I want to exchange messages between line chat messages and Google workspace chat - chat

at the line message API
I'd like to post a line chat message to Google workspace (Chat), but I'd like to know if this is possible or not.
I can now post messages from LINE via GAS, but I would like to reply to the message that came to Google workspace chat to the line side. If anyone has any knowledge, please teach me. I will do it.
I investigated the function of Google workspace chat, but I don't understand
I think the flow will be as follows.
Line Client ⇔ Line message API API ⇔ Google APPS Script ⇔ Google workspace chat


Can't get Google Chat messages with Gmail API

What are the details of your problem?
Until recently, in my own web application, I used the Gmail API to retrieve Google Chat messages as follows.
I was able to get it from "Label: CHAT" by executing as follows.
(1) Acquisition of thread ID belonging to CHAT label
(2) Get message information from thread ID
https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/threads/[Thread ID]
However, it seems that it has been impossible to obtain it since around December 2022, and when I searched for "in: chats" in Gmail, the messages after December 10th were not displayed.
Any method is fine, so I would like to be able to get Google Chat messages as before.
Anyone know the cause and solution?
Please check.
I also tried using the Google Chat API to see if it was possible to get messages, but I could only get messages in the space, and I couldn't get direct messages, so I wasn't able to use it.
I checked all the messages in the labels that can be obtained at "https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/labels", but it seems that chat messages are not included.
Also, in another answer, there was a description that the state included in the Gmail API was a bug, so it is possible that this bug was adapted and it was not displayed, but in that case, there is another way to deal with it. Are you there?
Access CHATS label with Gmail API

Amazon Lex - Enabling responses from Slack mentions

I am creating an Amazon Lex bot as a POC to see what it can do. I have a version of the bot working where I can direct message it and receive responses back. The logging for both Lex and Lambda shows the conversations that are occurring.
I decided to move forward and attempt the same conversation by inviting my bot to a public channel I created. In doing so, I added app_mentions:read, channels:history, chat:write, and chat:write.customize permission to my bot via the OAuth scopes in the app configurations.
When trying to mention my app, the amazon lex logs do not show a conversation is occurring nor is the lambda function executing. It appears that slack is either not receiving the request or the request never calls lex, to begin with.
Does anyone know what is required for slack configurations to at minimum have it call Lex? I don't know if it is reading the mentions though I would think so because it has permissions.

Hangouts Chat bot to post timed message

I can see from this, that a bot can send a message in chat, and if supplied a thread ID that does not exist, will start a new thread and post there. I am wondering if there is a way, given the current REST API or any other compatible with Hangouts, to send a message to a room at a given time of day, rather than when the bot is called or interacted with.
I am working in NodeJS, deploying my project in the GCP.
My apologies for the ambiguity of my question, I am trying to wrap my mind around the GCP environment.
In the bots documentation there are described the three ways in which a bot can send a message to a room. Those are:
Every time the bot is mentioned.
When the bot enters a room for the first time.
When the bot is taken out of the room.
Unfortunately, none of them is a daily message at a given time. If you still have questions, please ask them freely.
We have a working bot (NodeJS based) which sends messages freely. Just use this endpoint https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/create .
Your bot must be invited to the particular space/room for this. You can create threads as well with new and subsequent messages.
We also have bots written in Google Apps Script and there it is also possible.

Is there Kakao Talk Messaging API which is equivalent to LINE's Messaging API?

Is there Kakao Talk Messaging API which is equivalent to LINE's Messaging API?
LINE has "Messaging API" which allows 3rd party application to do following.
Auto-reply to message from LINE user
Push message to LINE user in an arbitrary timing
I'd like to do same thing with Kakao Talk, but I haven't been able to find 2 API to push message to Kakao Talk user in an arbitrary timing.
I studied Kakao Talk APIs in the Kakao Talk developer site, but I couldn't find the equivalent APIs...
Also, I found the stackoverflow question KakaoTalk API - Bot, which suggests that I can do this in the Plus Friends account.
So I created an app in the Plus Friend account from the link below. The page is in Korean only, so I tried to understand the contents with Google Translate...
I found an Smart Chat API to receive and auto-reply message between Plus Friend account and Kakao Talk user.
However, this API does not support push message feature...
Could someone please advise where I can find the API to push message to Kakao Talk user from 3rd party app?
I found that Kakao Talk does not disclose API for push message to Kakao Talk user to public. It is only available through their channel partner. So, I will close this question.

Integrate Facebook messenger into CRM without bot?

we have built a very simple bot that simply passes any message onto our own application. (we want to answer questions asked from our customers to be handled straight from our CRM application for customer service purpose)
Now, the bot is declined with message:
Thank you for your submission. We tested the messenger experience on your associated page and received either no response from your messenger bot or received a human response. Please resubmit with the new, improved version of your bot.
Which raises the question for me: is it even allowed to do human assistance via the messenger API? Or is it bot only? I have read through all the platform policies, use case examples, etc.
So, how do I create the simplest integration? (send message straight through to one of our customer service users?)
Making a bot is easy if you use Wit.ai which is an NLP and speech API. It can integrate with the messenger/graph API. Basically, you send text to wit.ai and it returns the intent. For example: you send "get me a large pizza" to Wit and it returns something like (intent = pizza, size=large, time = now) You could also try api.ai but in my opinion, it is not as good yet.