded in a Container so I can give the bar its background color. But, by doing this, how can I create the "oversized" button at the center?
After spending several hours banging my head against the wall, found a not so elegant solution. (Hey, but it works)
Here's a picture of the result.
So the way I made it work is actually by having two layers.
On the base of the widget tree is a Stack which contains everything that is currently seen on this page.
The actual bar widget has the text and icons, (the My ID part has only text no icon, but a placeholder SizedBox is used in place of the icon otherwise would be there)
By using the stack, I am able lay the round icon on top of the entire bar much like a FloatingActionButton

Flutter overlay is moving

I'm asking how to disable Overlays to move when a Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar is called like on my video below.
The same thing is happening when the keyboard appear. Sometime the blue floattingButton (+) don't come back to it's original position :-(
Thx in advance.
Problem animation
The FloatingActionButton going up when the Scaffold is displayed is something common to all default implementations.
Give a look to the "Bootom app bar" demo in the Gallery app. Press on the search button and you will see it coming up. Or just add a Scaffold to the app that is built with flutter create command.
This happens because of the way the FAB button is placed on the screen and the effect of displaying the Snackbar by the Scaffold.
The FAB button is displayed at the bottom of the content area of the Scaffold content. When the content area is shrinked to include the BottomAppBar, the FAB goes up with it. It has nothing to do with Overlay.
You have two options:
Either you create your own versiĆ³n of the FAB which is not
controlled by the Scaffold.
Or you hack the Scaffold so the size of the SnackBar is not taken
into account.
For this second option you can try the following:
Go to the file /lib/src/material/scaffold.dart in your flutter installation and look for the line with the code snackBarSize: snackBarSize, inside the _ScaffoldLayout class.
Replace it with snackBarSize: Size(0.0, 0.0),
You will see that the FAB stays in its place.