how to Custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter - flutter

Can anyone help me how to achieve this customized bottom navigation bar in my app? I am new to flutter.

You can use a package named convex_bottom_bar to achieve very similar style.


Customise Bottom Tab Bar in Flutter

I'm trying to make a tab bar like this for my flutter project.
Is there a way to do this?
I tried using BottomBarInspiredOutside from awesome_bottom_bar library and got this

How to Create side bar menu with navigation in flutter web

I am new to flutter and working on a web app, I want side bar menu similar to any website. I search a lot but some are using getx for navigation and some are using navigationrail
I don't want to use both of these and neither any other package. Is it possible to create simple side menu bar without using these.
You can use this package easy_sidemenu just define a PageController and you're ready to go

Dynamic navigation bar Flutter

I have an app for mobile that I would like to adapt for the web. The bottom navigation bar is not looking good for web and I have implemented responsive UI for the rest of the app screens.
Is there a way to make the horizontal bottom navigation bar, vertical for web/desktop layouts or a package to do the same?
You can control the size and change the widget.
check this example
or you can use
Check this link for LayoutBuilder

how to make a bottom nav bar like this in flutter without using any package?

how to make a custom bottom nav bar like this in the link below with flutter ?
Try checking this package convex_bottom_bar: ^3.0.0
This package has lots of different types of bottom bar designs.

Flutter, difficulty achieving bottom navigation bar design

I am trying to achieve this type of bottom navigation bar for an app, but I have no idea on how to achieve those animations without causing errors. Please help.
You can use this persistent_bottom_nav package from