How to make An AppBar with widget in app? - flutter

How can we make an Appbar like this which is auto adjustable ,can have this many widgets and items benwath it can be scrollable?

You Can use Sliver App Bar See many be


flutter make widget collapse when scroll

I want to make a container collapse (disappear) when scroll down, and expand (appear again) when scroll up. Just like the search bar in microsoft teams mobile.
I tried to do it using SliverAppBar and it worked but the ListView became lagging and had problems. Is there any way to do it without SliverAppBar?
I think you should only replace AppBar Widget with SliverAppBar
hope I could help.
You may check this library hidable

Dynamic navigation bar Flutter

I have an app for mobile that I would like to adapt for the web. The bottom navigation bar is not looking good for web and I have implemented responsive UI for the rest of the app screens.
Is there a way to make the horizontal bottom navigation bar, vertical for web/desktop layouts or a package to do the same?
You can control the size and change the widget.
check this example
or you can use
Check this link for LayoutBuilder

How to make slide in transition for ListTile in listview in Flutter

I am making an app whose structure is very simple.
A ListView with Listtiles in it.
I want to add animation such that when the screen is opened the listtiles slide in.
Flutter provides a AnimatedList Widget.
Perhaps this native widget will give you the desired output

Hot to create custom sliver appbar in flutter

Can anyone help me to build custom sliver app bar like sliver app bar on this picture. First condition is expanded state, second condition is collapsed state.
I don't know how can I create sliver that will be shaped as I want.check it out

Should I always use a SafeArea at the top level of my flutter screens?

I am curious if I should always use a SafeArea widget at the top level of my screen. I mean....when would I want my content blocked by things like a notch? For me it seems like the answer is never.
So should I not just use SafeArea on every page? If so, should it be above or below the Scaffold widget?
You don't have to use SafeArea on every screen. It actually depends if an AppBar is used or not, because the AppBar automatically calculates the values and adds the required padding.
If you use it above a Scaffold the area where the padding is applied would be black. On the other hand, if you use it below the Scaffold the color of the area would depend on the app theme, probably the Scaffold background color.
If you won't add an app bar or add it. if you want to adjust the screen to be responsive using MediaQuery and you don't need any scroll inside the screen use it.
Use it as the first widget in the body of the scaffold.